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Denuncia | The Lies And Crimes Of Abelhard Latimer


Apr 4, 2020
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The Lies and Crimes of Abelhard Latimer

By Isidoro Playero
Let this serve as a notice to the Regalian public that the Latimer V. Playero duel is still to be held at a future date.

Despite many may object to this fact, the public will be disappointed to learn that Abelhard Latimer has falsified a victory in a non-existing duel in order to fabricate an excuse to withdraw his earlier challenge to a duel.

On 4/26/308 A.C., Abelhard Latimer accused me of cowardice. When asked to present evidence to back up such a claim, he refused to provide anything substantial. Latimer claimed that the evidence of my cowardice was my naming of a champion to represent me in a duel. However, he conveniently forgets that it was he that created the option to invoke a duel-by-champion, and he conveniently forgets that he also named a champion. This proof of cowardice, due to blatant hypocrisy and the frivolous nature of the evidence itself, is inadmissible.
Therefore, I hereby accuse Abelhard Latimer of violating Regalian Insult Law #2, and I expect payment of 20 regals by the end of the week.

Furthermore, Abelhard Latimer challenged me yet again to a second duel to take place immediately. To ratify the falsity of his previous accusation of cowardice, I accepted. Though Latimer declared that the duel was to be based on a weapon of my choosing, he attempted to neglect his declaration by electing the use of a different weapon. I should be thankful that Abelhard Latimer came to his senses, and withdrew his weapon in favor of upholding his word. However, his intentions to neglect the dueling procedure had been revealed at that point.

Prior to the duel, there was an agreement made: the duel would begin when the selected crier said the word "go" after having counted to the number three. However, the crier made a mistake and did not say the "go". For that reason, as per the agreement made prior to the duel, the duel never formally started. I, however, decided to uphold our agreement and refused to engage in a false-start. Unfortunately for Abelhard Latimer's honor, he attacked regardless. In-fact, he attempted to continue to attack me despite interference by an Old Guard Commander, who claimed that Abelhard Latimer was engaging in criminal conduct. Due to the circumstances, I find that these actions constitute assault. Therefore, I hereby accuse Abelhard Latimer of violating Regalian Law #5 of Section B of Regalian Law.

The duel was to be a separate event to the duel-by-champion announced prior. Though this duel would have resulted in all past quarrels forgiven, an agreement was made to commit to the already announced duel-by-champion regardless. This was not to be a replacement duel; Abelhard Latimer has deceived you in his desperate attempt to withdraw from the duel-by-champion. However, even if Abelhard Latimer insists that it was, the duel never officially started, so no victor could be declared.

I urge the public to consider whether Abelhard Latimer, having acted in the way that he did, is fit to denounce me as unlike a gentleman, when it was I that choose to respect our agreements prior to the duel, and when it was he that violated them. Furthermore, I point out to the public that Latimer knows that he acted illegally and cowardly, which is why he has publicly declared that he will be not be issuing any responses regarding this incident.

Should Abelhard Latimer refuse to participate in the duel-by-champion as previously announced, I shall consider him a coward. Furthermore, if Abelhard Latimer is not reprimanded for his violations of Regalian Law as described, I shall be filing a report to the Charter Adjudicator for neglect of duty.

A reply would be posted directly underneath.

To the illustrious Isodoro Playero:

Abelhard Latimer is no longer a guard. Keep the Arcanum out of it.

I hope this finds you well,
Wilvamair Arnyn
Lieutenant Commander of the Arcanum
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Palest to Reimar Typhonus
A reply would be posted directly underneath.

To the illustrious Isodoro Playero:

Abelhard Latimer is no longer a guard. Keep the Arcanum out of it.

I hope this finds you well,
Wilvamair Arnyn
Lieutenant Commander of the Arcanum
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Palest to Reimar Typhonus

There would be no response to this. However, the first O in "Isidoro" would be crossed out, and an "i" would be drawn over the now crossed-out letter.
Another reply was left, this one marked with floral designs.. Cut? Into it, rather than drawn. Aesthetics, people.
"Look. I don't normally respond to these things. Because honestly It's bickering that I don't see fit to take part of. But you need to stop writing these whole denunciation things that honestly nobody gives a damn about and focus your time on better helping the city that, need I remind everyone, is still in more of a state of chaos than usual. I hold nothing against you, nor the Latimer, nor anyone, really. I only put this here to beg of you to think of a better usage of your time. One spent to help the people."
Signed, a plant.
"And if you say I waste my time on writing this. Boy, I've spent my day healing more people than most have in a week."
Dear anonymous author.

