Preserved Sheet Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde

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Wolf of the Veer
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, United States of America
Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde









"Wulf Armour" - For cooler climates.


"Dragoon Armour" - For Warmer Climates



Griffin Armour" - For Local Archipelago use/ Temperate Climates.


Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde (Theodore the Wolf of Verreland; Wolf of Verreland)
  • Age: Thirty (35) Years Old
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anglian (Verreland Anglian)
  • Linage: Archan
  • Main Ambition: To provide guidance and example to the Verreland Anglian culture and to the people of the Empire, as well as his fellow peers and their peoples. To also serve the Empire militarily.

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Theodore been in Regalia rarely as a young boy, having joined the Viridian Order at ten years of age as many in his family had prior, like his Uncle, Nikolaus and his father, Alaric before him. After being gone for a near decade, with rare occasional visits, Theodore returned after the Ranger Crisis, and with four more years added in training, finally setting up in Regalia, where he has been on and off since 300 A.C.
  • Theodore 'Wolfgang' Vandervelde was born to Alaric and Maria Vandervelde in the County of Altenburg, in southwestern Anglia in the Verreland. The family was rather wealthy in food production and Military eccentric family, with heavy influence of education as well, woven into his early and young adult life.
  • Theodore aspires to find more to life then servitude, and the Empire. Seeking to understand the world beyond what is known, and perhaps settle down one day. This involves a sense of expanding education and morals.

Skill Information

Total Points: 50 Proficiency / 10 Hobby

  • 50 Core Points
    • +20 Sword Combat
    • +20 Shield Combat
    • +10 Strength Training
  • 10 Hobby Points
    • +10 Pathfinding Art
Body Shape
  • Muscular Body Shape
    • Stats Total: 45 (But 30 due to Ailor Max Stats)
      • (0.5 x 10 Pathfinder Art= 5 Points) + (1 x 40 (20 Sword Combat & 20 Shield Combat)= 40 Points)
  • Average Body Fat
  • Common
  • Anglian (From Home Culture and Parents)
  • Alt-Regalian (From Learnt)

Visual Information (Required)


  • Eye Color: Turquoise Blue
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Either shorter cut or slightly longer to eye level.
  • Skin Color: Anglican Peachy skin tone, though slightly tan due to excessive servitude outside/military campaigning, etc.
  • Clothing: Fine silk'd noble wears mixed with rougher leather and some furs a unique outfit suited to Theodore. A scarf he always tends to have on him. Colors vary from the obvious Vandervelde Blue to the maroon/crimson red minor and brown leathers, with brass/gold buttons, or detailing.
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword - called "Bladebreaker"
- Steel Longsword "Bladebreaker"
- Steel Hunting Knife
- Viridian Dogtags
- Regals Coin Pouch with about 100 Regals
- Waterskin filled with water
- Metal Flask filled with Whiskey



Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Theodore Has a defined Jawline, and facial structure typical of Anglian culture. His eyes are a slightly more stilted and inward, giving a natural shadow above, adding to his potential, yet not always present, intimidation factor. He sports a slight amount of facial hair, regularly shaving but it grows back in two to three days, making a bit of stubs across his face the common sight. This does not mean he won't occasionally get lazy and sport a beard.
  • Theodore sports a Muscular Body build, and an array of scars upon his arms and torso, from slashes to a small stab wounds. Upon his face is very minor, yet still notable scars where he clearly has been nicked by a blade. Right arm is tattooed from elbow to shoulder with Anglian tattoos. He weighs about 196 pounds.
  • Fine silk'd noble wears in family colors of blue, black (or maroon/crimson) and golden detail, along with leather and some furs as well as a scarf.
  • Theodore has a very affirmative, very direct voice, and a deeper, hardy tone to such. Occasionally there are slight signs of a Anglian accent among the ends of some words, though this is usually when making a point, or speaking really fast. This can also happen when speaking common with other's of different background, as upon hearing the accent, he tends to let his slip.

