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The Ten Of Swords


Local spirit nerd
Jul 14, 2023
Reaction score
Taco Bell
On boards scattered around Regalia, there are notes with glowing writing on it, the most notes are in Crookback

To all that live outside of Crookback,
How does it feel? How does it feel to live your life without worrying about getting a knife in your back? How does it feel to be able to roam the streets without staring down the business end of a rifle?
We are the Faith's Shadow and we seek justice for all the blood on your swords.
Tell me, how many spirits have been exorcised unwillingly? How many families of occult have you slain, merely because The strings of fate blessed them?
We'd like to tell you: No more.
We will not sit idly by as families, homes, and even children are decimated in your plan for 'purity'
We will not sit idly by as you wreck our shops, our homes, and execute the afflicted.
Prepare to feel the full wrath of Faith's Shadow, no Purist is safe from us.. We have members everywhere. That kind old woman that buys you coffee may be one of us, and she may be planning to put a knife in your back
You will not find us, you will not catch us, but you will /fear/ us.
Where are your gods as we deface them? They are nowhere to be found as we continue our plan.
Let me tell you: Uprising is inevitable. Give us our rights, or lock your doors at night.
And to all that live in Crookback and know what oppression feels like:
Fight back, you have a voice with us at the Faith's Shadow. Join us, and fight for what's yours.
Remember: All will be revealed as the Ten of Swords is played.

The bottom of the note is signed "Soothsayer"
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An Arkenborn was seen staring at the notice with some visible disdain. She murmured to herself in Saan before her butterfly companions brought her a pen and a piece of parchment. She wrote on it, before attaching a new notice by the bottom of this one:

Did your mother not hug you enough? Were you not shown enough affection so now you seek attention through meaningless threats of violence that lead nowhere?

I can help rectify that. Take down these dreadful notices, denounce these plans and this group of murderous lunatics before someone much nastier than me catches on and finds you. What you need is help, not blood in a war you cannot win.

Lady Allynna Mecatl,
Ordvaan in training for Mana
A masked figure was glimpsed leaving the area of the Knightly estates, slinking along the street corners. Eventually, they found a good place to pause, taking a moment to adjust their rifle sling and and ensure their pocket still contained the three casings of rounds that had been donated for a housewarming. In the corner of their vision, a note tacked to a nearby post was seen. They moved to investigate, and soon enough, their head canted to the side as an exhale followed.

"Fight the money, not the faith, if ya really wanna hurt 'em," the Three Shot muttered, stuffing the note into their pocket as they made their way back into Crookback.
Over several of the notices, a response was nailed. Each note replicated each other perfectly, as if the text were copied by magic:

And, to answer that fear with war, with murder, will not give us our freedom. It will not make them fear us less, it will not grant us consideration. This only serves to vilify us further, to make the divide between the 'Afflicted' you speak of and the city that much wider. If your wish is to bolster the ranks of Purist factions everywhere, for the state to eventually bring the hammer down on all of us, or perhaps even onto Occult once deemed acceptable, then stick to your present course. Because there is no other conclusion to this.
We can not win, not in a war. In any sort of attrition, we will lose.
A Concerned Demon.
One of many Spirits you claim to fight for.
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A Concerned Demon.
One of many Spirits you claim to fight for.
"I like the overall enthusiasm but this just isn't the way to go about it. They'll wind up dead before they accomplish anything useful.

Whoever this demon is is right. Can only hope they heed it's advice."

Rhynar mused to a nearby beggar as he looked over the collection of signs.

"I mean okay but like I didn't ask."
Replied the beggar.
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The Sovereign utters a mere
"Oh, yikes."
before putting the paper aside,
messily stacked atop the middleman's other paperwork..