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Played Character Rakthashira, the Dread Lord

This character is actively played.
May 11, 2024
Reaction score
"Always after a defeat and a respite, the shadow takes another shape and grows again."

Character Information
  • Full Name: Rakthashira, literal meaning 'blood-stained lord'
    • Other Name(s): Arenthir, Goretar, The Dread Lord, Tower-Master, The Enemy
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech, Unbound Spirit
    • Formerly Marya Darkstar Slizzar, pre-resurrection
  • Age: 498
  • Gender / Pronouns: Genderless, They/Them
  • Religion: Evolism
  • Occult: Magic
Appearance Information
  • Rakthashira, by virtue of their nature, has a variable appearance and manifested various forms throughout time. In their true form, they are a towering suit of pitch black armor decorated in jagged spikes, standing at an imposing eight feet in height. However, the shape that Rakthashira most commonly takes is that of a Lanlath form, where they present as a fair and gold-haired Elf with glimmering blue eyes and an enchanting visage.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies & Talents: Alchemy, Technology (Dark Metal), Athletic, Magical Talent
  • Mechanics: Unbound Spirit Heritage Mechanics, Evolism Religious Mechanics
  • Languages: Common, Zoram, all Elven languages, Calem, d'Ithanie, Droque, Canta

  • Much of Rakthashira's past is shrouded in mystery, except that they have existed for at least four centuries. Throughout time, they've assumed many names and wore many faces, and at times altered the course of many lives and events in subtle ways. After arriving in Regalia, Rakthashira established himself in the bowels of the undercity as a Kathar dark wizard known as Goretar, forging alliances and finding acquaintances in order to further his ambitions. Upon his acquisition of the Artifact dubbed 'Nauret', he infiltrated the Vultarin Court under the guise of Arenthir, a Lanlath Elf of fair form, introducing himself as a Courtier of the Iron Duke and deceiving the peoples of Regalia.
  • Rakthashira revealed their true nature when they consorted with the Greater Spirit Dukes and summoned a dreadful Dark Tower on the outskirts of Regalia which housed a Void Conduit that acted as a source of power and magic for Demons from the other realms. They were the architect of the mage-storm that plagued the entirety of Regalia for the duration of their reign as a Tower-Master where they adopted many honorifics, but were most primarily referred to as The Dread Lord, whereas others dubbed him The Enemy. Their dominion and torment of the Regalian peoples would ultimately come to a violent end when they were betrayed by their own accomplices and the undercity who rose against him in defiance. Some time after being murdered in this act of tyrannicide, Rakthashira found new form as a Demon to resume their villainous schemes.

art2.webp Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat: Constitution

Proficiency Points:

Shielding Point Buy | Shield Cover Pack (Free)
Shielding Point Buy | Shield Block Pack
Shielding Point Buy | Shield Slam Pack
Shielding Point Buy | Shield Deflect Pack
Shielding Point Buy | Shield Snare Pack
Training Point Buy | Rage Counter Pack
Intelligence: 0
Adapt Point Buy | Shapeshift Pack (Free, Unbound Spirit Mystech)
Adapt Point Buy | Mindcontrol Pack (Free, Unbound Spirit Mystech)
Magic: 9
Magic Point Buy | Magic Snare Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Curse Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Resist Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Cleanse Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Bolster Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Warp Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Isolate Pack
Magic Point Buy | Magic Shove Pack
Invoke Point Buy | Monster Invocation Pack
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