Personality (Required with Choice)
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Answer: A warm smile and a nod or a fist pump.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Answer: Separates Fear from Danger, knowing one is a reaction and the other is actual danger. For minor issues, say, a big spider on his shoulder or a large crowd, he'd pause then state, "Oh s*it." or some other swear word, depending on the situation, perhaps with sass.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Answer: Tends to keep it to himself, as part of his discipline, however good or bad such a choice may be. He maintains a cool head and focuses on the task at hand. Also, intuitive sass.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Answer: Necessary and a part of what makes the Empire so.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Answer: Indifferent. The less Ailor like, the more uncomfortable.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Answer: Proud Unionist, having served the church much in the past, and currently as a knight. Other faiths are lesser, but will not go out of his way to shame others if it can be avoided.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Answer: No, magic bad, unless unionist magic.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Answer: They're everything to him. Family is an important part of who he is, from his sister, to his cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. Even the history of the family and it's morals which he lives by, and are based on Viridian morals.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Answer: Being a Proud Viridian for years, the son of a Viridian, and of Verreland Anglian origin. Proud of sword skills and to serve the Empire.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Answer: The morals which they are raised by, family, and the betterment of all human kind.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Answer: Coping with the faces of all those he has killed over his years of service, those he could not save.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Answer: Loss. He'd rather put himself in danger if it would save those around him, having seen enough death for a dozen lifetimes and valuing life.



  • Intelligent - Vandervelde's tends to be very focused on military and education matters, seeing as they believe in family values that a smarter solder can improvise to service better then an uneducated one. This applies to knowledge on languages as well as improvisation. Being able to speak Foreign language of Modern Elven due to a his father always finding value in knowing what the enemy says, also allowing for proper interrogations. The Viridian Code of Conduct heavily influences and inspires the foundation of The Vandervelde Moral Code which all family members follow. Hence, Theodore focuses on Honor and education. With a sense of improvisational adaption by knowledge, Theo is as sharp as his sword, which, in tern, makes him very left minded politically.
  • Skilled in Sword Combat - Servitude in the military, the city guard and the Viridian order has left Theodore skilled in the use of swords in combat. He carries his own named blade called "Bladebreaker", made of a harder, expensive metal, known to chip at cheaper blades.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • Sense of Morality: Theodore tends to show respect, even to his foe, hence, he will not fight dirty, or at least, what he considers dirty. In a sparring tournament, he was told that he fought with a blood lust, not his intention as he was untrained in sword combat all those years ago and hence fought like it was life or death. This often either makes him seem very merciful to some, and very aggressive to others. This CAN be overridden if he is ordered to do so, as his sense of morally, also conflicts the above due to a sense of loyalty to those he serves.
  • Nearsightedness: Seeming to run in many members of the family, Theodore has some aspects of nearsightedness. This isn't too detrimental, minus the fact it's hard to read stuff at a distance and at times, his eyes hurt and he gains headaches. His right eye tends to be more nearsighted then his left, and causing such.
  • Fear of crowds: Though not shown among comrades in an army or in battle, being surrounded by people in the streets or tavern makes this man very uncomfortable. He'll often leave a room or walk out of a conversation if it grows too much for him to handle. It's the sense of unfamiliarity that unsettles him. In battle, there are allies and foe, in the streets, anyone can be a threat.

  • Friendly People: He can't help but enjoy having the company of someone friendly and kind. In a harsh world, these people bring a smile to his face, and as a result, Theo tends to lean more towards these kind of people.
  • New Experiences: As with being adventurous, curious and ambitious, Theodore can't help but love himself some new experiences such as exploring, trying and discovering new things and objects such as chocolate, and meeting new people. These experiences define him by helping him to grow as a person.
  • Military tactics: With a long love for the military and a dream to be a tactician from the young age of five, Theodore admires reading, learning and coming up with his own military tactics. His father began his interest in the subject matter and now Theo strides forward towards his eventual goal of applying his knowledge of it to something greater.
  • Alcohol: He knows it's bad, but it's so good at the same time. He really needs to stop drinking but he can't help but have a good time. Theo can often be found drinking, though recently has tried to stop drinking.
  • Sparring: If there is one thing Theo enjoys doing after he joined the violet order, it's honing his skills with the sword. At the start of his joining of the order, he was untrained. Now, as a captain, his skill has shot up exponentially due to his continual practice. So has his amount of bodily scars.

