The Peachy Pâtisserie


previously "Skeletennessee"
Jul 19, 2017
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{The Peachy Patisserie}

Despite the freezing chill that had set in over the holy city, the door to a small building behind the Golden Willow remained open. The smell of baked goods wafted from the entrance, a stark contrast to the frigidness of the winter. As one peeked their head around the doorframe, they'd feel heat radiate from inside. It was a quaint, well lit bakery. The large window allowed plenty of light into the space, and the three ovens used for baking happened to be providing warmth for the place. A long set of stairs set into the rightmost wall lead upwards.​

{We're a new Roleplay location for anyone who wishes to have roleplay in a cozy cafe like the one we have to offer. We offer various food and drinks, as well as a library above the actual store that anyone can use.}​


{What we have to offer!}

  • Macarons ( 5r ) - A meringue, ganache and buttercream based cookie sandwich, baked in a variety of different flavors! (Including, but not limited to: Peach, Rose, Vanilla, Chocolate, Kafee, Caramel.)

  • Cheesecake (12r ) - A spin on cream-based cheesecake, featuring a much fluffier consistency. The same taste, delivered with a cloud-like texture.

  • Eclairs ( 5r ) - A small pastry, filled with a custard or whipped cream, glazed with icing. Standard flavorings apply for both.

  • Apple Roses ( 7r ) - A beautiful rose, glazed in cinnamon, sugar, and honey. The petals are crafted and baked from the thinnest slices of apple, which are meticulously arranged for your pleasure. Perfect for a loved one!

  • Crème Brûlée ( 12r ) - A fluffy egg custard, sweet and delectable. Served chilled with a toasted sugar layer, which provides a satisfying burnt aroma and crunch.

  • Tiramisu ( 15r ) - A kaffee soaked cake, accented by cocoa, cream, and biscuits. Its layered decadence is rounded off by a dusted layer of superfine kaffee, the very definition of a pick me up!

  • Crème Caramel ( 12r ) - The younger sister of the Crème Brûlée, with a soft caramel layer instead. For those who prefer a warmer, sweeter experience.

  • Flatte Bröd ( 5r ) - A Dragenthal classic, served with apple or peach compote! Ask your server about other possible toppings.

  • Mille-feuille ( 10r ) - An airy, flaky dessert, highlighted by the alternating levels of pastry and cream. Usually embellished by custard, which can be substituted for jam or whipped cream at the customer's whim.

  • Special Requests and Catering! ( Price Varies. ) - Depending on the complexity, size, and various other factors, the price of commissioned desserts will vary. Speak with Elyria for more information. If you've something you'd like to see on the menu in the future, feel free to suggest it!


  • Kaffee ( 5r ) - A stable of any Regalian's diet, freshly ground, and with the finest cocoa. Sugar and cream are optional, for those with a penchant for all things sweet.

  • Hot Cocoa ( 5r ) - A luxurious blend of cream, cocoa, and milk, served hot! The perfect companion to cold winter nights.

  • Dolce Nettare ( 5r ) - A treat of the fruitier variety, this drink is a blend of a plethora of fruits and cream. Merely specify to your server what you'd like in it! On most days, we have apple, strawberry, banana, orange, pineapple, and peach.

  • Tea ( 5r ) - We've a large selection of teas for your pleasure! These are generally served hot, but we can put it on ice for those eccentrics.

Sitting atop the bakery itself is a bookstore, furnished with dark wood and illuminated softly. Several bookshelves are filled to the brim with an assortment of novels, essays, history tomes, and more than its fair share of mythology and fiction. The warmth permeates up through the floorboards, providing a cozy environment to settle down and read.



{Staff list}

Elyria Tyraesal (@Atlastimar) - The actual patissier, as well as the woman likely to be behind the counter.

Aeth Tyraesal (@Dardy) - The management and help, he takes care of the finances and keeps the place afloat.

Maids/ Waiters:



Alistair Auylie


Ruvik Yerdiyl
Helena Kind




Character Name:

Character Sheet (if applicable):

Position applying for:

IC Letter:​


{Extra Information}

The cafe can be reserved on certain days for certain people! This'll obviously cost something, to be decided later. PM if interested.

We're located at Patron Road 7, directly behind the tavern.​

Last edited:
IGN: Pastellanar
Character Name: Alistair Auylie - Cahell'esji
Character Sheet (if applicable):
Position applying for: Waiter / Guard !

