Religious Guild The Library Of Madhyaratri


Snek Intensifies
May 18, 2016
Reaction score
The Library of Madhyaratri, Library of Nox, or Madhyaratri Archives is a localised recreation of the archives within Sassrakkand. Each time a Cataclysm takes place, the Prime Archives are burnt and require rebuilding from the ground up. This is where the Library comes in. Regalia is a hotspot for all sorts of unusual happenings which makes it a perfect location to work to document all things, past, present and future. The role for the Archivists is to catalogue these goings on and store them away, as well as protecting them from hostiles and damage.

Anyone can submit a file to the Archives, Dragon faithful or not, however only faithful or allies may view the documents without supervision. The topic does not matter and should a file already exist then they are compounded. Every now and then, bounties are released for people to hunt.


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OOC Information
The Archives can be accessed by anyone however to avoid metagaming, it is asked that the documents are only accessed while you, the player, are inside the rental unit DigmaanBasementHall 3.

Should you want to attack the Archives, please reach out to coordinate it with myself as they would otherwise be defended by The Archivist and I will need to delete any entries that are either taken or destroyed.

Submissions for the Archives are to be sent to myself via Discord [ghirko]. They will be uploaded without any initial alteration, so that any fact-checking can be carried out IC.

The Archives can be access here

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The Library is a Public Space (Public Lock) and anyone is welcome so long as they respect the Archives. In particular, Slizzar and Triton faithful who may find themselves on the outskirts of their faith can find respite here.

As a stronghold for all manners of knowledge, all manner of people can find some worth from those who dedicate themselves to extracting information.

Bounties can be completed or commissioned for cash or specific information accordingly.

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There is no particularly strict hierarchy outside of Satrajit the Keeper, who oversees each file and ensures their legitimacy, and The Archivist, a Telsatech automaton who's primary job is to defend the Archives and all that is within.

Anyone who wishes to become an official Knowledge Seeker may reach out to either Satrajit or the Archivist. Their identities will be kept hidden so as to not impact their effectiveness in the field.
Bounties Namecard.webp
Investigate the explosions in the Allorn, Ithanian cities, Kezzeret Artamon, states, and surrounding areas.

Client Needs:
To know the cause, persons involved, why there specifically, and general information.

Leads: "Metal tubes with fire" is all that was seen. Over a hundred million died, and even more in the aftermath.

Reward: 250 - 1,000r Depending on amount of information gathered.
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