  • Rude People: Being a overall friendly person means when someone is rude to him or someone he knows, he tends to very much hate that, and the person. Theo tried to avoid these sort of people but it's not always as easy as walking the other way.

  • Annoying Conversations: Theodore isn't much for big elaborate social class and overly talkative individuals He prefers a calm conversation, slow pace or sincerity. Though this said, he is still known to be loud and social when drunk, or amongst trusted friends.

  • Large Crowds: Theodore dislikes large crowds as it makes him feel uncomfortable. He prefers to be more aware of his surroundings and being in a large crowd makes that difficult. As a result, Theodore will often leave an area of a crowd gathering.

  • Loss: Having lost many people close to him, Theo finds it difficult to cope with the death of a friend or someone he knows. When someone he does know dies, he tends to be rather cut off, isolating himself or just not talking much. This last for maybe a few days but he eventually moves past it, as he's had to do so many times before.
  • Cruelty: Unnecessary violence and or torture to an individual or group, namely innocents doesn't sit well with Theodore, though, when Regalia goes on warpaths, he will mostly keep to himself, suffering mentally as a result.

Relationships (Optional)




Life Story


On the 31st of August, in 275 A.C., Theodore Vandervelde was born to Alaric and Maria Vandervelde as their first child. Brought up by a Viridian of a father and a educator of a mother, Theodore was exposed to a wide variety of knowledge at an early age. The young boy was taught in both academics and military history. As he grew up he soon found himself drawn to the military side of his family, looking up to his father and the many in the family that served before him. Once he was ten, Theodore joined the Viridian Order to start his training. He leaned much in the combat of sword and shield, and trained frequently, as his father and many family members before him.


Four years after joining, at age eleven, the Chrysant War broke out. The young boy, still training, watched as many viridian, including his father, a paladin of the Viridian Order, lead his family's armies overseas. As the war raged, many years passed and Theo grew ever more determined to better himself, and uplift those around him, desiring to one day aid his father on the field. In 291 A.C., at age sixteen, the Chyrsant War ended.

Theodore continued training in the order, till 295 A.C. when the Ranger Crisis erupted. Again, Alaric, Theodore's father was sent abroad. In the late stages of his training, he was allowed to join, though all his training never prepared him for the four way mess that was the Ranger Crisis. In one Viridian Deployment, Theodore saved the life of a a group of fellow knights, taking out enemy scouts, though being injured in the process. While his father called it reckless, his fellow knights praised him.


After the fact, Theodore returned to Regalia, completing his training, and by 300 A.C. Alaric soon had his son take more active a roll in political matters of the family, and even economic. His education continued from his home in Altenburg, attending his families Altenburg University, run by Kathie Vandervelde, his aunt. He'd study the Alt-Regalish language to, as parts of his family haled from the region. It was important to Theodore to be able to communicate well, no matter the language he was speaking in, and is often noted as being well spoken, and ease on the ears when speaking.

Theodore would soon find himself drawn back into the world of the Neflin with the start of the Elven War of 302 A.C. This would be Theodore's first full war and his first time fighting along his father as in equal in leading family levi's. From the first Elven war to such wars that involved the Songaskian Sultanate in 303 A.C., the young man grew in reputation, earning the knight name "The Wolf of Verreland". The Qadir occupation of 304 A.C. followed by the Anahera Coup and Dictatorship at the latter parts of 304 A.C. then the Elven Resurgence, in which Theodore aided William Howlester in leading small taskforce with Orc allies to disrupt the Neflin armies in early Spring of 305 A.C. cemented his skill and experience in the art of war. Many referred to him as the Wolf of Verreland as he'd constantly lead men into battle rather then order them ahead, coming back each time, a shell of a man, hardened by battle, yet, cut off emotionally from others. This broke him down, from the inside out, and he's never quite completely healed from his hidden scars.


In his off time he'd serve the Order in smaller community missions returning to continue his Viridian service abroad shortly after with little time between.

With the outbreak of the more recent war against the Neflin, Theodore stayed abroad fighting from Autumn of 305 A.C. till February 306, returning to train and recruit more men from Altenburg, as it became clear that this war was different. The Neflin had formed an empire to revival that of Regalia, with no end to the war in sight. To this day, Theodore follows through with his duties as a Viridian, serving the Empire where he can as an elite knight.

