The Inquisition Of Holy Leomar


swimming in chechen tears
Jun 5, 2017
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The Inquisition of Holy Leomar
Sacred Prefecture Of Sancellist Consecration
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭


What is the Inquisition of Holy Leomar?

The Inquisition of Holy Leomar is the militant arm of the Unionist Divine within the Crown City of Regalia. Formed to fill the gap left by the collapse of the Azure Order following dissident elements within attempting to subvert the state, the Inquisition serves to subdue or otherwise purge heretics, aberrants, mages and other such undesirables while acting in strict adherence to Unionist dogma, answering only to the directives of the Imperial Seat.

Following the dissolution of the Azure Order in 306 AC, the Crimson Inquisition was restored under the command of Inquisitor Prelate Albus du Pont, assuming many of the duties of the former organization though with a much more hardline stance on the existence, legality and purpose of entities deemed subversive and unnatural residing within the walls of the holy city. The new order formally recognizes itself as a continuation of the Black Prefecture and thus makes the internal division between its Inquisitors proper, being of the Sacred Prefecture Of Sancellist Consecration, where its aids and retinue fall under the overarching Inquisition. It has been reformed into the Inquisition of Holy Leomar following the events now known as the Unionist Ascension.

As the name suggests, the Inquisition's primary directive is to hunt and uproot heresy in the Empire wherever it might flourish. However, with the disintegration of the Azure Order, this also covers aberrants such as individuals afflicted by the Sanguine Curse, Silven, Vilitatei and the practitioners of illegal magics. Given the nature of their work and the potentiality for corruption of the soul when so often exposed to malign forces,
these undesireables are required to undergo weekly screening by Synod Reverends and are typically selected from a pool of Ailor individuals with unquestionable devotion to the Unionist Faith and resolute mental will. Following a recent change of law, the Inquisition no longer recruits witchbloods and mages into its service, but keeps a watchful eye on all aberrants all the same.


The High Reverend and the Synod are the overseers of the Inquisition and Prefecture, offering spiritual guidance and aid to the organization as well as directly overseeing their affairs. Their place in the hierarchy is where the Inquisitors of the Order derive their authority from to hold religious courts and trials and to represent the Holy Unionist Divine in the affairs of the Inquisition. The Inquisitor Prelate answers directly to the High Reverend.


The Lord Inquisitor sits at the head of the order that is the Inquisition. His authority is absolute and he directs the Inquisition in whatever agenda it might pursue. Only the Inquisitor Prelate may promote individuals into the rank of the Sacred Prefecture, whose authority is derived from his station.

Current sitting Inquisitor Prelate: Gena Livanov

Inquisitor Prefects, or simply Prefects, are the trusted lieutenants of the Lord Inquisitor, wielding the authority to carry out their own investigations without direct oversight from their leader. In the Lord Inquisitor's absence, those of this rank fulfill his duties, commanding Inquisitors and leading the holy charter. A secondary, but equally important responsibility of the Prefect, is to ensure that the charter itself remains pure of heretical or dissenting individuals.

Current Prefects: Gustavo d'Goss

Inquisitors form the core of the Inquisition and Prefecture, deriving their authority from both the Inquisitor Prelate and the High Reverend, being able to hold religious trials under the eyes of the Spirit. Inquisitors are appointed by the Inquisitor Prelate and affirmed by the Holy Synod of Regalia. They may pursue inquests with the authorization of the Inquisitor Prelate, where otherwise they are delegated to work beneath an Inquisitor Prefect. They are also charged with maintaining a registry of aberrants and oversee the bi-monthly screenings of those who have willingly submitted themselves to the order.


Inquisitor Sergeants, also sometimes abbreviated simply to Sergeants, are the rank that separates the Inquisition's rank and file from the authoritative Inquisitor Prefects. Sergeants are tasked with the same responsibilities as an Inquisitor, but are responsible for leading their comrades in the field should a Prefect or the Lord Inquisitor be absent. They may pursue their own investigations with the consent of the Lord Inquisitor.

