Formed in the year 306 A.C. by one Lewis Heinrich, who, unable to take control of it himself, gave the duty of command to his wife, Corbette, the Regalian Helping Hand is a charity organization made to spiritually continue the legacy of the Regalian Safeguards, with three ideals in mind; safety, service, and skill. The members will preserve the safety of the Regalian public at the potential cost of their own, will show service through charity, and show off their skills while doing it. Through giving to the Empire, crowdfunding its efforts and assisting its people, the Regalian Helping Hand intends to do just that-- extend a hand to those who need it.
Grand Planner
Currently Held by: Corbette Heinrich (@MadamAries )
In charge of planning events, and overall leading.
Secondary Overseer
Currently Helf by: Juliette Miramonte (@AtticCat)
Grand Planner's second-in-command and the stand-in to report to, when the Grand Planner is not available.
Medical Professionals
More suited for first reactions, rather than actual medicine, the medics of the Helping Hand are usually the first to react to an injured individual, usually dressing and treating a wound quickly to prevent death.
Rosalia Heinrich (@_Owlet)
The most important part of the group, the physical workers. Doesn't matter who you are, or what you do, you can work as a Hand. You'll likely need to get used to tossing buckets of water and people around, as a way of putting out fires and getting people to medics.
Rosalina Howlester (@JennaLikesCoffee)
Theodosia Norwood (@SasuNaru2016)
Kizkitza Lalrey (@Rubar_)
Alexander Donsly (@TheMoistestMan)
Maxence Peirgarten (@_Owlet)
Brendan Heinrich (@Vivamente)
Character Application (If none, leave blank):
Do you have Skype? (REQUIRED):
IC letter to Grand Planner Corbette Heinrich:
Character Application (If none, leave blank):
Do you have Skype? (REQUIRED):
IC letter to Grand Planner Corbette Heinrich:
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