With the transitioning of hands of Verreland by numerous noble houses, Theodore has fought on and off the battlefield for their culture, lifestyle, hearts and minds. While he may not be their lord, he embodies the culture, as a servant of such, either by faith or moral responsibility.

Through the last few years, he has served the Empire abroad in numerous conflicts, returning home for the clicker crisis before taking a few months to inspect recovery around the holy city where he trains to this day, awaiting his next assignment. At his current age, he seeks to use his long and successful reputation as a Viridian to either become a Paladin of the Order like his father or acquire a title and a plot of land where he can restore his family and focus on matters of statecraft.

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I am reviewing this character!
  • "Bad with money" isn't so much a personality trait, as a weakness. It doesn't really define him, he just sucks handling money. Replace that.
  • Add one more weakness, as "bad at swords" is a bit too specific. Tag me when you're done @Zombiel3ait
Progress: Pending!

Life story Updates
Before things got better, they always got worse. In Theo's case, they got rock bottom real fast. In a matter of weeks after his 20th birthday, Theodore was informed of the demise of his fiance, Orfeo Marie. This was essentially the deathblow to the old Theo. After two months of being in a darker place mentally, he managed to pull himself out, however the world had other plans. When going to work at the bakery one day, he found out that his boss, Eldwin, had passed away. With this in mind, the shop had no owner, and Theo could not afford to run it, and so the bakery was lost. It had acted as his second chance, his home, and his only job.

Now, he was back on the streets, broken from the lost of his lover, and his recent mentor. Out of the darkness, however, Theo found his own, internal light, and began to lay his own path, from the one he diverted off of. It all began with a new opportunity at the Sorcha Cafe, as a co-owner, then the eventual self rising into the new, unofficial Merchant class and merchant's guild where Theo would meet the man that would turn everything he knew about his family on it's head. Hugo Artiemus, His uncle.

Rebirth of Theodore and The Artiemus Name - Shortly after being reunited with a branch of his family under his uncle, Theo found himself in a very different, very odd position. The family of merchants and entrepreneurs was at a loss in terms of a family head. Hugo informed Theo that indeed, his father, Hugo's brother, was the family head. When Theo's father died, The responsibility fell to Hugo who was away from Regalia as a traveling merchant. As a result, he passed this down to his sister, Roselyn who acted as family head from Regalia until a year ago with her passing. That's when Hugo returned to Regalia, took up the title of family head, and opened a shop. Once Hugo heard of the merchants guild, he had to join in, and hence, came across his long lost nephew, Theodore. Hugo was too busy to act as family head, as why he avoided it before. Hence, after spending a few weeks assimilating Theodore back into the family, introducing him to the rest, and watching Theo take charge of the new opportunity he was presented, Hugo made the steadfast decision to pass on the right of family head to Theodore, who he felt was the rightful heir to the title after Alaric, Theo's father. Under Theo, many new family connections have been established, and old assets revitalized, acting as a rebirth of the family name to the city, and to itself.

However, there where downsides to this. Theo ended up a very busy young man with the responsibility of someone twice his age. This, compiled with the loss of his former boss and fiance had drained Theo emotionally. The stress truly caught up to him. As for how this will change him remains to be seen as he powers on through this purely out of will power alone, and an empty smile.

Relationship Updates

Darcy Michaeli - Close Friend

It's nearly impossible not to see these two as friends. They both like alcohol! They both draw large crowds of the opposite gender and end up having to run away or deter them for one another. They joke like siblings, making fun of one another, and yet, when it comes down to it, they still get along, forgive one another, and have good laughs. As stuck up, demanding and extremely blunt as this short little cloud head of an Alt-Regalish Alior is, she is one of Theo's closes friends, and for that he is grateful, regardless.

Hugo Artiemus - Uncle

Hugo's relationship to Theo is a unique one in it's own right. Hugo is actually Theo's uncle, and ended up passing the title of family head upon Theo. Hugo is a merchant by practice and enjoys his life but when Theo made a mistake of selling 700 regals worth of cake to Tristen Kade for 70 regals, he lost all rights to work at Hugo's shop. Not that this matters, as Theo runs the family's produce from New Ceardia, so he has well off income. Also, Hugo at this point has forgotten about it.

