The Violet Order

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Jul 16, 2012
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Once starting out as the collective Knights and City Milita tasked with defending the Royal Family under Emperor Theomar the First, the Violet Order has undergone varied successes and failures since. Men such as Ulric Typhonus, Gustavo Anahera, William Coen, and others have at various points Commanded the Violet Order to protect the Royal Family. Today, the Regalian Guard is the Violet Order once more, armed to the teeth with Siege Crossbows, Bluesteel Armor, and the prowess expected of the chief Law Enforcement Charter. They hold three missions above all.

1. Protect the Capital of the Regalian Empire, its interests, and its people, especially those of noble and imperial blood, at all costs.
2. Investigate, battle, defeat, and imprison those who would seek to wrong the children of the Regalian Empire, through sleuthing, strength, and loyalty
3. Never act with cruelty when it is not necessry, never seek to further your own self-interests over that of the Empire, and never forget that the price of disloyalty is far worse than dismemberment.

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Charter Rights
➳The right to enforce Regalian State Law.
➳The right to arrest, detain and punish criminals who break Regalian State Law.
➳The right to utilise and openly carry non-military grade weapons.
➳The right to wear armour while working.
➳The right to conduct investigations into criminal matters and gather evidence for ongoing Cases and Trials.

Ranks, Roster, and Riches
Lord Commander
The Lord Commander is the highest rank within the Violet Order, tasked with administering, organizing, and leading the entirety of the Order. With their position usually comes an Office, and a note from the previous Lord Commander as their only source of wisdom. He relies heavily on a Chief Secretary, currently a position held by Kaldi Ulfmaerr (@Jehkobas)

Crown Protectorate

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This individual is the most active and influential among the Crown Protectors and is second in authority only to the Lord Commander. They are expected to lead the Order in their efforts to organize patrols, host events, investigate, and train. They receive an office to themselves in the Black Tower.

Crown Protectors

The Crown Protectors often hold events, train the lesser ranks, and can issue commands to all but Oberst's, who they share equal rank with. They are exclusively members of the Noble Peerage who serve with the Violet Order. Each House has a private office for all their members. Some Crown Protectors receive a custom weapon, armor, or gift if they host enough events or commit to a single act of heroics.

The Obersts

The Oberst within the Regalian Guard are the highest position that can be attained by any non-Noble Guardsman (and with exception, noble). These Captains are often seen as the higher leading positions, as well as the trainers and mentors of the lower ranks. Success is measured by leadership activity during events, organizing events, forming and leading patrols in a squad, and training the lower ranks. Being the non-noble equals of Crown Protectors, they receive a personal office and a custom weapon of their choosing.

The Captains

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The Captains within the Regalian Guard is the second highest Guardsman position that is often seen as a guiding and training position, meaning the Captains oversee the fitness and military capabilities of the Guards of Regalia. They often achieve their rank and maintain it by being the most efficient Guards in battle or in the investigation. These members are granted a personal gift or favor from the Lord Commander for their service.

The Ensigns

  • Head Torturer Urijah Jameson (@Pallaeon)
  • Detective Humbert de Nodier (@Sebbysc)
  • Detective Charles de Nodier (@Chad_Nightly)
  • Silver Valentine (@skullpanda90)
  • Alec Dondario (@DeltaInsomnia)
Ensigns in the Regalian Guard are the on-hand leaders of the Guards who mostly act as a command in the field. They lead the patrols, arrests and in the absence of higher authority, have limited capability to issue arrest warrants passed down by the Government. Ensigns and above may hold custom titles that give them expanded responsibility and opportunity.

The Guards

The Guards make up the majority of the Violet Order. Their main objective is the protection of the common people and nobility, achieved through constant patrolling and peacekeeping. Success is measured in the act of participating in patrols under Captains. They are given Violet Order Armor (Bluesteel) and simple non-military grade weapons.
The Violet Order accepts those from any faith and all humanoid races. However, applications and applicants are scrutinized before entry. One must be 18 years of age, must have some sort of military school background, and must be a Regalian Citizen. An interview is usually conducted before approval by the Lord Commander. With that said, applications can be as detailed below.

