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The Trial Of Terrence Braunschweiger


Jan 13, 2018
Reaction score
On the notice board, a strange and cryptic poem is written, letters a golden color. It is titled 'The Trial of Terrence Braunschweiger', and it reads as such:

Justice is blind, judgement is not
The mewling babe cries, yet it is not their's that's sought
It will be delivered, it will be dispensed
For the dark hooves stampede, we are against.
Praise be to the Ancient Moon, praise be Its tune.
- A True Rose

While most might dismiss it as just another poem, its time of posting was no coincidence, nor the subtext behind its prose. Indeed, those who were aware of the events of February 21st, might know exactly what it is about.
Riftan, unable to decipher poetry nor understand it, stared at the post for a while.

".. Mewling babe?"
Volkner von Karlisle shrugged to his fellow Lothar Knight Riftan Vaedra, rubbing his fingers through his glorious mustache.

"With a title like this, I think it's safe to say the Minister has been compromised. A shame indeed, Count-Sera."

Gwenfrewi shifted nervously, frowning. "… Babe? Only one?"
A subsequent poem is written below in Calem exclusively:

"A tale charmed by the devil's kiss,
Intertwined with a snake's hiss,
Rejoice; all who hear,
For this elf will surely fear.

Hark not the traitors,
No, nor the profaners;
Instead keep true to faith,
To the Emperor, who they love to hate."

Then the author both stamps a Viridian seal to this treatise and a statement of intent:

You are not free from judgement either, revanchist.

~ Sergeant Archard Rothe of the Viridian Order
Justice is blind, judgement is not
The mewling babe cries, yet it is not their's that's sought
It will be delivered, it will be dispensed
For the dark hooves stampede, we are against.
Praise be to the Ancient Moon, praise be Its tune.
- A True Rose

A familiar hand writting appears next to the post, a contrasting statement for the author, this "True Rose."

"You sow the seeds of hatred,
with what you have created,
we shall see what what springs forth.

The Roses support your cries,
but this will only lead to reprise.
You have only stoked their vile hearth.

Simmer your hatred, Rose."

Do not garner further harm. Devise wisely.

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Loyal Servant of the Empire
Eventually, late to arrive as a note posted under the same poems the others were posted under. The handwriting somewhat thick with ashen edges around the page.

"Rose, naught but a name you have stolen.
For what? Other than the pride of your kin.

This facade that you display, shows your arrogance
Thinking that we are overcome by ignorance.
Your poems will not reach her ears.
No matter how much they are coated by tears.
Your fighting is akin to a flailing beast
Desperate to please the Goddess of the Feast,
Please consider something else to want,
For you, dreams of grandeur will continue to haunt.
So I say to you, give up dear rose
For your sake do not continue to pose.
She cannot hear you over the whimpers and cries
You will never be worth the trouble, in her eyes.
-The Tzoncuicoatl"