Ingrid Artiemus - Cousin

Ingrid is the daughter and only child of Roselyn Artiemus, the younger sister to Hugo and Alaric Artiemus. When Roselyn died, Ingrid lived under Hugo. Now in days, she still lives under Hugo, but is a young lady. She tends to hang around Theo, and their relationship is odd at best. Ingrid is more withheld from others, semi-antisocial, and arrogant. Theo is compassionate, open to nearly all, and understanding. Though they do butt heads, they do also get along and almost act as siblings rather then cousins.

Side Note: Orfeo Marie and Eldwin Becker have been updated as deceased. No changes on anything else.

Weapon of Choice

Hard Oak Staff:
Exactly what it's name stats, this is more of a pass time training/meditation thing, and he obviously doesn't walk around with it. Though, with Theo's aspirations for the military, his skill and practice with a staff might come in handy for combat and other weapons.

Side Note: This was added to the Weapon of Choice area, though, as it reads, is not something he'll actually end up using, but rather, as a past time/mediation and training thing, however, I felt it was worth mentioning and interesting to put.
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seriously though. rosathine ish sad naow because you forgot.
Heh... looks nice. I remember the peer review for Theo (this looks totes better). Also, I noticed in rp when you added that mischievous trait, because Theodore hadn't ever snuck up on Kinna like that before. Your character's been gaining flavor; I need to up my game.
Life Story Update
Changed this from getting infected to escaping. T'was a long time ago and terribly bad rp, into to mention it was god rp and voided.

"Things got worse when Theo was kidnapped into the sewers by a group of vampires, though never turned and managed to escape."

Relationships Update
Alexander Beyer - Good Friend

Theodore meet Alexander one day in the tavern when talking to Earl Black. He distinctly remembers that Alex was both intimidating, yet a proper, friendly gentlemen. After many months, he's come to see Alex as a good friend. The two share a common interest in sparing, aspiration in either the military or elsewhere and ale, which actually, a lot of people like ale. With the loss of his fiancee recently, Theo can entirely relate with his loss f his own fiancee, Orfeo.

Rosathine Crawley - Good Friend

Theodore meet Rosathine the same time he meet Alexander, who was also her friend. She was kind and respectful and so they got along just fine. She also offered him helpful advice on certain things and lent an ear in Theo's time of need. Over all, Rosathine has gained the respect and trust of Theo and he sees her as a good friend.

Niko Heinrich - Odd Yet Good Friend

Originally, when Theo heard of Niko through Rosathine and Alexander, he was intimidated by Niko, even looking up to him. However, as time went on and he got to know Niko, he found him a bit odd, or rather, he just didn't understand Niko. Nonetheless, Niko proved to be not only a good guy overall, but rather smart and well at hunting which Theo found interesting. In fact, Niko was the one to hall Theodore away from a hunting accident on which a Grizzly Bear rolled over him, breaking his ribs, and tearing apart Niko's pants, which despite the pain of broken ribs, made Theo laugh.

Kinna Wrightblood - Good/ Unique Friend

Kinna was quite a mysterious yet, interesting one, grabbing Theo's curiosity. She first approached him at the tavern, taking a seat next to him. Although he didn't know at the time, Kinna was actually an assassin sent to kill him. This didn't go down as he soon proved to be a rather good guy, with morels and a general feeling that killing him was the wrong choice to make. Once she told Theo, he mentioned he already found this out early on, yet, they remained good friends.She also seemed to have a crush on him to which he did not find out until much later, and was with someone already at the time. This made for and odd and awkward position but was put under by a renewed sense of working together on business for House Artiemus.

Lucian Artiemus - Uncle (Uncle in law)

Quite simply, Lucian, or Lucian Blackmoor, now Lucian Artiemus married Theo's aunt, Roselyn and had a daughter. That daughter is Theo's cousin, Ingrid. Other then that, Theo knows that Lucian has a ship of his own, is/was a sell sword, and that he is also rather odd, like Hugo.

- Minor Height edit. Since Theo is still aging and growing just a bit, he's now 6 foot 2, as I have played for awhile with him as such, yet haven't edited it till today on my app. I doubt he'll grow anymore in the near future and at most that he'll ever grow is to 6 foot 3.

