The Red Leopards Pride

IGN: Ledilote

Do you have Skype?: oh man idk not like i'm added to the banter chat already

OOC reason for joining: I can and will make a Rashaq character solely for the meme of a Rashaq.

Character Name: Ra'Boop (Name suggested by you)

Character Race: Go on. Guess.

Character Application (not required, but preferred): no but i will make one as soon as the wind allows me to.

Character Skills: Midget with a Hathel. Basic medical skills.

OOC References (3 mininum): @Nixces @memeosupremeo Slicerofsilver who doesn't remember how to change his forum name.

@ActuallyAmerican Please do not make joke Accept/Request posts.
You may like. Kill me but. I'm making Kyoko into a rasaq an im gonna play the daughter hoho. Pokkas got a child