The Red Leopards Pride


Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score
Backwoods Hicktown, PA
Red Leopards



The Red Leopards are a Rashaq pride based in the sewers, having staked a claim near the Corpse in The Gutter. They were formed recently after the collapse of the Central Sewers and are lead by Rokh'Pokka, the Alpha. They are currently focused on expanding their material wealth, numbers, and territory. However, they will be moving on to criminal activity once their membership is high enough. All races are currently accepted, though anything that isn't a Rashaq is usually beaten and cast out of the territory. There is little distinction among their ranks, as there are only three actual statuses in the Pride. They are listed below.



Alpha - The Alpha of the group, charged with leading the group.

The Wise One - The most intelligent Rashaq in the group, tasked with things such as handling money, organizing meetings, and advising the Alpha.

Pride Members - These are the average members of the pride, tasked with doing whatever job they are assigned to do. Although anybody can be a pride member, the overwhelming majority are Rashaq.




Do you have Skype?

OOC reason for joining:

Character Name:

Character Race:

Character Application (not required, but preferred):

Character Skills:

OOC References (3 mininum):
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Rokh'Pokka - Alpha (@memeosupremeo )
Ra'Kashiin - Speaker Of the Pride (@Beetletoes )
Ra'Aarav - Pride Member (@__Kitsune__ )
Ra'Jaal - Pride Member (@Jouster )
Ra'Naarin - Pride Member (@KiddingAround )
Ra'Forst - Pride Member (@miner1011012 )
Ra'Varaan - Pride Member (@GoldiTheKamikaze


Allies: The New Sun Dakkar Clan, Usque.

Enemies: Surreptitious Order
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IGN: Beetletoes

Do you have Skype? Beetletoes

OOC reason for joining: Beetletoes (jk) Ra'Kashiin, first known as T'aryn, was one of the first in the original gang. Let's bring this back to life.

Character Name: Ra'Kashiin

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): yes

Character Skills: Stealth and espionage, hand-to-hand/dual daggers combat, spear-and-shield combat, novice-level Primal Magic.
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Sorry this took so long my dude! Between Ski Team, and Robotics I've been pretty damn busy! I also have midterms all next week too :)

IGN: __Kitsune__

Do you have Skype? Yeah Boiii

OOC reason for joining: My boi was in the original gang, kinda, and this seems pretty dank. Also I see this as a way to help me get back into rp, which is something I've wanted to do for a while now.

Character Name: Ra'Aarav

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): Nope, but I could try to get one if needed. Just gotta wait till after midterms though, and to when I have more time after school. I'm in build season, and racing season too at the moment, so an app might take awhile.

Character Skills: Decent with daggers/knives they're interchangeable tbqh, usually uses one, but has a second that he'll sometimes use. He prefers to fight with his teeth and claws, so the use of daggers is a little rare as it's not his preferred fighting style. When fighting, he prefers to go for the legs first as this could unbalance an opponent. Primal Magic, he's a Novice. Will go into detail of which charms he has if needed!
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IGN: IGutTheMidasTuch

Do you have Skype?: YeSum

OOC reason for joining: you forced me to

Character Name: Ra'Uula

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): no

Character Skills: idfk he's badass.

OOC reason for joining: my LOVE

Character Name: K'iyoko

Character Race: secretly dead Lampar

Character Application (not required, but preferred): nO

Character Skills: every skill.
IGN: IGutTheMidasTuch

Do you have Skype?: YeSum

OOC reason for joining: you forced me to

Character Name: Ra'Uula

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): no

Character Skills: idfk he's badass.

Character Skills: every skill.
A C C E P T E D under terms of forced curing

[QUOTE="IGutTheMidasTuch, post: 619391, member: 11301"]

IGN: Gabauchi

Do you have Skype?:;)

OOC reason for joining:lowkey b/c you asked me to, highkey b/c I wanna rp more

Character Name: Ra'Gotta

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): ;)

Character Skills:healin light n tryin their best
IGN: Silvminer101101

Do you have Skype? Mhm

OOC reason for joining: I wanna see how long it takes to be made into salad, but mostly because I never played in a pride or wolfpack like this

Character Name: Ra'Forst

Character Race: Rashaq Seedling

Character Skills: Cutting light, barrier light.
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IGN: SpamanoTomato

Do you have Skype? non

OOC reason for joining: you told me to, you bully. Also rashaq are cool, you guys are cool, etc etc etc and I wanna get this char out into the rp world even though I just made them five mins ago on a whim

Character Name: Ra'Xaalin

Character Race: Rashaqmasterrace

Character Application (not required, but preferred): mmmaking it soon. like this weekend at the latest.