Application ➳
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is your character a noble?:
IC Letter:

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In Game Name: HeyoFreyo
In Character Name: Brynn Shultacre
Approved Character Application Link: Link
Combat School and Level: Griffer, Champion
Is your character a noble?: Aspiring to be, otherwise no.
IC Letter:

Lord Commander Jared Kade,

Hello, My name is Brynn Shultacre, and I write to you today regarding a position within the Violet Order. Currently, I am a champion in the school of griffer. If you'd like to conduct an interview, please write me back.

Spirit Bless,

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In Game Name: xXKingDraugerXx
In Character Name: Harald Úlfurtönn
Approved Character Application Link: HERE
Combat School and Level: Trainee Skagger
Is your character a noble?: Yes
IC Letter: Put the Letter in a spoiler to not clutter or anything.
Dear Lord Commander Kade,
Hello, I wish to join the violets, yep, not much to say. My name is Harald Úlfurtönn, I am a Trainee Skagger. I am aware of the stuff going on with the Dragon, but I guess it's just life for stuff to happen. Whether you want to interview me or not, that is up to you.
Harald Úlfurtönn
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Idunn Freyr
Approved Application: Here
School: Champion Skagger
Is your character Noble? Nope
IC Letter:
Dear Commander Kade,

I have been aware of the attacks on Regalia. I would like to join the Order to help with not only the dragon but anything else you need me for. It would be a waste of skill not join a militia. So I suppose There's nothing more to say, interview me if you like. But I have nothing more to say.

In Game Name: NathanMC14

In Character Name: Kendrick Dondario (Soon Shultacre).

Approved Character Application Link: Not yet, WIP.

Combat School and Level: Feer-Drakken, Warrior.

Is your character a noble?: Nope.

IC Letter:

"Greetings Lord-Commander Kaya Sorenvik, I wish to follow in the footsteps of my Brother, and soon to be Sister-In-Law and help protect the Holy City against the several threats of recent times and that may be yet to come. I am willing to pledge my mace and heart to the Violet Order, I shall wear the uniform with pride and respect for the great deeds that the Violets before us have achieved.

Spirit's blessings.
- Kendrick Dondario, soon to be Shultacre."​
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To Kaya,

Alright Consider me there in the very near future!

Application ➳
In Game Name: IndigoIvy
In Character Name: Marianne Speziale
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: School of Turall, Warrior
Is your character a noble?: Yes, though a fairly low one.
IC Letter:
Greetings and salutations, Commander.
I was a former guard in several other chapters, and wish to rejoin the guards of Regalia. I have had much experience with the foes of this glorious city, and I wish to be able purge this city of crime once again. Please contacct me for further questions.
Imperial Spirit's blessings, Marianne Speziale.
In Character Name: Keagan Norwood
Approved Character Application Link: Tah Dah~
Combat School and Level: Bloodcast/Champion
Is your character a noble?: Yes
IC Letter:

To Ser du Pont,
You told me to pen you a letter to join to close our deal, here it is.
Imperial Ser Keagan Norwood
Lord of Hirschhöhle
Knight of the Bloodcast Order
Dear Lord Commander,
I will be leaving the Violet Order,
Harald Wolfzahn
(OOC: Harald Ulfurtonn as it says on the roster)
In Game Name: Synthesia
In Character Name: William Visarian
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny/Fighter
Is your character a noble?: Yes
IC Letter:
Dear Lord Commander,
I wish to join the Violet Order. I served under The Vigilant Shield for a time, and fought Freya Lo and her army to take back the city. I have training in the Tenpenny School, as well as training in combat from my father and teacher in Vixhall.

I hope this reaches you well,
William Visarian

Andronicus has requested to leave the Violet Order, so I am asking you to remove him from the list.
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