- Joined
- Jan 22, 2021
- Messages
- 110
- Reaction score
- 702
- Points
- 118
"Everything must be made even, in the end."
Character Information
- Full Name: Salvatore Duad'Rakkatuur (Salvatore is probably not his real name)
- Heritage / Culture: Dwarf
- Age: 83
- Gender / Pronouns: He/him
- Religion: Fornoss
- Occult: No thanks
- Character Occupation: Entrepreneur
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin Color: Tan
- Hair: Brown
- Height: 4'5"
- Body Type: Dwarf
- Additional Features: Sal has a bald spot on his head and is altogether not very good looking. He wears worn-in, beaten up clothing and does not often wash. He is as peasant as peasant gets in Regalia.
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Mechanics:
- Dwarves gain +1 Main Defense Stat while another Dwarf is within a 5 block range, which can break Cap up to 11. This mechanic can stack up to a +2 bonus.
- Dwarves are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
- Dwarves have perfect vision (night vision) underground and in dark surroundings, needing no light.
- Dwarves are masters of the forge, able to perform feats of metallurgy in half the time of other craftsmen. Additionally, any metal item that a Dwarf produces is considered master class when compared to others.
- Due to their vast understanding of architecture and metallurgy, Dwarves may gain additional insight from event items that may not be obvious to others (inquire with DM/Event Hoster for opportunities).
- Languages:
- Common
- Barrudh / Dwarvish
- Skodje
- Salvatore is from Anduin, the most prosperous of the Dwarven Holds that interacts most with outsiders. He was politically active in the city, advocating for better relations with Regalia before he left the city.
- Sal is an outspoken critic of Viridian Knights, Vampires, Isldar and Death Occultism.
- Although Salvatore goes to lengths to obfuscate his past, it is clear at a second glance that he is well-educated and has a lot of resources at his disposal. Salvatore has his hands dipped in many different pockets, even for one so new to Regalia.
- Salvatore is a smith, craftsman, and fledgling mechanic. He likes guns and weapons and is good a making stuff. Salvatore is almost always intoxicated.
- Salvatore worships Eili and Vola, but leans toward the Vola.
- Salvatore loves telling stories, and although details may get jarred or he may spitefully over-emphasize a specific part, they are always substantially true.
- First things first: Sal is an unreasonable, churlish and spiteful Dwarf who doesn't wash and is prone to lashing out at anyone and everyone. He is Dwarf with a victimhood complex who refuses to allow Dwarves to quietly go extinct, instead rubbing the plight of his people in anyone and everyone's faces. This is a character unwilling to adapt to Regalia except by his own terms; Everything he does is based around either soliciting support or sympathy for Dwarves while also beating down anyone who demeans his dying heritage or works against him. Sal intentionally dresses in rags, doesn't bathe, and presents himself as poor, rowdy and unsavory because he wants to deliberately draw attention to himself and the terrible circumstances of his people. Sal is crude, vulgar and informal in nearly all contexts. He is incredibly mistrustful of others and constantly tests and provokes others to try their true intentions.
- Sal isn't exclusively an unlikeable shitheel. While it is true that Sal is outwardly surly, vulgarity or insults brush off Sal at worst, and are actually treated as friendly banter in the best circumstances. It is safe to assume that if Sal curses someone out or insults them for no apparent reason, he's actually testing the waters of acquaintanceship, or even friendship. The best way to get through to Sal is to either ignore his vulgarity, laugh at it, or throw it back at him. Sal is extremely friendly to those who prove their good intentions toward he and his people, and will often bring them gifts, back them up in arguments (often as obnoxiously as possible) and otherwise support them. He is physically warm and personable to friends, and doesn't really understand personal space with someone once they have earned his trust. This is a perpetual constant for Velheim and Dwarves, whom he is implicitly loyal to unless otherwise betrayed. Sal also likes kissing up to powerful people, especially tall and physically imposing meathead characters, by complimenting their strength and stature. The only thing that truly offends Sal are insults to Dwarves, including and especially references to his height.