Current Sergeants: Alfred Rolfe

Helerian Guards represent the martial strength of the Unionist Divine and those within the Crown Isle have been folded into the Inquisition to better serve the needs of the Faith and the Empire. Helerian Guards answer directly to the Inquisitor Prelate and Synod, however, they are under obligation to work alongside Inquisitors and defer to ranking officers of the Inquisition in the circumstance that the Inquisitor Prelate is not present. While they are almost strictly Lancyon Knights, it is not unheard of for men of the Viridian or Bloodcast Schools to find service under the Inquisition's Helerians with affirmation by the High Reverend.

Retinue of the Inquisition are the rank-and-file. Mundane individuals who have not been vested with clerical authority and thus inquisitorial rights. They are permitted to carry out arrests and are typically the muscle for inquests, serving under Inquisitors directly or Helerian Sergeants.

Adherents are the so-called undesirables who have willingly submitted themselves to the Inquisition and the Unionist Divine. Mages, Phantasma, or otherwise useful aberrants such as skilled Silven, they are kept on a tight leash to be utilized for their unique skill sets to the benefit of the Inquisition. While they are not kept collared as they had been under the Azure Order, they are required to sign themselves away to the Faith via contract and must undergo bi-monthly Inquisitorial screenings in order to maintain their rights.

State-Granted Charter Rights:
➣The right to arrest, detain and punish criminals who break Regalian State Law.
➣The right to wear armor while on duty.
➣The right to utilize and open carry non-military grade weapons.
➣The right to conduct investigations into criminal matters.
➣The right to maintain headquarters within the City.
➣The right to declare district searches and curfews
➣The right to enforce Canon Law
➣The right to arrest, detain, trial and convict magic users and grand heretics found to be in violation of Imperial and Canon Law.
➣The right to keep a registry and investigation system for all Abberents.



Those wishing to join the Crimson Inquisitor may choose to pen Lord Inquisitor du Pont expressing their interest and qualifications. Follow the format below:

IC Name:

MC Name:

Do you have Discord:

Resume Letter:

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IC Name: Soryn Draachter.

MC Name: Icaruscien.

Do you have Discord: Yes, you have it.

Resume Letter:

Dear Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont,

I offer this application to you with high hopes of submitting myself to the Imperial Spirit, the Crimson Inquisition, and any subjugation that may come with it. Enclosed you'll find certifications for my graduation from the School of Griffer, the affirmation of the contract signed by me (witnessed by the now deceased Anthonius Gwittermen), the Azure Order and Office of Arcane Regulation and Security records that document my standing as a Voidling Silven, Void Mage and half-human within this Holy City, as well as proof of my Sacrament of Solution and Imperialization to the name Soryn Draachter, and the Hightower documents reciting my designation S-23 and my contributions to the organisation. I hope you find this sufficient, and my damned soul redeemable,

Sincerely, Soryn Draachter.
IC Name: His Holliness Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne

MC Name: GoldWolfGaming

Do you have Discord?: Yup

Resume Letter:

Lord Commander,

We already spoke of this privately. I shall take any position you see fit with my current physical troubles, though I would greatly enjoy trying heretics in a court scene. For this, as a Reverend I am an expert in Cannon Law and will be able to give effective rulings on heretics. I would also be free to lead executions if ever need be.

Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne,
Reverend of Anglia,
Member of the Holy Synod
IC Name:
Fionola O'Hanigan
MC Name:
Do you have Discord:
Resume Letter:
Lord Inquisitor,
I wish to sign up under the fact that I am one of the many Witchbloods plaguing this city and feel as if I would do better working under you than a guard charter. I may have some skill with the Griffer school but I wish to assist and be able to work for the Imperial Spirit. I had been signed up for the Hightowers under the name of F-28 and had papers in the Azure Order before they had fallen.
Fionola O'Hanigan
IC Name: Soryn Draachter.

