
The Silly
Jan 19, 2024
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Salvatore Family

"La Santissima Trinità: denaro, connessioni e fede."


Region: Terredi Fuoco
Colors: Gold and Black
Culture: Azzizzari (Cantaluna)
Alignment: Open to all
Wealth: Procurment Services, Finance Managment, Logistics, Pharmaceuticals

Design & Theme:
The Salvatore Family refer to themself as a Azienda, a artifact of the time before the Azzizzari were incorporated into the Cantaluna. They are very proud of their culture and legacy, even though most members arent related to the family by blood at all anymore. The backgrounds of their recent members have become more and more diverse as priorities shifted over to business under new leadership. Still, they hold the values of their culture, respect and honour, highly. They hold no strong religious alignment, but often paid themself as divine-like saviors of the areas they claim as territory.

They expect their members to dress in a respectable fashion, most often trying to blend in with legitimate nobility by wearing suits or other appropiate clothing. All proper members are gifted a ring with the family insignia, which they should wear in public. The Insignia shows a golden sun with a dove carrying a olive branch in the middle of it. The sun is meant to represent the families legacy as Azzizzari, with the dove and branch representing the peaceful way in which they prefer to life.

Originating from the deep down lands of Vultaro & Montania, the Salvatore Crime Family proudly holds its roots in the Azzizzari and Cantaluna Cultures, referring to themself as "Azienda". Their founder, Adone Salvatore who is internally referred to as the grand padrino, came from the region and spent his youth committing petty theft to survive. Being skilled at it, soon more youth from the town gathered to follow and learn from him. As they grew older, so did their crimes. The local law enforcement was soon bribed into compliance and it would not take long enough for them to establish a set territory.

After years of steady growth, connections to a syndicate in Vixhall were established to partner up in a large-scale smuggling operation. Only a few months into it however, the Salvatore Family calculated that simply taking over the syndicate by force would be much more profitable than paying them their cut. This was their first step to start their most profitable business yet; procurement services for nobility. Illegal Substances, rare Items or the silence of a Witness became things that the Salvatore family could bring to the Aristocracy in exchange for currency and political favours.

During this time, the family adopted a position of high-life criminals, who were widely known to have committed various atrocities but either feared or respected enough, to walk openly. This was seen as a great advantage to ensure minimal disturbance of their operations, leading them to buy up local Newspapers to subtly push propaganda and void all ugly situations they may have found themself in.

Five years ago, the grand padrino would transfer his position to his eldest son, now "Padrino" Dante Benedicto Salvatore, who holds the title of padrino to this day. With him, the focus was laid upon expansion again, with the capital of the Empire being seen as the market with most potential. These days they have become a considerate power within the Undercity of Regalia, finding great success in their expansion, their psuh towards other territories continues.

Wealth & Businesses:

The family predominantly derives its income from two primary avenues: "procurement services" (often referring to mercenary endeavors) and "logistics" (typically involving smuggling operations). Two smaller, but steadily growing sources of their funding are their Finance Management (a elaborate Money Laundering Scheme where they conceal illicit gains, by funneling funds through their newspapers, restaurants, logistics comapnies, and more) and their Pharmaceutical Company (a front for their own drug production). They allocate their profits towards luxuries for themselves, expanding and investments in "public relations initiatives", ranging from bribery and propaganda to philanthropic contributions to make themself seem charitable.

Family Members:

Padrino Dante Benedicto Salvatore ( Played by @Local_Schnom )
The Leader of the Family, Dante is internally titled as the Padrino. He oversees all operations of the family and act as broker for deals they might want to take. He was granted this role through blood.

Carmen Diamante Salvatore ( Played by @nymphhbat )

The right hand woman of the Padrino, she is often balled into a fist. A Isldar with a talent for disguising, she is responsible for the security of the family

Malek Salvatore ( Played by @KrakenLord01 )
A Qadir who married into the family and has now become the person responsible for their weapon business, from logistics to deals made, it runs through them.

House of the Rising Sun (Employees):

Pelle ( Played by @SignoreScafuto )
The advisor and lawyer of the family head, aswell as one of the oldest friends. Perhaps the second most powerful member in the hierachy.

"Agravan" ( Played by @SanguinePacman )
A Allar who has been working for the family for many years. The only reason their acts of disrespect have not been punished yet, is that they are always followed by excellent execution of their tasks.

Trina ( Played by @Arnie )
The Courier of the family, hired after failing to steal from them, they are now in a forced employment arrangement.

Asmita ( Played by @FutureTeller )
The Accountant of the Family and one of the most trusted employees. While she remains one of the most powerful undercity figures independetly, it is secure agreement that has made her offer her services.

Immiral "Immir" Elliomiq ( Played by @umbralunaelucem )
Partly threatened, partly paid good sums of money to work for the Family. The Maraya is occasionally called in for body disposal and crime scene clean up.

Eimera Elliomiq ( Played by @calc_fer)
With the threat of already holding her brother Immiral under their wing, she was forced to work for the family as a talented assassin kept under a watchful eye.

Azazel ( Played by @Luciferos12 )
The personal bodyguard of the Padrino, they hold more than a business relationship with the man. Little is known about them, for good reasons.

The Salvatore Family has come to value their connections greatly, always seeking out their next potential business partner. Some of their notable agreements include but exceed; The Black Market under Asmita, The Serpents Hollow under Vaëla and nearly a dozen independents. None of their agreements are to be considered public knowledge.

If you want to join or forge a alliance, DM @Schnom on Discord! Currently most roles are open. There is no real restriction on heritage, religion, alignment, etc.

Note; A clandestine base is currently being worked on, this section will be updated when it opens. Estimated completion is post-Amontaar.
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