In the lush fields of Osai, Tallon Greenheart, the local herbalist, felt a rising panic in his heart as the eerie message ended. "So it has begun. The demons of the Netherlands are waging war against the good folk of the world. Tallon walks into his herbal sanctuary, and pulls out a dusty sword from a chest in his attic. "I never thought I would use you again, Volswayne, but I suppose I will carry you into battle once more." Tallon says as he attaches Volswayne to his sheath around his waste. "Now... Where are the others? I suppose I could travel to the 9th Legion, I'm sure they are already sending their entire army into the pits of Hell." He walked to Osai's town hall, and after a series of portals, arrived at 9th Legion's lands. He looked around for a couple minutes, and found the site in which Posidem had cast his teleportation spell. The supplies were still laid out, including a spell-book with details on the incantations required. After a couple minutes of reading, he believed he understood how to perform the spell. He stood in the middle of the circle, shouted, "Infernum ego vado!" and, after utilizing Posidem's spell, he was off.
((sorry to piggyback off you, Posidem, I couldn't think of any other way to get there.:*))