MC Name: Icaruscien.
IC Name: His Holliness Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne

MC Name: GoldWolfGaming
To the good reverend Aelfric Aherne,

I fear based off our prior conversation in person I will have to deny your request of transferal into the inquisition. Your duties as a Reverend of the Synod suffice for the demands of the inquisition and your current physical condition. I wish you best of days, Reverend.
Spirit Keep You,
Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont
Fionola O'Hanigan
MC Name:
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IC Name: Djanira Acosta. [x]

MC Name: essentialess

Do you have Discord: Yes!

Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont,

I pen this with the intention of pledging myself to the Inquisition, and in turn, furthering my service to the Empire. I am a collared white mage, as verified by the state. Inside I have enclosed my qualifications, including verification of my graduation from the School of History, my dual roles within the Scholar Ministry, and past terms under the Arcane Office. However, I would much prefer to prove myself in person.

I hope this letter finds you in good health, Lord Inquisitor.

Spirit guide you well,
Djanira Pérez-Carrión Acosta
IC Name: Tullius Kearney.

MC Name: ShipIt.

Do you have Discord: Indeed, you have it.

Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor Albus Du Pont,
I write this to present my application to dedicate my skills and service to the Imperial Spirit, signing myself up for the Crimson Inquisition. You'll find that I'm qualified in the school of Tenpenny, successfully graduating from the prospering tutoring of this. Alongside I previously worked under the Azure Order, though with my loyalty to the crown I wish to fully join the Inquisition. I've signed the documents under the name T-39, and wish to join the organisation in wish to fully contribute.

Tullius Kearney.
IC Name: Tullius Kearney.
MC Name: ShipIt.
Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor Albus Du Pont,
I write this to present my application to dedicate my skills and service to the Imperial Spirit, signing myself up for the Crimson Inquisition. You'll find that I'm qualified in the school of Tenpenny, successfully graduating from the prospering tutoring of this. Alongside I previously worked under the Azure Order, though with my loyalty to the crown I wish to fully join the Inquisition. I've signed the documents under the name T-39, and wish to join the organisation in wish to fully contribute.
IC Name: Djanira Acosta.
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IC Name: Johann Delacroix

MC Name: DayLighter

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
Lord Inquisitor du Pont,
I have seen the opportunity to take part in a lifelong goal of mine, and I could not help myself but submit my application to the cause. I am a member of Hightower guard as it currently stands, but I find that my skillset and vested interest in the betterment of the realm and spirit of man is to work within the service of the Inquisition. I was instructed at the School of Bloodcast where I learned how to handle a longsword and other weapons. If you feel the need, I would be more than happy to speak with you in person.
Best Wishes and Spirit Guide,
Johann Delacroix​
IC Name: Ehrendil Yerdiyl

MC Name: Zzaque

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

On the path to repent for the many sins I have done (as recommended to me by a Reverend), I wish to serve the Great Way by joining the Crimson Inquisition. Residing in the slums for so long, I know of a great many heretics and heathens that need to be turned to the ways of Unionism. With the rampant rejection of the only true path by these peoples, that being Unionism, I feel like this is the way to best serve the Empire. My knowledge of these heathens and my skill with my weapon of choice (a metal pipe) will serve you and your cause greatly. Should this letter not be enough, I am willing to meet in person to prove my worth.

PS: I also enjoy hitting heretics with my pipe.

Spirit Bless,
Ehrendil Yerdiyl
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IC Name: Abigail Langlais-Tucker

MC Name: TheDongler

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
[The letter was written on half stained parchment, and in charcoal. It wasn't in common, but was in Leuts-Vixe.]
To the Lord Inquisitor,
I am Abigail. I have been recommended to join the inquisition by the witchblood Leufred. I accept and would like to join and help the order as a healer.

