~the Unionist Study Committee~


Urlan Advocate
Sep 12, 2015
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
The Wilderness
~The Unionist Study Committee~

The Unionist Study Committee is a group of Unionists simply wishing to better everybody, including themselves, in the beliefs of Unionism. They also strive to better the Church itself, and make a way, for the Great Way. They also try taking people off the streets, and having immerse conversations with them, questioning them on their beliefs, and inviting them to a small group.

It was made for Unionists to come together, and grow in their faith, along with others.


  1. To clean Regalia of all heretics.​
  2. To bring Ailor Unionists closer together, and work as one being, and entity.​
  3. To allow non-Ailor to grow in their faith.​
  4. To help better the church.​
  5. Assist fellow Unionists and members with their personal struggles.​
  6. To better Unionists' faith, and let it grow.​
  7. To make Unionist texts in other foreign languages.​
  8. To spread the word of Unionism.​


(Higher ranks also have possession of the powers of the previous ranks)

  • Grand Mastuer: The great 'leader' of the U.S.C. He is the one who will approve of events. Has all the rights to remove people from the group. Besides those two factors, he has all the powers of his lower ranked members.-Allard Dueal

  • Lower Mastuer: Second in Command, elected by members. Will do duties of the Grand Mastuer during one's absence. Is allowed to remove people from the group, for any reason.

  • Speaker's of the 'House': Higher ranked members. They are allowed to propose ideas, and events to the Grand Mastuer, and await for approval. Also allowed to host public speeches at will. Allowed to invite people INTO the group.

  • Blossoms of the 'House': Female members. (Read Eyes of the 'House'.) @JennaLikesCoffee @camegg

  • Eyes of the 'House': Your average member of the group, they are allowed to suggest event ideas, to Speakers, and refer people to the group, but can invite those to small groups. @BeashSlap @Ghirko
  • Googly Eyes: Yes, an actual rank, but. For new members They can only attend small groups, and events till inducted as an Eye, or Anti-A-Eye.. (Will be used when we have more members)


Inductions and promotions are grand events within the group. Which all involve a small ceremony, inside of a small group.


  1. IGN: (Mandatory)

  2. Forum Name: (Mandatory)

  3. Character Name: (Mandatory)

  4. Character Race: (Mandatory)

  5. Is your character Unionist?: (Yes, or No)

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: (Discord is mandatory, Skype, optional.)

  7. Is your character approved?: (We like those)

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur: (Mandatory.)
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IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Forum Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Character Race: Ailor, Northerne; Balltarc.
Is your character Unionist?: Yes.
Do you have access to skype?: Yes.
Is your character approved?: Yep! (x).
IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur:

To the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur,

As a proud and humble Unionist, a former Inquisition Recruit, and a Champion Skagger, I would be honoured to join this committee. I hope you will grace me with letting me join your organization, I look forward to bettering the Unionist faith and all else. Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope I hear from you soon.

May the Spirit guide you,
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Forum Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Character Race: Ailor, Northerne; Balltarc.
Is your character Unionist?: Yes.
Do you have access to skype?: Yes.
Is your character approved?: Yep! (x).
IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur:

To the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur,

As a proud and humble Unionist, a former Inquisition Recruit, and a Champion Skagger, I would be honoured to join this committee. I hope you will grace me with letting me join your organization, I look forward to bettering the Unionist faith and all else. Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope I hear from you soon.

May the Spirit guide you,
A fine letter would be sent in return...
To Ex-Inquisitor Årud,

I will expect great things from you, as your back round will help your peers grow stronger with their beliefs. I respect an Inquisitor greatly, and out of all due respect of your devotion to Unionism as a whole. You are accepted as a member of the Unionist Study Committee. I hope that you will send other Ex-Inquisitors your way, as they will be welcomed with open arms. That all said, I hope you all the best, and that we'll see you in our small group.

Spirit Protect, Guide, and Bless,
Allard Dueal
Grand Masteur of the Unionist Study Committee.
~The Unionist Study Committee~

The Unionist Study Committee is a group of Unionists simply wishing to better everybody, including themselves, in the beliefs of Unionism. They also strive to better the Church itself, and make a way, for the Great Way. They also try taking people off the streets, and having immerse conversations with them, questioning them on their beliefs, and inviting them to a small group.

It was made for Unionists to come together, and grow in their faith, along with others.


