The Western League


Pizza the Hutt
Jun 13, 2017
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The Western League
"The weak should fear the strong."

Who are we?

The Western League is a coalition of influential Imperial citizens from every aspect of the Empire. Previous iterations of the League only allowed titleholding nobility membership, however as times changed they have opened their doors for people from all classes. The nobility, the gentry, landowners, merchants, officers, industrial tycoons, entertainers, and the list goes on.

What do we do?

The Western League convenes to discuss matters of common interest for the group. Their collective influence in the world is spent to further the goals of the coalition, and while you are allowed to refuse to take action you might run the risk of being cast out of the alliance.

Common interests include the big three; Rights of nobles, the economy and political superiority/stability.

Joining the League

To join the league one must either be invited and vouched for by two other members or submit an application for membership.

The application process is quite simple and a response is guaranteed within 48 hours. Though keep in mind, it is more of an expression of interest than an application.

The Form



General Secretary: His Serene Grace, Duke Hengest I of House Harhold(@Jonificus)
His Grace, Duke Gallus of the House Tyrannian @Aespair
His Excellency, Aeralaanys Rhylovhas, Secretary of the Magi @Scribbe
Madame Milena du Brierüst, Margravine of Nearhearth and owner of The Rose Record newspaper @canaaa
Last edited:
IGN: Titustastic
Disc: You've got it

To his most serene Grace, Hengest Harhold

Spirit's greetings! I've little time and much to do. So, I must make this letter of mine short. You and I have met on several ocassions, some pleasants others have not. But I have always thought our two minds think in similar ways. Now hearing of this coalition of yours, I had to pen this letter in the hopes of gaining entry to the newly founded organisation. May the Spirit guide you in placing a verdict.

Rev. Jakob Hendrik Ludevar​
IGN: prem_
Disc: prem#7990


Addressed to His Serene Grace, Grand Duke Harhold,

It is a pleasure to write you Grand Duke, and I write in regards to your Western League, which sounds very promising. I am Ser Angelo dei Marchesi, and I am afraid my newly emigrated to the Holy City status warrants introductions. I'm sure it is unlikely you have heard of me, although I serve as the Sword's Legate of the Synod under the High Reverend Manfried II. I trust you will consider my application with due consideration.

Spirit Keep,
Ser Angelo dei Marchesi.
Knight of Villiers-Eclaire,
Sword's Legate of The Claws of Union.
IGN: Last_Link
Disc: You have it.

To the Grand Duke Harhold,

I seek membership in this league you are putting together. Our houses will never be on friendly terms in the foreseeable future, but if were both gaining from an alliance then I see no reason as to why we cannot work together.

Robert Carwell
Baron of Norreck

IGN: nath_n
Disc: @nath_n#7655

To the Grand Duke and his most Serene Grace Hengest I Harhold,

I write in inquisitive and request of membership of your assembled league of peers. In the past memory of the former Western League it was strongly built with houses like yourself and du Pont, very stoic, strong and sturdy stepping stones of the cities finest nobility. I hold interest to join it for myself an see what is offered to the common eye behind closed doors. I hope to see you in futures time. Spirit prevails your most Serene Grace.

Alexander Rodrigo de Silva.
IGN: Anarchizm
Disc: You have it.

To the Grand Duke Harhold,
It would be an honor to be apart of nice group that would discuss politics. I see nothing but wonderful things ahead for myself and those apart of the Western League. So, I've decided to write you in the hopes of being accepted.

Julius Peirgarten
IGN: Anarchizm
Disc: You have it.

To the Grand Duke Harhold,
It would be an honor to be apart of nice group that would discuss politics. I see nothing but wonderful things ahead for myself and those apart of the Western League. So, I've decided to write you in the hopes of being accepted.

Julius Peirgarten

Approved !