-Minor Family member age edit. Lunia be 18 now. Not 17.

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Remember F'aeoc? I still do. Never forget F'aeoc.
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Small Updates

Replaced "Ale" in likes section with Alcohol as it's more generalized. Fixed some grammar and spelling and changed Drakar Nightrift to Drakar Darkheart by request of character's owner.

He knows it's bad, but it's so good at the same time. He really needs to stop drinking but he can't help but have a good time. Theo can often be found drinking, though recently has tried to stop drinking.​

Stephan Valor - Friend

Stephan Valor, of the lower nobility family, House Valor, was actually one of Theodore's first real friends in the lower nobility crowd. Rather new to it, Theo found it hard to easily talk with others but Stephan was rather accepting and open, hence, the two got along. After some time and working to establish a trade deal between House Artiemus and House Valor, the two became decent friends and to this day, the relations between the two families could be brought back to the two of them.
Theo feels that thanks to Stephan, he was not only able to establish himself and House Artiemus once more like in the old days of the family, but that he gained a true friend, and a respectable one.

Miriam Valor - Close Friend

Theodore never though he's see something almost as short as Darcy until the day he saw Miriam... damn. Besides the point, moving on, Miriam confronted Theodore when one day, he was at Darcy's house and Darcy was "mad-drunk", chucking bottles into the street cause "she could." This caught Miriam's attention and hence, conversation ensued, and once Theo found out Miriam was a Valor, upon which he previously established good relations with the family, this only made it easier for the two to get along. There was also the fact that Miriam liked booze as well. After sometime, Theo felt they we're good friends but keeping his friend out of trouble was easier said then done. With her recent change in attitude towards him, Theo feels almost abandoned, painfully reminding him of other situations similar to which, but more so involving the loss of someone close to him.

Jaether Cauthin - Conflicted

Theodore's relations to Jaether are quite diverse. Almost as diverse as the terrains in New Ceardia, diverse. Jaether, being his friend Markem's twin, easily became friends with Theodore. The two had a few well placed conversation and talks. Jaether even offered Theo advice at once point, though, since it was on women, and Theo had no desire to deal with that sensitive topic, Orfeo's death still fresh on his mind, he ignored the advice. Soon, this grew into a bit of an issue when Jaether started spending more time with Miriam, and one day, he had to drag both their drunk bums home. He asked Jaether to learn form his mistake, which failed at first, and angered Theo. Though Jaether did learn, Theo still didn't like his influence over Miriam. After the current Anahera incident, and the tensions of the time, Theodore has a disliking towards Jaether, yet, at the same time, misses the Jaether that was once his friend, feeling that this other side of Jaether is not only dragging his friends away from him, but the old Jaether as well.

Lyliana Crawley - Respected Friend

Through Rosathine, Theodore met Lyliana, and the two got along rather well. Theodore respects Lyliana's thinking as a person and he kindness overall, as well as her ambitions though wonder's why she's so withheld at times, perhaps similar reasons to that of Darcy. Nonetheless, Theo enjoys her company and conversation, especially in recent times of conflict and tension. She was more of a positive person to have around, which helped Theodore in his mentally damaged state. Lyliana is also the fiance of a comrade of Theodore's in the violet order, Maxime Ardor.

Hyun Forst - Good Friend/ Assistant

Hyun Forst is a 19 year old Cheji-Ceardian Ailor mix, and former assistant to Theodore's uncle, Hugo Artiemus. Hyun now acts as Theo's personal Assistant, though Theo prefers to see and treat Hyun better then such, more so as an equal an friend. Hyun is also a healer and scribe which comes in handy when Theo "eventually" hurts himself, and or needs to fix up a trade manifest or two. Unknown to anyone by Theodore and Hyun themselves, the two are also skilled fighters in stealth and hunting.

I still see no sight of your best guard buddy that is not a beardless dwarf
Life Story Update
Changed this from getting infected to escaping. T'was a long time ago and terribly bad rp, into to mention it was god rp and voided.

"Things got worse when Theo was kidnapped into the sewers by a group of vampires, though never turned and managed to escape."