Abigail Tomaise Looxois Langlais-Tucker
[The signature was different to the rest of the letter's writing.]

P.S. - Written by Leufred Grey
IC Name: Emíl Dragović

MC Name: SocialDarwinist (Formerly Inquisitater)

Do you have Discord: SocialDarwinist #9079

Resume Letter:

To Lord Inquisitor du Pont,
I have but recently arrived in this city, hailed from among the pious unionist people of Thessalos and Mlyat, yet the short time was enough to leave me vexed at the state of it. The inherent decadence within the crown city grieves me to absurd proportions. At a few occasions, I have had the pleasure to enact the Spirit's will upon one heretic or another, but as we know, you and I, cutting weeds will only ensure they grow back with twice the strenght. Instead, to stop their parasitic tendencies, and to leave unblemished land for benign crops to flourish, they must be seized by the roots and forcefuly wrenched from the soil. With this metaphore as my motivation, I wish to express my desire to join the ranks of the Crimson Inquisition.

To my qualifications: I am the Voyevoda of the Druzhina and right-hand-man of Inquisitor Prefect Radoslav Bolshekov. Attached, is a letter of recommendation, assuring his Endorsement. My upbringing was that of a commoner, so I never had the opportunity to learn to fight with anything other than my own bare fists. I am, however, in the process of remedying that, and the experience I lack in conventional combat and the handling of martial weapons, I make up for in zeal and cunning.

Spirit's benevolence upon you,
Emíl Dragović

[Character app:íl-dragović.64959/#post-813637 ]
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IC Name: Lena d'Vaud

MC Name: HeyoBiggums

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I, Lena d'Vaud write to you in my desire to join the Crimson Inquisition. I have studied Regalia Law, and Ailor history, I am a devote Unionist who has repented from the Dragon Song thanks to the words of the Emperor. I wish to give my service to the State, Empire, and Church. I am a Tenpenny Warrior, and trained with shields shortswords, and spears. I had a friend who was in the Crimson Inquisition in the glory days. He told me stories of the rights they've made, and good deeds. Maxwell Ta'ren, is his name. I'm certain I would be a great addition to your Inquisition, for I serve to show how a Unionist woman should behave.

Spirit bless,
Lena d'Vaud
IC Name: Benjamin Miramonte

MC Name:

I have discord


To the Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I write to you on my want to join your formidable inquisition. I, myself, am a man of Law and Faith. I seek to serve through your order to the state and faith. I may not be a well skilled combatant, but I know law well. I've the skill of a rapier to my side, and law to my other.

Spirit's Blessings
Benjamin Miramonte
Nobleman of Cortaghena
IC Name: Gena Livanov

MC Name: DelendaEst

Do you have Discord: Yes, you have it.

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor Albus Du Pont,

I hope this letter finds you in a state of peace-of-mind. It has long since been an aspiration of mine to serve the crown and faith in a direct manner, and in this letter, I petition myself for the task of an inquisitor. I graduated with high praise from the School of Lancyon, where my zeal and ambition were emboldened by the tutelage of the masters there. Since leaving the school, I have served numerous employers as a bodyguard, and though I find myself in better circumstances than those I left as a child, a man seeks purpose greater than protecting individuals of our merchant class. I pray you give my offer consideration, you will find no better tool to carry out justice.


Gena Livanov
IC Name: Meursault Valeur

MC Name: Sebbysc

Do you have Discord: Yey papi.

Resume Letter:
To the Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont,

I'm writing to you to formally request to earn the opportunity to serve the Empire within the heart of the Crown Isle. My training as a Lancyon Knight has gone smoothly and I wish to continue my work with the great Unionist Faith. I've gone on countless missionary trips and have served a handful of Reverends and Curates during my time, so I believe it is the right time to serve the Synod's work in the Crown Isle. I await patiently for your response.

Spirit Protect,
Meursault Valeur
Lancyon Knight
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IC Name: Frankland Laurent (Frankie)

MC Name: Cattanine

Do you have Discord: Yep.