I would be inclined to agree with you. However, I will not have my good name be slandered without consequence. You mentioned you are a medic. If so, then surely you must understand that it is not a mild offense when someone is stabbed in the stomach. In another note, I guarantee you that I am not distracted from my work in the Inquisition by these publications, and that I continue to do my due diligence.

Thank you for your opinion,
Isidoro Playero.
"Absolute pillock," Nym'vrae grumbled to the Admiral beside her after finishing the read.
"I've seen countless of situations alike this and far from alike this, yet my best advice would be to talk it out in person. Notes help nothing, nor do notices to the public. We ignore it, or we belittle it. And more bad thoughts and murmurs are festered among the general populous. My word is generally not taken into account, but I do urge you to do so this time when I repeat, talk it out in person. Have a conversation that does not end in yelling or blame. Perhaps over tea or something of the like."
"You're both pussies trying to show off who has the biggest cock. Fuckin' lawyers, always so slimy... the lot of 'em..." Her voice trailed off. She didn't deface the notice or anything like that, but she might put one of hers up sooner rather than later.
An Url resists the Urge to write several Rude things to playero taking a breath he reminds himself to add Playero to the list of inquisition he'll duel if he gets the chance.
"They sound like two squabbling children at this point. It's ridiculous." The Harbinger uttered as they continued to clean their blade. Admiring the shine to it, they glanced to the Schilder that had brought the message. A faint snort escaped them, but no more words escaped the Paladin.
A sloppy note was slapped onto the others!

"Stop complaining about being called a coward. Your champion backed out, didn't he? Find another and get on with your life. No one likes reading these. If you're so upset about a weapon and the fact someone forgot to say 'go' for a duel, your priorities are in the wrong spot.

Camilla dei Moreno."
"The boards this past few weeks have been filled with nothing but moaning soliloquies that do nothing but express their distress."

A momentary pause as they, themselves, were carrying out the same exact irony with their own monologue,

"Formalities waste time;
tim̴̡̧̰̟̠̤͋̍͛̏͘͝e̵̛̒̀ you do not have, or t̴͌̉̃̋re̴̛͛́͑̂as̵͊͋̚ur̵̡̲̆̈́̎̊̌̚͜ề̷̒̊."
A single note was attached among all the rest which further slandered Isidoro's reputation- this one only helped with such a cause.​

You claim you're not a coward, and yet you refuse to fight Latimer one on one. More than that, you chose a just as cowardice champion when you wimped out of doing a real fight, and your champion inevitably stepped down when he met Latimer's champion. And to top it all off, Latimer was unable to find and confront you following the fight, because you presumably ran and hid.

Claiming you're not a coward in this scenario is the equivalent of crying 'I'm not a Varran!' when you very clearly have the fur, ears, tail, and the stature of a Varran. Nobody cares that you lost. Nobody cares that you're, for some reason, unable to act like an adult and get a new Champion like any other normal person would do. And most of all, nobody cares that you're crying to your mum about the angry crowd that's calling you names. Deal with this in person, like a man, or face the consequences by suffering the title of coward.

Afeaa V.
William Alexander had been walking to the Clinic for a check up on his now broken hand, being sure that it was healing correctly as he'd then stop at the sight of the recent posts. He'd just stare at the posts for a good twenty minutes, just re-reading it over and over again. "This is what I had to deal with. Just.. stop with the posts. I swear, this is the reason why I left the Inquisition."

Cabrón, sendo idiota.

Learn to verify your information before you make a fool of yourself in public. Latimer challenged me to a fight and I agreed to fight him myself. Latimer was unable to find me following the fight because he had stabbed me in the stomach and I was receiving medical treatment. He should be in prison, and your idiocy should have landed you in a mental asylum long ago.

Regarding the upcoming duel, unless Latimer decides to back out, a replacement champion was indeed chosen. The replacement champion is a woman. It seems to me like Latimer and his son are afraid of being defeated by a girl, and decided to fabricate this falsehood as a way to poorly justify their exit from the duel to which Latimer challenged me.

- Isidoro Playero.
A note would be posted, the paper made up of torn slips of paper from Playero's letters, making use of the blank spaces instead of using a fresh sheet of paper.