Character Skills: Sass and warrior level with throwing axes.
IGN: SpamanoTomato

Do you have Skype? non

OOC reason for joining: you told me to, you bully. Also rashaq are cool, you guys are cool, etc etc etc and I wanna get this char out into the rp world even though I just made them five mins ago on a whim

Character Name: Ra'Xaalin

Character Race: Rashaqmasterrace

Character Application (not required, but preferred): mmmaking it soon. like this weekend at the latest.

Character Skills: Sass and warrior level with throwing axes.
Smh, its a tomahawk, not a throwing axe.
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IGN: SpamanoTomato

Do you have Skype? non

OOC reason for joining: you told me to, you bully. Also rashaq are cool, you guys are cool, etc etc etc and I wanna get this char out into the rp world even though I just made them five mins ago on a whim

Character Name: Ra'Xaalin

Character Race: Rashaqmasterrace

Character Application (not required, but preferred): mmmaking it soon. like this weekend at the latest.

Character Skills: Sass and warrior level with throwing axes.
Smh, its a tomahawk, not a throwing axe.
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I just realized I already have 6 chars and I'm unshelving Cynsosiel, so, work on this char will have to be halted until I'm playing less chars. Sorry!
@Beetletoes where is my cow milk

and why am I doing this

IGN: SpamanoTomato

Do you have Skype? no sorry d00d

OOC reason for joining: you guys are cool and honestly I have no clue why I'm doing this

Character Name: Cynsosiel Elael

Character Race: Shendar

Character Application (not required, but preferred): it's somewhere I'll dig it up later

Character Skills: Blood Magic and Corruption Magic. also dank memes.
@Beetletoes where is my cow milk

and why am I doing this

IGN: SpamanoTomato

Do you have Skype? no sorry d00d

OOC reason for joining: you guys are cool and honestly I have no clue why I'm doing this

Character Name: Cynsosiel Elael

Character Race: Shendar

Character Application (not required, but preferred): it's somewhere I'll dig it up later

Character Skills: Blood Magic and Corruption Magic. also dank memes.
IGN: Jouster.

Do you have Skype?: Yes, you have it as well.

OOC reason for joining: I haven't really played my Rashaq in a bit, so I guess hopping on everyso often wouldn't hurt.

Character Name: Ra'Jaal.

Character Race: Rashaq.

Character Application:

Character Skills: Melee combat.

p.s going to most likely update his character sheet soon
IGN: GoldiTheKamikaze

Do you have Skype?: I do, but it's really glitchy. You can add me, i'll pm you my name.

OOC reason for joining: Rashaq needs pride and oh yeah you beat my Rashaq.

Character Name: Ra'Varaan

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): Currently writing one for her.

Character Skills: Is a caster in Preservation Lyre and Student in Deafening Lyre magic. Has a handy dandy violin. And- she's in a performers guild up above the surface.
IGN: GoldiTheKamikaze

Do you have Skype?: I do, but it's really glitchy. You can add me, i'll pm you my name.

OOC reason for joining: Rashaq needs pride and oh yeah you beat my Rashaq.

Character Name: Ra'Varaan

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): Currently writing one for her.

Character Skills: Is a caster in Preservation Lyre and Student in Deafening Lyre magic. Has a handy dandy violin. And- she's in a performers guild up above the surface.
smh accepted
IGN: AngrierThanYou

Do you have Skype? No

OOC reason for joining: Because mom beats me

Character Name: Ra'Narin

Character Race: Rashaq

Character Application (not required, but preferred): Non

Character Skills: Acrobatics, Bill-combat, wooing~
IGN: Ledilote

Do you have Skype?: oh man idk not like i'm added to the banter chat already

OOC reason for joining: I can and will make a Rashaq character solely for the meme of a Rashaq.

Character Name: Ra'Boop (Name suggested by you)

Character Race: Go on. Guess.

Character Application (not required, but preferred): no but i will make one as soon as the wind allows me to.

Character Skills: Midget with a Hathel. Basic medical skills.

OOC References (3 mininum): @Nixces @memeosupremeo Slicerofsilver who doesn't remember how to change his forum name.
IGN: Ledilote

Do you have Skype?: oh man idk not like i'm added to the banter chat already

OOC reason for joining: I can and will make a Rashaq character solely for the meme of a Rashaq.

Character Name: Ra'Boop (Name suggested by you)

Character Race: Go on. Guess.

Character Application (not required, but preferred): no but i will make one as soon as the wind allows me to.

Character Skills: Midget with a Hathel. Basic medical skills.

OOC References (3 mininum): @Nixces @memeosupremeo Slicerofsilver who doesn't remember how to change his forum name.
I don't see my name as a reference so you're Rejected