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor, du Pont,
As a graduate of the Havre-Sur-Bastillion, serving a cause towards Humanum souls against vile heretics and criminals is something I quite literallty trained to do. I specialize in the use of a Halberd, as expected of someone from my school, and I have extensive knowledge in Unionist Seminary. Though such formalities including my skills are likely something you hear multiple times, daily, I hope you'll consider me all the same.
As we walk along the Great Way,
Frankland Laurent.

P.S Despite his wishes to have me write him down as a good reference, i'd like to include that I have a familiar adhearant who can vouch for me and my skills under your charter known as Leufred Reginar.
IC Name: Theodric Howlester

MC Name: Doc_Cantankerous

Do you have Discord: yes

Resume Letter:
To the Lord Inquisitor,
I've never been one for fancy letters, so I'll be cuttin to the chase if you don't much mind. My name is Theodric Howlester, Sergeant of the Imperial Army, veteran of multiple wars, and trained member of the school of Battlemed. Servin along side the Dogartans, I've learned the basics of theology, and am aware of all current laws. I've written to pledge my mace and my faith to the Spirit and to your Inquisition.

The Spirit Protects!

Theodric Howlester
IC Name: Azara Tyrannian

MC Name: SergeantDelta

Do you have Discord: Yeah I'm in the chat G.

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont:

As a student of Battlemed, and an enthusiast in studying aberration. I've taken interest in joining The Inquisition as of lately to help remove the illegal magic on the streets. As well as the heresy in the city I'd like to help neutralize and null those who harm the great city. That is all.

Azara Anika Tyrannian
IC Name: Cesare "The Hammer" del Puente

MC Name: Mooffins

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:
Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont,

I hate magic, other religions, and Elves. Let me swing my warhammer in the direction of the Spirit's enemies, and shatter every rib they have. I'm still in my prime, and eager to busy myself when I'm not caving in Kathar skulls abroad.

Spirit's Blessings; Cesare Fernando del Puente
Patriarch of House del Puente
Sorry for the late replies notifications have been messed up and I've been really busy -
IC Name: Azara Tyrannian
IC Name: Theodric Howlester
MC Name: Doc_Cantankerous
IC Name: Meursault Valeur
IC Name: Cesare "The Hammer" del Puente


IC Name: Frankland Laurent (Frankie)
Please contact either myself or @DelendaEst @Finlaggan for an ingame interview!
IC Name:
Markos Winslough
MC Name:
Do you have Discord:
Yes, Lagarn#4205
Resume Letter:
Lord inquisitor, Albus Du Pont.
I write this letter today, For as I wish to join the Inquisition. I am a viridian knight and a faithfull unionist wishing to fight the heretics and the ones that hurt the Great Spirits.
I hope you will consider me and give me a chance to fight the Heretics opposing The Spirits.

Spirits bless.
Markos Winslough "The Red Painted Knight"
IC Name: Jules Olivier De Got

MC Name: Salier

Do you have Discord: Balthy#6909

Resume Letter:
To the Lord Inquisitor, Albus Du Pont

I hope this letter finds you well! I am penning this letter in the hopes of offering my services. A decade ago I graduated from the Viridian School. My skills are not limited to combat, I also believe myself a worthy field officer. I hope you may find my skills of use - If not, I am always willing to learn more.

Spirit's Blessings,
Jules Olivier De Got
IC Name:
Markos Winslough
MC Name:
Do you have Discord:
Yes, Lagarn#4205
Resume Letter:
Lord inquisitor, Albus Du Pont.
I write this letter today, For as I wish to join the Inquisition. I am a viridian knight and a faithfull unionist wishing to fight the heretics and the ones that hurt the Great Spirits.
I hope you will consider me and give me a chance to fight the Heretics opposing The Spirits.