If you keep wasting paper on your tea party arguments I will politely remove your arms with force. Scream in the streets if you want to make such a big deal of this, stop killing the trees that my squirrels live in.
Vala stood back from the notice board alongside her Avanthar and Sihai companions, staring blankly as more and more replies were tacked ontop of one another. "We could make a book out of this when it is all said and done," she mumbled to the other two, an undertone of disbelief carried with each syllable. "Look at all that parchment. First was the food shortage, next will be a paper shortage if this continues."
@Walnoodle @Nesstro
The Holy Divine Inquisition wishes to announce the sale of it's own branded parchment, recycled from the endless supply of Jacobin propaganda plaguing the Rosecourt poster board.
"Parchment is made out of Animal skins, not trees. your squirrels will be fine. - Titus Cretch."
Vakgu looked over this notice with more horror than he had when he believed parchment was made from trees, looking off towards one of his companions "So they are killing my animals instead of their home! I want this one attacked too."
Lorelei spoke out from where she stood in front of the piling sheets of paper ontop of the original announcement. The halfling refused to allow a snicker escape her lips after reading everything.
"This City is going through a crisis and all this guy can think about is.. Is- wow. I hate this City."
Master Hunter Dothraen grunts, disappointed with being unable to find any bounty work among the flock of irrelevant and self-important hate-letters against the source material, posted by arrogant peasants. "At least have the balls to put your name down." the man grumbles to himself, watching the next paper-warrior preparing to smash their opinions on an Old Town board instead of vying for the more intelligent decision of approaching a government official and raising legal complaints.
Last edited:
A small slip of papyrus was placed beside the growing stack of paper. An attempt at conserving trees through the usage of primitive reed based papers.

I am going to sorely regret replying to this, aren't I? Here I am, however, writing another paper for some reason. Regardless.
This slip of paper will be the end to any dispute between one Isidoro Playero and myself, Abelhard Latimer.

On the Topic of The Duel

Any future duels have been called off for a host of reasons. After last nights duel, which resulted in an absolute shitshow and Playero retreating out of the ring in the belief he had me for assault on a theoretical loophole which did not fool an Oldguard present on the scene. The Oldguard had pulled me away from Isidoro mid duel, on fear that he would suffer mortal injuries. This duel was until submission, so, the retreat substantiated submission, and the Old Guard's judgement was correct, that I will concede. The terms for said duel was a dissolving of past issues, regardless of victor, which dissolved any reasoning for the actual duel, which is why it will not occur. Unnecessary bloodshed is, well, unnecessary, and Playero's claim to another duel is both frivolous and ungentlemanly.

On the Topic of My Honor

Give me one good reason why I would have to prove anything? Call me a coward all you please, Playero, but my own pride has been satiated.

On the Topic of Violence

For Spirit's sake, do not go out of your way to injure or harm Isidoro by any means. The man has clearly done enough to his own pride and physical being, and I do not advocate for anything of the sorts. I am not a vengeful man, especially after a duel which resolved all past issues, even if Isidoro continues to heckle and harass me for whatever reason. I hold no ill-will against him, now.

On the Topic of Champions

I do not endorse the usage of champions, unless parties cannot physically fight. A duel is not about proving who is more capable in combat, and is moreso a controlled session of violence where both parties can reconcile any issues with eachother through the drawing of blood and an exchanged pound of flesh. If a gentleman provides me a challenge with good reason and good intent, then I will fully accept, regardless of skill. In this case, a champion was selected in an obvious attempt to claim victory over a physically incapable old man, and my hand was forced to respond in turn.

In Conclusion

Leave me alone already. I'm tired. I have more important things to do. Go bother somebody else, already. I could, quite literally, care less about this whole dispute. It was a fun little diversion from the tasks I must usually fulfill, but its time for both parties to stop playing in the sandbox and get about to their jobs.
Signed, Abelhard Latimer
Patriarch of House Latimer
Wing-Admiral of The Regalian Navy
Chief Executive Officer of The Brass Moor Company
Lyaeus of The Bacchus Conclave
"Both of them need to realise people care less for them and what they have to say than they initially thought. I mean, why keep defending yourself when nobody wants to hear the defence, or really even cares for the accusation? Arrogance and Self-Obsession will be the death of these people. That last response wasn't even necessary, it should just be common sense not to engage with this man." Noted Ev'alirel from the library.
Osira stumbled on the mass of notes beneath, and spoke "People really do not seem to care when it is irrelevant to themselves. Hmm. I'd wager if they could each benefit from a technicality, they'd all scream at the chance to get ahead," he'd sigh, before moving off to relax. "I for one wonder how far this'll go before the State intervenes."