IC Letter:

My name is Alistair Auylie - or Cahell'esji! While I don't have any skills specifically to being waiter - besides being fairly good at math. On combat training for the guards work I am a fighter Tenpenny and currently a novice in Blackmark, which should be enough to just defend a cafe. I do not believe I'm really interested in stealing bread, and because of my distrust in my current employer, I find it necessary to switch jobs. I thought something relaxing could do better. I hope to work with you!
IGN: Empaul

Character Name: Ruvik Yerdiyl

Character Sheet (if applicable): N/A

Position applying for: Librarian

IC Letter:
A crisp and fresh letter would make its way to the Peachy Patisserie. It showed no sigil or family name of any kind, only a light blue waxed stamp sealing it shut. Inside was an average letter, lacking any extra designs or colors other than the handwriting which was pristine and delicate. It read:

To the Proud Owners of the Peachy Patisserie,
My name is Ruvik Elindel and I'm a peaceful Nelfin. I read that you have an opening for the position of Librarian and I'd be nothing but delighted and honored if you'd accept me for it. I don't have many skills other than my extensive vocabulary, normal house working skills and my etiquette. I have a love for books of any genre and style and will risk tooth and nail to keep every single one safe from harm. I hope you at least consider me, as I'm very willing to follow any rule or command given. I thank you for at least taking the time to read my letter, if nothing else.
Sincerely and gratefully,
Ruvik Elindel​
IGN: Direst Cruelty

Character Name: Kizkitza Zwaante Lalrey

Character Sheet (if applicable):

Position applying for: Maid

IC Letter:

I've got finals tomorrow but my winter break starts on Saturday, I'll meet you at your bakery at any time you'd like this weekend.​
Pending! Find me IC sometime and request a meeting!

IGN: Pastellanar
Character Name: Alistair Auylie - Cahell'esji
Character Sheet (if applicable):
Position applying for: Waiter / Guard !

IC Letter:


IGN: Empaul

Character Name: Ruvik Yerdiyl

Character Sheet (if applicable): N/A

Position applying for: Librarian

IC Letter:
A crisp and fresh letter would make its way to the Peachy Patisserie. It showed no sigil or family name of any kind, only a light blue waxed stamp sealing it shut. Inside was an average letter, lacking any extra designs or colors other than the handwriting which was pristine and delicate. It read:

To the Proud Owners of the Peachy Patisserie,
My name is Ruvik Elindel and I'm a peaceful Nelfin. I read that you have an opening for the position of Librarian and I'd be nothing but delighted and honored if you'd accept me for it. I don't have many skills other than my extensive vocabulary, normal house working skills and my etiquette. I have a love for books of any genre and style and will risk tooth and nail to keep every single one safe from harm. I hope you at least consider me, as I'm very willing to follow any rule or command given. I thank you for at least taking the time to read my letter, if nothing else.
Sincerely and gratefully,
Ruvik Elindel​
Pending! Find me IC sometime and request a meeting!

Character Name: Helena Kind

Character Sheet (if applicable):

Position applying for: Librarian

IC Letter:
Sorry I've missed you these past few days. I am still very interested in being a librarian in your cafe, so please meet me soon and we can discuss the details. Thank you for your time.
- Helena Kind
IGN: Lumiess
Character Name: Masuyo Draylas
Character Sheet (if applicable):
Position applying for: Maid
IC Letter:

Dear Elyria.
I'm essentially already hired, but I keep being informed I'm supposed to write a letter? It's kind of dumb, but here you go I guess.
Hire me.

- Sincerely, that woman you truly care for and appreciate because she's truly your favourite, Masuyo Draylas.
IGN: TotallyNotRice

Character Name: Yoshi Tokudame

Character Sheet (if applicable): please do not yell i am but a humble candle salesman

Position applying for: Pâtissière

IC Letter:
The l

my name is Yoshi Tokudame, and I'd like to apply for a position at your bakery! I think you're familiar with my cousin Mae? She can probably vouch for my earnestness and baking abilities. A meeting or discussion would be fine!

Thank you for your consideration,

Yoshi Tokudame

IGN: HodlinG

Character Name: Huguelin Von Tulgast

Character Sheet (if applicable):

Position applying for: Waiter

IC Letter:

Dearest Aeth

I couldn't quite remember how to spell your last name. But. Here I am with the letter, I hope it receives you well. If you've at all forgotten what we talked about earlier. I'd like a job, particularly as waiter.. Or exclusively as a waiter. I want people to be waited by me.

Please and thank you.

Huguelin Von Tulgast