  1. To clean Regalia of all heretics.​
  2. To bring Ailor Unionists closer together, and work as one being, and entity.​
  3. To allow non-Ailor to grow in their faith.​
  4. To help better the church.​
  5. Assist fellow Unionists and members with their personal struggles.​
  6. To better Unionists' faith, and let it grow.​
  7. To make Unionist texts in other foreign languages.​
  8. To spread the word of Unionism.​


(Higher ranks also have possession of the powers of the previous ranks)

  • Head Mastuer: The great 'leader' of the U.S.C. He is the one who will approve of events. Has all the rights to remove people from the group. Besides those two factors, he has all the powers of his lower ranked members.-Allard Dueal

  • Lower Mastuer: Second in Command, elected by members. Will do duties of the Head Mastuer during one's absence. Is allowed to remove people from the group, for any reason.

  • Speaker's of the 'House': Higher ranked members. They are allowed to propose ideas, and events to the Head Mastuer, and await for approval. Also allowed to host public speeches at will. Allowed to invite people INTO the group.

  • Blossoms of the 'House': Female members. (Read Eyes of the 'House'.) @JennaLikesCoffee

  • Eyes of the 'House': Your average member of the group, they are allowed to suggest event ideas, to Speakers, and refer people to the group, but can invite those to small groups.

  • Anti-A-Eyes: Same rights as normal members. Simply non-Ailor members. (Elves, Maiar, Allar, Slizzar, etc.)

  • Googly Eyes: Yes, an actual rank, but. For new members They can only attend small groups, and events till inducted as an Eye, or Anti-A-Eye..


Inductions and promotions are grand events within the group. Which all involve a ceremony.

The group will not reschedule inductions unless approved by the Head Mastuer.​


  1. IGN: (Mandatory)

  2. Forum Name: (Mandatory)

  3. Character Name: (Mandatory)

  4. Character Race: (Mandatory)

  5. Is your character Unionist?: (Yes, or No)

  6. Do you have access to skype?:

  7. Is your character approved?: (We like those)

  8. IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur: (Mandatory.)
  1. IGN: (Mandatory)
  2. Forum Name: (Mandatory)
  3. Character Name: (Mandatory)
    Adela Jones
  4. Character Race: (Mandatory)
  5. Is your character Unionist?: (Yes, or No)
    Somewhat yes.
  6. Do you have access to skype?:
    Yes my account name is @CamrynEggleston
  7. Is your character approved?: (We like those)
    No, but is in the process of being approved.
  8. IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur: (Mandatory.)
  9. Dear Head Masteur,
  10. I am writing this letter to you today to explain why I would love to be apart of the commitee. I am having a hard time with drinking, and trying to find myself in a way. I am a very manipulating person, and if this "God" can help change who I am and lead me down a path that is right for me, then I want to join. I also grew up with no parents, so religion wasn't really taught to me, if someone could lead me and teach me all the things that I need to know that would be wonderful. I hope you take my letter into consideration, I would be honored to be apart of this.
  11. Sincerely, Adela Jones
  1. IGN: (Mandatory)
  2. Forum Name: (Mandatory)
  3. Character Name: (Mandatory)
    Adela Jones
  4. Character Race: (Mandatory)
  5. Is your character Unionist?: (Yes, or No)
    Somewhat yes.
  6. Do you have access to skype?:
    Yes my account name is @CamrynEggleston
  7. Is your character approved?: (We like those)
    No, but is in the process of being approved.
  8. IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur: (Mandatory.)
  9. Dear Head Masteur,
  10. I am writing this letter to you today to explain why I would love to be apart of the commitee. I am having a hard time with drinking, and trying to find myself in a way. I am a very manipulating person, and if this "God" can help change who I am and lead me down a path that is right for me, then I want to join. I also grew up with no parents, so religion wasn't really taught to me, if someone could lead me and teach me all the things that I need to know that would be wonderful. I hope you take my letter into consideration, I would be honored to be apart of this.
  11. Sincerely, Adela Jones
A letter is sent back...
I apologize for you past. It is truly a shame that your guardians were unable to raise you in such a way. Though, through the U.S.C. we can see you as a vital asset, in regards to your new interest in Unionism. We the U.S.C. will make it our goal to feed you only the truth. As I say, you've been accepted.
May the Spirit guide you,
Allard Dueal
Grand Mastuer of the Unionist Study Committee

IGN: Ghirko
Forum Name: Ghirko
Character Name: Eric Liolen
Character Race: Slizzar
Is your character Unionist?: Yes
Do you have access to skype?: Yup, I'll PM you my name.
Is your character approved?: Eric Liolen
IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur:

To the Head and Lower Masteurs,
I am Eric Liolen, ex-warden of the Ivory Order, and I have been a loyal Unionist for most of my life, thankfully converted at a young age. I have already had experience helping others find the Great Way and would not like the need for this role to be left unfulfilled. I do hope you will grant me the honour of joining your committee, I feel I will prove myself a good asset.

