Blue Blood Noble Family The Salvatore Family


The Silly
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score
Salvatore Family


"Denaro è potere"


Licatta, Montania
Gold and Red
Azzizzari (Cantaluna)
Open to all / Neutral
Source of Wealth
Procurement Services, Finance Management, Logistics, and Pharmaceuticals


Design & Theme

The Salvatore Family refers to themselves as an "Azienda," a remnant of the era before the Azzizzari were absorbed into the Cantaluna. They take great pride in their heritage and legacy, despite the fact that most current members are no longer related by blood. Over time, as the focus shifted towards business under new leadership, the backgrounds of their members have become increasingly diverse. Yet, they continue to hold their cultural values in high regard.

Although they lack a strong religious affiliation, the Salvatores often portray themselves as divine-like saviors within the territories they claim. Their image as protectors, rather than mere leaders, plays into the larger-than-life persona they maintain.
Art by Spectriel
Members are expected to present themselves in a dignified manner. All Family Members receive a ring engraved with the family insignia, which they are expected to wear publicly. The insignia features a golden sun, symbolizing the family's Azzizzari legacy, with a dove carrying an olive branch at its center—an emblem of the peaceful life they aspire to lead.

Wealth & Businesses
The Salvatore Family generates the majority of its income from two primary operations: "procurement services," which often refers to mercenary work, and "logistics," primarily involving smuggling activities. Alongside these, two smaller yet steadily growing revenue streams include their Finance Management branch, an intricate money laundering scheme that conceals illicit gains by cycling funds through their newspapers, restaurants, logistics companies and their Beverage and Pharmaceutical Company, which supplies a large amount of bars in Montania and the Capital with Alcohol, and occasionally ships out less legal drugs as well.

Their profits are strategically allocated toward indulgent luxuries, territorial expansion, and investments in "public relations initiatives." These initiatives span a wide range, from bribery and propaganda to philanthropic efforts designed to paint the Salvatores as charitable benefactors, further solidifying their influence while masking their criminal activities.



  • In the past

    Originating from the deep lands of Montania, the Salvatore Crime Family proudly traces its roots to the Azzizzari and Cantaluna cultures, referring to themselves as an "Azienda." Their founder, Adone Salvatore, revered within the family as the "Grand Padrino", began his journey in the local coal mines. However, when the region's economy collapsed due to the mismanagement of the di Alan family, Adone lost his job. Disillusioned by the system, rather than resist it, he chose to play by his own rules—harsh and unfair.

    With the little money he had left, Adone founded a legitimate logistics company. In the failing market investments were nearly impossible to secure, but a series of robberies quickly filled the financial gap. This set the tone for the future: the legitimate side of the business thrived, aided by the criminal endeavors of the family, creating a symbiotic relationship where profits were laundered and cover stories kept them insulated.

    After years of steady growth, the Salvatore Family established connections with a syndicate in Vixhall, entering into a large-scale smuggling operation. However, only a few months in, they calculated that simply seizing control of the syndicate by force would be far more profitable than splitting the earnings. This marked their first major expansion into their most lucrative venture yet: procurement services for the nobility. Illegal substances, rare artifacts, or even the silence of witnesses—whatever the aristocracy needed, the Salvatores could provide in exchange for money and political favors.

    During this period, the family embraced a public image as high-life criminals—widely known for their atrocities but feared or respected enough to walk openly without consequence and escaping the legal system due to good work from their legal team and the occasional bribe. This carefully cultivated reputation became an asset, allowing them to minimize interference with their operations. To maintain this image and safeguard their activities, they even bought local newspapers, subtly pushing propaganda to deflect attention from any scandals or misdeeds.

    Ten years ago, Adone passed the mantle of leadership to his eldest son, Dante Benedicto Salvatore, now the "Padrino." Under his rule, the focus shifted toward expansion, particularly targeting the Empire's capital as the next market with the most potential. Today, the Salvatore Family is a formidable power within the underworld of Regalia, with their influence continuing to grow as they push into new territories.

  • Recently
    (Progressed ICly)

    Since then, the Padrino has led a successful push into the Regalian capital. The Family swiftly entrenched itself in the criminal underworld, leveraging its vast web of connections to buy influence within local high society. Shortly after securing its first agreements with noble families, the Family expanded into Amontaar under the banner of the Three Hands Company, becoming one of its three titular "hands."

    During this period, they established contact with the infamous Augustin Roca, working under him until the alliance dissolved. Through Roca, they gained an audience with the Iron Duke himself, who later played a key role in their bid for ennoblement. After formally pleading their case before the Imperial Court, the Salvatores were granted the Isle of Licatta, an unprecedented decision that shattered years of tradition, elevating them to the heights of their clientele.

    Since then, both the family and its enterprises have reached record heights, cementing their influence in Regalia and beyond.



  • Il Padrino
    The patriarch of the family and "only" son of the Gran Padrino, rcently titled Count Salvatore. His recent injuries haven't deterred him from his greater goals.

    Sensale Attuale & Pubblice

    Il Prossimo
    The predicted successor and fiancé to the Padrino. Previously an employee, he now handles great amounts of community outreach and general business. The heart of the family.

    A enigma by all means, this woman somehow managed to be adopted and make up part of the Security Detail. Very little is known about her.

    Adopted at a young age, they are one of the most loyal muscles the family has and is known for her iconic fashion sense. While she isn't as visible in the leadership roles, she still holds a amount of decent influence.
    Benjamin Salvatore (Played by @calc_fer)
    Adopted son of Immir and therefor indirect member of the family. His relationship with the rest of the family is complicated to say the least.

  • Canarine

    The accountant of the family. Officially titled Canarine as a highly trusted outsider.

    Fidata / Fidate / Fidato
    Sa'Ronn Exelii (Played by @Ashmanzini )
    Spymaster and close friend of the Padrino. A recent hire who shot up the ranks through pure competence.
    A trusted doctor of the family, who has kept the Padrino alive through many close calls.
    Referenda Dafne di Corro (Played by @CocoaCherry )
    The Priest of the House. She takes on the position of the moral compass within the Family, trying desperately to stop her hosts from sinning.
    A employee under a loose contract, most likely to only around to hang out with some of the other employees. An employee that might as well count to the family of the Padrino.
    A hyperactive bird boy who presumably confused what "bring your son to work day" meant. A non-biological relative of Viktor Acula.
    Nelli Lǐ (Played by @CosmicLuminary)
    Employed to gain the protection of the family, with careful wording to not be put under too much stress.
    Expierenced Pirate and desperate to regain his rank in the peerage. The fact that he got hired at a carneval just seems fitting.
    Eric Liolen (Played by @Ghirko )
    A Slizzar of a hundred faces, they are often tasked with infiltrating other factions to gain information and creater inner turmoil.
    Aelius Myrkvi (Played by @Scout_Boi)
    A curious case.
    A Maraya hired out of the Three Hands Company at the end of Amontaar. His personal history makes him a useful part of the security detail.
    Sahubi (Played by @RawHyde__ )
    A Employee for many years, a brief lack in loyalty bound them to servitude in hopes to pay off their debt to the family.
    Llulupe Lamond (Played by @Monadx0x0)
    A freshly awoken Marayan lawyer, brought on as another of the family's extensive legal team.


The House of The Rising Sun


The urban Estate & Clandestine Base of the Salvatore Family's exclave within Regalia, it hosts the offices of the company and the venues for many meetings, large scale events and simple fireplace chats.
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Updated and Extended

Lore Changed
Finances Changed
Members Updated
New Clandestine Base Section added
Most text rewritten to sound better
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