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Urgent Appeal: Theft At The Library Of Forgotten Pleasures


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
An announcement is penned from Vanectus-Relicum, Member of the Scribe Order
Meant to be relayed to Members of the Scribe Order, it is oddly found on a singular notice board.

To my Esteemed Colleagues,

It is with a troubled mind burgeoning with thoughts ready to pierce my very skull, that I bring forth an altercation that has befallen our esteemed institution, the Library of Forgotten Pleasures. Within these last thirteen hours, our sanctuary of knowledge has been desecrated, with three invaluable records stolen from our shelves. These tomes hold within them proof of our collective wisdom. In summary, they contain schematics on engineering, a crucial historical contract, and a transcript detailing a pivotal historical event.

However, what troubles me more than the loss of these invaluable volumes is the manner in which they were replaced. Three disparate books, foreign to our collection, were left in their stead. It is a perplexing and concerning turn of events, one that demands our immediate investigation and attention.

To this end, I call upon those among us with expertise in investigation, archival research, and diplomatic negotiation to step forward and lend their aid. My hope is that together, we shall uproot this altercation and hopefully restore the sanctity of our beloved library. Please seek me if you are interested in assisting.

Your Starlight,
Vanectus-Relicum Inulvaan Custodian
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A letter is pinned beside the original

Dearest Colleagues,

By swift action, the tomes have been reclaimed and restored to their rightful place. May the fountain of wisdom continue to shower its blessings upon those who bestowed help. I am compelled to express my deepest gratitude to the Estelley faithful and beg forgiveness for the disquieting condition in which our library was found.

The pilfered volumes included the Sarnan Truth, HallowTech schematics, and an old Sortelle chapter contract.
These were taken by Major Erwin Brauncschweiger, but have been returned, even allowed back to the Major when he chose words over scaling windows.

Thus may the following be heard by future patrons,
I simply ask you to show respect within these halls, carrying humility as your companion as you seek the honour of perusing our collections.
Always CONSULT with one of our librarians should you desire a tome, whether for borrowing or transcription. More often than not, your request will be granted, for it is our sacred joy to serve in the Great Librarian's name.

Lastly, remember to wash your hands before engaging with our books.

With grace,
Wisteria Netollihua,
Head Librarian