- Sal becomes immediately hostile in response to anyone referring to Dwarves as short. In his eyes, calling a Dwarf short is a coy, bigoted mockery of the indifference of the world to Dwarven extinction. It isn't insidious enough that the Dwarves are dying, and that other heritages and nations overlook the fact Dwarves are dying; other heritages need to mock Dwarves' heights to rub in the fact Dwarf genocide is a moral issue simply able to be overlooked by pointing out Dwarves are easy to physically overlook as well. In other words: To mock a Dwarf's height is to mock the murder of millions of Dwarves over the past few hundred years, and it is one that Sal always wants to avenge. Sal will always attempt to extract an apology or blood for being called short; all must be made even in the end.
- Sal has a very pragmatic, transactional view to life. His life mantra is: "Everything must be made even, in the end." Anytime he does a favor for someone, he expects that favor to be repaid. Anytime he receives anything from anyone, he promises a favor out to them. This works in reverse; any offense or betrayal to Sal or other Dwarves must be repaid in full. Sal is not above deception or dishonesty to maintain this "equilibrium of the cosmos"; but once Sal makes a deal, his internal morality holds him to the terms of that deal. He is reliable when he makes a promise, and accountable when he breaks it. Needless to say, in light of the tragedies the Dwarves have suffered at the hands of others, this is a very dangerous morality: Sal believes the rapid depopulation of Dwarves, from 15 million to 150,000 worldwide, is a blood debt that must be repaid by someone, somewhere, one way or another; and he's not very intentional or precise in who pays that and how they pay it.
- Sal blames Isldar violations of mountain treaties as the inciting incident for the decline of the Dwarves. Maybe the Isldar didn't manipulate the Dwarves into war like the Allorn did, but they broke the treaty, they worshiped Aurora/Frisit, and they are the ones actively opposing Dwarven reclamation. The Allorn, for the most part, are an abstract boogeyman compared to the very present threat of Isldar encroachment.
- Sal is mistrustful of magic but isn't above using magic to "catch up" to other civilizations. Sal hates anything related to death magic and anything Vampire but is very open to and willing to work with Void or Exist demons for the sake of helping save his people. Sal doesn't trust anything dragon-related because Isldar dragon worshipers betrayed his people, and a Dragon, even as deathly as Frisit, genocided his people.
- Politically speaking, Sal prefers the Dwarven Holds band together under one monarch, who will then pay a tax to the Regalian Empire in exchange for protection and doing whatever the hell they want. Sal wants unreasonable laws to be passed in Regalia, such as a Regalian Civil Code for Dwarves to allow them to legally resolve their grudges without retribution from the law, or a law passed that bans mocking Dwarven height.
- Likes: Signe, Petrus, Althea, Joelle, Xera, Rafaello, Ishika, Jocelyn von Duerr, Kolgr, Alfarin, Joules, Eleanaire, Dwarves, Fornoss worshipers, Velheim
- Dislikes: Frida, Laszlo, Vyara, Adagio, Lumura, any and all Viridians including and especially Osmont, Kreiger and Talsir; Wulf and Scrifheim (temporary); Isldar, anything Ordial, Broods, Vampires,
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 4
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 2
- Steady Body
- Pinning Throw
- Diving Tackle (Free athletic point buy from Dwarf mechanics)
- Constitution: 0
- Iron Will (Free training point buy from Dwarf mechanics)
- Intelligence: 4
- Hook Shot
- Tech Exhaust
- Wardrobe Pack
- Sinistral sealing
- Dexterity: 7
- Ranger Tag
- Ranger Wallop
- Ranger Blur
- Ranger Trap
- Ranger Splash
- Sharp Reflexes
- Smokescreen
- Charisma: 1
- Fiscal Presence Pack
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