- Joined
- Oct 12, 2021
- Messages
- 32
- Reaction score
- 81
- Points
- 38
"A Hunt Based Only On Trophies Taken Isn't A Hunt At All"
I. History
The Bastadon Ember & Stag Society, established in 311 AC by Ser Otto & Lady Adeline Delmotte stands as a distinguished exclusive social society. The Ember & Stag Society is dedicated to creating connections among the peerage and knighthood through an array of events catered predominantly outdoor activities. The Bastadon Ember & Stag Society is a fraternity, and a residence to some of the Crown City's most elusive and affluent individuals and knights. Members pridefully sporting their golden pins on their chest show a certain comradery within the society for one another and sponsored organizations. The society is noted for having a hefty membership obligation, but this money is donated to upkeep hunting grounds and conservation efforts to ensure ethical hunting.
"At the heart of our society, we pledge to uphold the traditional art of the hunt and enforce respect towards the land. We aim to cultivate a community known for their prestige and dedication to the traditions used by our own blood generations prior. Celebrating the relationship between hunter and prey, we ensure that each kill is not discarded but triumphed for its contribution in life and death." - Ser Otto Delmotte
II. Ceremonies
The rituals shared by the society differ in many ways, each holding their own weight and prominence over the other. Most members are temporary, and only through dedication and fealty to the society can one prove themselves as a permanent resident of the group.
- Recruitment
- The Bastadon Society regularly seeks to bring in new members that match the society's mission statement, each month they are rotated and switched for the next batch of recruits. Only the most dedicated will be chosen at the end of each month to become permanent members of The Bastadon Ember & Stag Society.
- Pinning Ceremony
- Monthly, chosen potential members undergo a tradition of the Pinning Ceremony, being awarded a pin with the stag sigil by the society's council. During this period, they engage in a series of tests, events, and socials to demonstrate their dedication to the society. These pins are worn throughout the month and, if invited to the Membership Ceremony, will be upgraded to showcase their status as a permanent member.
- Pinning Feast will take place a few days after the first potential member event
- Membership Ceremony
- Upon receiving an invitation to the Membership Ceremony, potential members will be honored and embraced as permanent additions of the Bastadon Society. The ceremony marks the transformation of their potential member pins, into the revered member's pin to symbolize the commencement of their membership.
- Membership Feast will take place a few days after the first membership event
Not all members are known to the public, some wish to only be seen within the confines of member-oriented meetings where some where there pin proudly for the city to see. If you spot a golden stag pin, it most likely belongs to a member of the society.
Chief of Game - Ser Otto Delmotte
- The Chief of Game is in charge of being present at most if not all membership activities hosted within the Bastadon Society.
- The Chief of Game will be advising the hunts and also be in charge of any interior matters involving a member's state within the society.
- The Game Organizer serves as an event planner that aims to serve the Society by offering a multitude of events both in and outside the Holy City
- The Game Organizer ensures that all needs are met for members and handles any requests for events through meetings & letter
- Membership Liaisons serve as a connector to new members and their peers.
- Membership Liaisons will be assigned a certain number of new members and be in charge of introducing them to others, enforcing the mission statement, & reporting any misconduct.
- Environmental Steward serves as a educator on the environment and animals that may be encountered during outings
- Environmental Stewards will mainly serve to ensure no animals are mistreated throughout the hunt and ensure hunting remains ethical and traditional.
- The Guest of Honor is a role in which usually someone of importance or higher status becomes an "Honorary Member" for the day to take part in member activities without dedicating their time to officially joining. This position is not often handed out.
IV. Application Process & Membership Guidelines
There is no true-and-tried method of getting into the society, most advise writing to Ser Otto Delmotte in hopes of gaining access into the next month's roster– some have been told of being requested by the members to take part. Try to make yourself stand out from the rest and more likely or not you will peak the interest of the society.
Usually members consist of nobles, knights, and sometimes well regarded commoners.
Memberships only last a month, at which point someone may be chosen to be a permanent member of the society. Each month a new batch of members are selected.
(( DM on Discord @Apictos or maybe you'll get a DM from me, keep it IC))
- Members should uphold etiquette and respect to one another to ensure the environment is welcoming to potential & new members.
- If any misconduct is seen by members or potential members, they will be given a warning or removed depending on severity
- If repeated, the member will be removed from the event and sent to a meeting with the Chief of Game.
- Oath of Confidence
- All members must vow to an Oath of Confidence, meaning that all talks within private events shall be kept within the confines of the Bastadon Society.
- This rule is only ever voided if the discussion goes against noble etiquette, laws, or insults the Empire.
- We ask that members to put aside their biases with members and refrain from causing unnecessary tension
- If a member is seen instigating another member, they will be warned to take the discussion elsewhere
- While political debates are welcome, insults grounded in baseless or childish reason will be ridiculed
- Magic is allowed for assisting in the hunt or assisting a consenting mundane hunter in succeeding in the kill.
- Magic is allowed for healing and other tasks if the members present consent
- Members should always practice safety with weapons and ensure that weapons are never pointed or directed at other members
- Training events & classes will be offered if requested to learn more about certain weapons
- During events, the Bastadon Society will offer supplies needed for hunting excursions
- Ethical Hunting is not recommended but required
- If a member or potential member is found acting unethical during a hunt they will be removed and barred form attending events for a certain amount of time depending on the Chief of Game's decision
Hope To See You In The Games,
Ser Otto Delmotte
Ser Otto Delmotte
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