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The Trial Of Men And Mice

Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score

A missive is posted on every noticeboard with available space, with other notices stamped over should there be none. The Valloaan seal is printed in indented ink at the top of the pages.

So often do I hear silly, petty little insults come from the mouths of mere babes, but rarely am I challenged to duels of honor. I often care not for knightly honor or duels, and yet this one has caught my eye and undying interest.

Sera-Lord Dragic of the Bloodcast "Order" challenged me to a duel on the 30th of August, yet when I procured my desire to have a champion take my place, he rescinded his request. Amazingly, he challenged me due to my "insult" upon his Matriarch after she wrongfully scolded myself and an honorable member of the Peerage (whom I shall not name lest they choose to name themselves) for whispering in the viewing gallery of the day's inquest. Alas, I am bored and terribly sad that I will not see my champion win against this cowardly Knight, and even more sad that I will not have my entertainment.

Though, perhaps not all hope is lost, for I challenge Sera-Lord Dragic to a Trial of Five.

Sera-Lord Riftan Dragic, I address you because I know you read this, you will get to choose four champions to stand alongside you, as will I. It will be five men against five men. Will you be kept afloat by the men you choose to stand beside you?

Or will you drown trying?

See you soon, boys.
Laerilas Maslodeen Valloaan Bel-Ant Solleria-Tal Morrlondasseiavasso
Andriy reads the challenge claim, laying on his bed and stifled a light laugh. "It seems the school girl has only made matters worse. Suppose I should pick back up with my polearm training while I'm staying here." Thus, the Bloodcast Knight gathered his poleaxe and knightly armor - ready for combat.
Azrael looked to the paper amidst his last victory. With but a cold mutter leaving his lips, he'd echo forth from his estate

"My brother of knighthood is in need. And with this call, I shall answer."
The Voidspite Fae, somewhere, at some point in time, lays upon its back, holding the missive to the sky like a teenage girl reading a magazine.

"Hm," It utters. "Something to keep an eye on."




[!] A missive arrives back in a few hours. It is sealed in wax by the symbol of House Dragic,
accompanied with Lord Riftan's Cousin-Line Sigil. Brandished in well-inked parchment.

-══- ‹ •◦ ✣ THEMATIC ✣ ◦• › -══-


Laerilas Maslodeen Valloaan Bel-Ant Solleria-Tal Morrlondasseiavasso,

Such tempest from one so filled with platitude and pretension. Your ability to twist words, and manipulate each story to befit your own, is impressive. Muttering words of discontent against the Minister of Law, esteemed and elected under the College of Princes, is a particular cause for confrontation. I thought you were a cowardly man and considered the matter settled regarding the blade, but how surprised I am to see you so willing to openly challenge me.

Now, enticed by this offer- I suppose we were both equally bored, and terribly sad that our wants were never to be fulfilled. This compromise, however, I very much accept. For, it is surprising that a man who has lived so many years and been afforded to live so many more could be so vermin-like. But to propose such a unique challenge, such a unique duel, has garnished some respect from me. However, the insult that you dare write over the Bloodcast Order shall be answered in violence under honorable and legal conditions of course. Strange you continue your coping by calling me a coward- but the only coward is you. Who requires four other men or women to stand by them to offer the backbone they are so lacking of? Of course, Laerilas fits the description. It shall be at the Arena Court; no fatal strikes, until surrender shall we fight. God-Emperor Allest shall be blessed our duel's dawn.

You are only skilled with words, but what will happen when you run out of ink?
By Blood and Blade.
Lord Riftan Dragic of the Bloodcast Order

Contact me at AlienDark12#0117 and we'll get a GC going to coordinate the duel!​

Another missive would find its way into the mix of passing letters. However, this one would be sent to both recipients personally with one or two finding it's way to the bulletin board.

The fervor of duels hangs thickly in the air this month. Mayhaps the dwindling heat of summer is giving its final strike before autumn makes it way.

I officiate this match between Mister Laerilas Valloaan and Lord Riftan Dragic. Once both parties have chosen their four members, meet with me beforehand to discuss the rules of the Trials of Five and to discuss any deal that wishes to be honored after the winner is chosen.

May your sword arm strike true and bring resolution to this breach of honor.

Courtinth Emilienne di Civita
Manager of the Arena

@joglak & @AlienDark12 >:D