Spirit bless,
Eric Liolen

IGN: Ghirko
Forum Name: Ghirko
Character Name: Eric Liolen
Character Race: Slizzar
Is your character Unionist?: Yes
Do you have access to skype?: Yup, I'll PM you my name.
Is your character approved?: Eric Liolen
IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur:

To the Head and Lower Masteurs,
I am Eric Liolen, ex-warden of the Ivory Order, and I have been a loyal Unionist for most of my life, thankfully converted at a young age. I have already had experience helping others find the Great Way and would not like the need for this role to be left unfulfilled. I do hope you will grant me the honour of joining your committee, I feel I will prove myself a good asset.

Spirit bless,
Eric Liolen

Letter would be sent.
Ex-Warden of the Ivory Order, once again, I am to meet another. Hero of Unionism! You have done great things for Regalia, and the church! I hope to see you whenever it is possible! For everything that I stand for, defended by you! Accepted!

Allard Dueal,
Grand Mastuer of the Unionist Study Committee
A letter is sent back...
I apologize for you past. It is truly a shame that your guardians were unable to raise you in such a way. Though, through the U.S.C. we can see you as a vital asset, in regards to your new interest in Unionism. We the U.S.C. will make it our goal to feed you only the truth. As I say, you've been accepted.
May the Spirit guide you,
Allard Dueal
Grand Mastuer of the Unionist Study Committee

Thank You!
IGN: BeashSlap

Forum Name: BeashSlap

Character Name: Garth Viduggla
Character Race: Ailor - Seltai Northerne
Is your character Unionist?: Yes
Do you have access to skype?: Yes
Is your character approved?: Here (Needs to be updated to state new religion.)
IC Letter to the Head Masteur and Lower Masteur:

Head Maestur of the Commitee,

Greetings. I have very recently converted to the way of Unionism. Just a couple days ago to truthful. Seeing as I have done that, it is quite clear I do not have much knowledge in the matter, and wish to better myself in it. I am writing to you in hopes to join this to do so.

Spirit Bless,
Garth Viduggla
This letter would be sent to Garth.
To the Newly-Converted Garth Viduggla,

I as the Grand Mastuer of the Unionist Study Committee, would be more than happy to accept you. You wish to learn the ways of Unionism, we as the Unionist Study Committee will be more than happy to teach you, and help you grow in your new found faith. I cannot wait to meet you in person.
Spirit guide you, and protect you,
Allard Dueal
Grand Mastuer of the Unionist Study Committee
We have a skype chat, and a discord chat.
Application Template Updated.
Added new members to ranks.

Member Meet and Greet event scheduled on the 30th of September @8:30 pm CST
Removed Anti-Eye Rank.
Spirit Bless.
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IGN: Erzly
Forum Name: Erzly
Character Name: Lycette Fillia-Ombre
Character Race: Ailor - Ithanian
Is your character Unionist?: Yes
Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Both
Is your character approved?: Not yet
IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:
Dear Head Masteur & Lower Masteur,
As a former Crystal Maiden, and devout follower of the one true religion, it'd be an utmost delight to see myself accepted into your committee. To join those who feel the same about the Spirit as I seems like a fantastic idea, and wish to hear from you soon.
Spirit Bless,

Lycette Fillia.
IGN: Erzly
Forum Name: Erzly
Character Name: Lycette Fillia-Ombre
Character Race: Ailor - Ithanian
Is your character Unionist?: Yes
Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Both
Is your character approved?: Not yet
IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:
Dear Head Masteur & Lower Masteur,
As a former Crystal Maiden, and devout follower of the one true religion, it'd be an utmost delight to see myself accepted into your committee. To join those who feel the same about the Spirit as I seems like a fantastic idea, and wish to hear from you soon.
Spirit Bless,

Lycette Fillia.
Lady Fillia,
I appreciate your devotion. Such devotion can be excellent for your future peers. You are accepted. I hope to hear from you soon.

Spirit protect you,
Allard Dueal, Grand Masteur of the Unionist Study Committee​
  1. IGN: _JayP_

  2. Forum Name: _JayP_

  3. Character Name: James Kander

  4. Character Race: Ailor

  5. Is your character Unionist?: Yes

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Yes, both. Will PM them if I get accepted.

  7. Is your character approved?: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-kander.58097/#post-717518

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:

Greetings, Grand/Lower Masteur.
My name is James Kander, and I wish to join your Unionist committee. I feel I am losing the touch of my religion, and it scares me greatly. I hope you can help me throughout, and teach me things I didn't know before.

