The Schwarzbär Guard | House Black


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Mar 29, 2015
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House Black Crest.png

The Schwarzbär House Guard | House Black

Notices would be seen scattered around Regalia, all reading the same message: "Dear reader, if you find yourself reading this and you are not of a stalwart constitution, save your time and do not read on. But on the off chance someone is reading this with conscientious intentions to dedicate their time to a worthwhile pursuit, consider this is an official invitation to apply for a spot in The Schwarzbär House Guard. A guard made of honorable and skilled warriors looking to protect and show their worth for nobility and more specifically, House Black. I, Arran Black trust that you will be treated fairly under my command and will be paid accordingly for your service." the notice continued ended short, leaving a simple address and the names "Baron Christopher Black, Paladin Arran Black" signed across the bottom right of the paper finally, leaving the family's sigil of a Dragenthal Bear stamped in on the lower space of the page.

The Schwarzbär Guard started in August of the year 305 A.C by a newly graduated Viridian, Arran Jay Black. House Black's guard has always been around but fell through to be seemingly unorganized and more of a social hangout instead of a functional house guard. The Black saw this flaw in his family's guard, and more importantly their safety, and decided to remodel it himself. The Viridian modeled it after his own family's symbol, the Drangenthal Bear which symbolizes strength and ferocity in the protection of one's kindred. With this, Arran began to model a code to keep his members in line and within the law, the Frieden Code was crafted to ensure peace among each other and to fight within the Empires requirements.


Schwarzbär Kommandant | Arran Black: The Schwarzbär Commander is in charge of the guard overall. Internal affairs or external, he keeps a keen eye on members of his guild and tries to help out when needed.

Schwarzbär Beobachter | N/A: The Kommandants right-hand man is the Beobachter, only one or two trusted men within the Schwarzbär ranks will attain this position. Whoever finds themselves in this position will be an advisor to the Kommandant, also dealing with problems within the guard on a more personal note.

Schwarzbär Kaptäin | N/A: The Kaptäin is a high ranking guard who has shown his worth through loyalty and honor. This is someone who knows how to control and strategize with the Kriegers and also is known to have good leadership skills.

Schwarzbär Krieger | N/A: The most abundant rank of the guard. These people are trusted with being the main force in protecting House Black and are expected to listen to orders when needed.

Schwarzbär Junge | N/A: The recruits of the guard, often apprentices of Kriegers. Once assigned a Krieger they are often tested on how well they can take action or listen.

Specialized Ranks:

Schwarzbär Koch | N/A: The cook of the Schwarzbär, often times a well-liked man by the guards and Kommandant. He creates feasts and heaps of food for the hungry warriors.

Schwarzbär Ausbilder | N/A: The trainer is often times a well-liked Kaptäin within the guard. This job provides the ability to plan training sessions with Kriegers and Junges or even public tournaments to show off the guard's ability.

Schwarzbär Musiker | N/A: The guard Musiker is a man of talent. Usually playing a variety of instruments, said a person should play at the frequent feasts and festivals the guard throws.


House Black Armor Gif.gif
The House Guard armor is specially crafted for House Black, sporting the standard metal along with a Dragenthal Bear sigil on the front of the chest plate. Kaptäins may change their armor slightly to add some personality, but besides that, the Armor shall not be tampered or altered in any way.

    • House Guards may only be a member of one House Guard at a time.
    • House Guards may not have a criminal record.
    • House Guards may not simultaneously have employment in the City Guard.
    • House Guards may not simultaneously have employment in other Charters.
    • House Guards may never act as the aggressor and only defend during attacks.


    • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armor of any kind. (arms/neck/head may not be armored)
    • Rights to wear a chainmail skirt/hip-guard, no further armor. (legs/feet may not be armored)
    • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade.
    • The right to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression.
    • The right to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles.
    • The right to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities.
    • Full access to the Wolfsbudel Palatz & Donnberg castle.
Recruitment is OPEN

Simple, write an IC letter to Arran Black listing your characters skills and history.
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Dear Schwarzbär Kommandant Arran Black,

Greetings, My name is Brynn Shultacre. I'm twenty-four, New Ceardian Ailor, and a warrior within the school of Griffer. I understand that one of the rules for becoming a guard for House Black is to not be in any other charters, but I do hope being a sellsword is an exception. I have worked for one other Noble house within New Ceardia, but came to Regalia a few months ago after they picked up and left New Ceardia. If you'd like to know any other information, just find me around or pen me another letter. Thank you.

Spirit Bless,

Notes: this character is a sellsword, I hope that's not a problem <3
Character app:
Dear Schwarzbär Kommandant Arran Black,

Greetings, My name is Brynn Shultacre. I'm twenty-four, New Ceardian Ailor, and a warrior within the school of Griffer. I understand that one of the rules for becoming a guard for House Black is to not be in any other charters, but I do hope being a sellsword is an exception. I have worked for one other Noble house within New Ceardia, but came to Regalia a few months ago after they picked up and left New Ceardia. If you'd like to know any other information, just find me around or pen me another letter. Thank you.

Spirit Bless,
View attachment 130565

Notes: this character is a sellsword, I hope that's not a problem <3
Character app:
Dear Brynn Shultacre,

Sellswords are considered a charter. I will be rejecting this application for now.

Signed, Arran Black
Schwarzbär Kommandant

Paladin of the Viridian Order
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Dear Schwarzbär Kommandant Arran Black,

Due to the recent disbandment of the Sellswords, I'd like to request that you reconsider my application. Thank you.

Spirit Guide,