Relationships Update
Alexander Beyer - Good Friend

Theodore meet Alexander one day in the tavern when talking to Earl Black. He distinctly remembers that Alex was both intimidating, yet a proper, friendly gentlemen. After many months, he's come to see Alex as a good friend. The two share a common interest in sparing, aspiration in either the military or elsewhere and ale, which actually, a lot of people like ale. With the loss of his fiancee recently, Theo can entirely relate with his loss f his own fiancee, Orfeo.

Rosathine Crawley - Good Friend

Theodore meet Rosathine the same time he meet Alexander, who was also her friend. She was kind and respectful and so they got along just fine. She also offered him helpful advice on certain things and lent an ear in Theo's time of need. Over all, Rosathine has gained the respect and trust of Theo and he sees her as a good friend.

Niko Heinrich - Odd Yet Good Friend

Originally, when Theo heard of Niko through Rosathine and Alexander, he was intimidated by Niko, even looking up to him. However, as time went on and he got to know Niko, he found him a bit odd, or rather, he just didn't understand Niko. Nonetheless, Niko proved to be not only a good guy overall, but rather smart and well at hunting which Theo found interesting. In fact, Niko was the one to hall Theodore away from a hunting accident on which a Grizzly Bear rolled over him, breaking his ribs, and tearing apart Niko's pants, which despite the pain of broken ribs, made Theo laugh.

Kinna Wrightblood - Good/ Unique Friend

Kinna was quite a mysterious yet, interesting one, grabbing Theo's curiosity. She first approached him at the tavern, taking a seat next to him. Although he didn't know at the time, Kinna was actually an assassin sent to kill him. This didn't go down as he soon proved to be a rather good guy, with morels and a general feeling that killing him was the wrong choice to make. Once she told Theo, he mentioned he already found this out early on, yet, they remained good friends.She also seemed to have a crush on him to which he did not find out until much later, and was with someone already at the time. This made for and odd and awkward position but was put under by a renewed sense of working together on business for House Artiemus.

Lucian Artiemus - Uncle (Uncle in law)

Quite simply, Lucian, or Lucian Blackmoor, now Lucian Artiemus married Theo's aunt, Roselyn and had a daughter. That daughter is Theo's cousin, Ingrid. Other then that, Theo knows that Lucian has a ship of his own, is/was a sell sword, and that he is also rather odd, like Hugo.

- Minor Height edit. Since Theo is still aging and growing just a bit, he's now 6 foot 2, as I have played for awhile with him as such, yet haven't edited it till today on my app. I doubt he'll grow anymore in the near future and at most that he'll ever grow is to 6 foot 3.

-Minor Family member age edit. Lunia be 18 now. Not 17.

Correction to this, I had it pointed out to me that I had Theodore at 6 foot 2 and grow to 6 foot 3.

It was 6 foot 3 to 6 foot 4. Thanks Gen.
Removed two prior choice weapons, and replaced with one...

  • Sword (Duel-Wield): This is not something he's done as of yet, but for future reference, such as for world-progression events, he'd be one to have two swords on either side of his waist as apposed to a sword and shield. They'd be short enough to easily duel wield, long enough to still be considered a sword. About wrist to shoulder length of a blade, and then a hilt with a cross-guard of proportioned size on each sword. (This apply only in world progression events or anything of the sort, example, a battle).
How does a lower nobility have no house? If he needs some help I'll be quick to send Anthony over to help him find a house I can even help pay OOC

Removed untrained sword skills as a weakness, and now is a trained swordsman.
Heavy weapons are the new weakness.
Added dislike of Wulong.
Removed dislike of rain, as his sister, Lunia is back, this is now not a bother to him.
Dumb downed his preferred weapon of a bow and arrow to hunting only.

Added a section to life story, probably going to rework that later, I got lazy :P

Oh, and updated some relations. like Hugo being a annoying Uncle.​
Might wanna fix Lyl's relation. She's no longer his fiancee. Nor together.

Removed untrained sword skills as a weakness, and now is a trained swordsman.
Heavy weapons are the new weakness.​
Aren't any weaknesses involving the inability to use a certain type of weapon not valid weaknesses? I mean, @Jared4242 says it ALL the time. I mean, I can't sew (very well), but that doesn't mean effect me everyday. Unless I rip my clothes :p