Spirit's Bless,
James L. Kander
  1. IGN: Miss_Ortonnaise

  2. Forum Name: Channing_Tantrum

  3. Character Name: Adrienne d'Ortonnaise

  4. Character Race: Ithanian

  5. Is your character Unionist?: Priscelle Unionist

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Discord, yes. I will probably end up making a Skype soon enough.

  7. Is your character approved?: Under review

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:
To the Grand Maester Allard Dueal,

We discussed much in the park in regards to the committee and what we together and individually can further in the Empire. With that in mind, I would like to officially join and attend to the next meeting proper.

Adrienne d'Ortonnaise
  1. IGN: _JayP_

  2. Forum Name: _JayP_

  3. Character Name: James Kander

  4. Character Race: Ailor

  5. Is your character Unionist?: Yes

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Yes, both. Will PM them if I get accepted.

  7. Is your character approved?: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-kander.58097/#post-717518

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:
Greetings, Grand/Lower Masteur.
My name is James Kander, and I wish to join your Unionist committee. I feel I am losing the touch of my religion, and it scares me greatly. I hope you can help me throughout, and teach me things I didn't know before.

Spirit's Bless,
James L. Kander
I appreciate your coming to us for assistance. Truly, an honor to assist you. You shall see that your faith shall skyrocket as you stay with us. Truly. You are accepted.

Spirit Bless,
Allard Dueal,
Grand Masteur of the Unionist Study Committee
  1. IGN: Miss_Ortonnaise

  2. Forum Name: Channing_Tantrum

  3. Character Name: Adrienne d'Ortonnaise

  4. Character Race: Ithanian

  5. Is your character Unionist?: Priscelle Unionist

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: Discord, yes. I will probably end up making a Skype soon enough.

  7. Is your character approved?: Under review

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur:
To the Grand Maester Allard Dueal,

We discussed much in the park in regards to the committee and what we together and individually can further in the Empire. With that in mind, I would like to officially join and attend to the next meeting proper.

Adrienne d'Ortonnaise

To the wonderful lady in red,
You know my stance about you and the Committee. Accepted.

Spirit Bless you,
Allard Dueal,
Grand Masteur of the Unionist Study Committee​
~The Unionist Study Committee~

The Unionist Study Committee is a group of Unionists simply wishing to better everybody, including themselves, in the beliefs of Unionism. They also strive to better the Church itself, and make a way, for the Great Way. They also try taking people off the streets, and having immerse conversations with them, questioning them on their beliefs, and inviting them to a small group.

It was made for Unionists to come together, and grow in their faith, along with others.


  1. To clean Regalia of all heretics.​
  2. To bring Ailor Unionists closer together, and work as one being, and entity.​
  3. To allow non-Ailor to grow in their faith.​
  4. To help better the church.​
  5. Assist fellow Unionists and members with their personal struggles.​
  6. To better Unionists' faith, and let it grow.​
  7. To make Unionist texts in other foreign languages.​
  8. To spread the word of Unionism.​


(Higher ranks also have possession of the powers of the previous ranks)

  • Grand Mastuer: The great 'leader' of the U.S.C. He is the one who will approve of events. Has all the rights to remove people from the group. Besides those two factors, he has all the powers of his lower ranked members.-Allard Dueal

  • Lower Mastuer: Second in Command, elected by members. Will do duties of the Grand Mastuer during one's absence. Is allowed to remove people from the group, for any reason.

  • Speaker's of the 'House': Higher ranked members. They are allowed to propose ideas, and events to the Grand Mastuer, and await for approval. Also allowed to host public speeches at will. Allowed to invite people INTO the group.

  • Blossoms of the 'House': Female members. (Read Eyes of the 'House'.) @JennaLikesCoffee @camegg

  • Eyes of the 'House': Your average member of the group, they are allowed to suggest event ideas, to Speakers, and refer people to the group, but can invite those to small groups. @BeashSlap @Ghirko
  • Googly Eyes: Yes, an actual rank, but. For new members They can only attend small groups, and events till inducted as an Eye, or Anti-A-Eye.. (Will be used when we have more members)


Inductions and promotions are grand events within the group. Which all involve a small ceremony, inside of a small group.


  1. IGN: (Mandatory)

  2. Forum Name: (Mandatory)

  3. Character Name: (Mandatory)

  4. Character Race: (Mandatory)

  5. Is your character Unionist?: (Yes, or No)

  6. Do you have access to Discord & Skype?: (Discord is mandatory, Skype, optional.)

  7. Is your character approved?: (We like those)

  8. IC Letter to the Grand Masteur and Lower Masteur: (Mandatory.)

This still active? @HeyoBiggums