The Silk Maiden Society was founded in May of 308 A.C by Countess-Electress Amelina Peirgarten of Lorenthaus.
The Society serves as a place where women of upstanding nature may come together to socialize, host events, and spend time together in a relaxed setting. This society is for women only.
The society is open to all women in the city, besides wanted criminals and outside races. The Countess-Electress has the right to deny anyone entry.
Noble Class
Is the grouping for the noble women who will join the Society. Higher ranking than the others the women in the Noble Class can back anyone who wishes to join the Society and should they wish to eject someone from the Society they have the right to do so after contacting the Countess-Electress Peirgarten. Pre-noble women will fall under this category but won't have the same right to eject people.
Courtly Class
Is the grouping of individuals that are Court Mages, Stewards, Palests, and House Guards. These individuals don't need to have Noble backing as they are employed by nobles and will be treated above a commoner in the case of application.
Commoner Class
Are below Nobility and the Courtly Class and are required to uphold Noble Honneurs and Etiquette towards those of higher standing than them. If a Commoner upsets a noble they stand the chance to be removed as per the Noble women's right.
Everyone who wishes to join, even Nobles, still must send an application below!
Character Name:
Letter to the Countess-Electress:
Noble, Courtly, or Commoner:
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