Spirits bless.
Markos Winslough "The Red Painted Knight"

IC Name: Jules Olivier De Got

MC Name: Salier

Do you have Discord: Balthy#6909

Resume Letter:
To the Lord Inquisitor, Albus Du Pont

I hope this letter finds you well! I am penning this letter in the hopes of offering my services. A decade ago I graduated from the Viridian School. My skills are not limited to combat, I also believe myself a worthy field officer. I hope you may find my skills of use - If not, I am always willing to learn more.

Spirit's Blessings,
Jules Olivier De Got

Please contact me @louie#6858 on Discord to arrange an IC interview.
Two letters are sent from the Black Tower via courier.

"Your application has been accepted, please report to the Black Tower with this letter post haste.

Inquisitor Prefect,
Gena Livanov"

"Your application has been denied, you may keep this letter for personal bookkeeping or destroy it.

Inquisitor Prefect,
Gena Livanov"
IC Name: Serna Ashwood

MC Name: The_Western_Fox

Do you have Discord: Yes, Fox #7623

Resume Letter:

I, Serna Ashwood, wish to purge Regalia from all of its unholiness, I come to you to receive a holy duty. I have seen with my own eyes what these heretics have done to innocents, and I wish to help prevent this from happening to another Ailor. As part of my devotion I have also joined the Order of Control. The spirit has given me a vision to purge heretics, and in the inquisition I hope to obey his will. I have attended the school of Darkmark and have training in the use of Shortsword and Dagger, I have also taken some training in the use of shields in defensive styles. I look forward to serve you and in turn serve the spirit.

Spirit Bless,
Serna Ashwood

Hit me up at Avacyn#1337 so we can set a time for an IC interview.
IC Name: Laurent von Dresdner
MC Name: Razrei
Do you have Discord: Razrei#9821

Resume Letter:
To the revered Lord Inquisitor,

I am a Viridian of some youth, but not without capabilities with a blade. As devout as the Viridians ought to be; I am eager to serve the Spirit, and know of no other way than to fight for it's behalf. Thusly I am interested in serving in the ranks of the Inquisition, purging the city of nonbelievers and those who would oppose the Spirit.

Ser Laurent von Dresdner
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IC Name: Kantain von Dresdner

MC Name: Oursaxmax

Do you have Discord: Oursaxmax#4139

Resume Letter:
To that dearest Lord Inquisitor,
Albus du Pont

A first sunrise in this holiest of cities, and in yet this barest light I already find it tainted at the hands of an immeasurable heresy. In a first glance at it I find heathens, their feet dancing boundlessly across these sacred streets as if it isn't ground enough to hang. A devout believer in our Holy Spirit and his faith, this weighs heavy on my heart. I do not mean for my coming here to be for naught, and I am indebted to the man that gives me the chance to prove that. I will root the heretics out.

Ser Kantain von Dresdner

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IC Name: Darius

MC Name: Optimalfriskies

Do you have Discord: Yes, Optimalfriskies#4318

Resume Letter:
To the Esteemed Lord Inquisitor Du Pont,

I write to you today in hopes that you will consider my application for the Inquisition, despite my aberration. My name is Darius, and I am a Phantasma, and a former member of the Azure order. I have come to find my skill set as both a sixty-year veteran within the Regalian armies, as well as an Aberrant hunter squandered by most other work, and I write to you today seeking entry into the ranks of the Holy Inquisition. I am more that capable of holding my own in battle, should you need a reference, you could ask your own Leufred. It may also comfort you to know that I am a pious Unionist, and have been since long before my curse claimed me. I'll look forward to a response.

IC Name: Curate Remko Holm.
MC Name: prem_
Do you have Discord: Yep.
Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I write with the intent of joining The Inquisition of Holy Leomar. I have applicable qualifications, being a Curate and a member of The Order of the Fervent. Other skills include swordsmanship, wrestling, public speaking and confident diction of Skodje and Modern Elven. I have participated in several wars with the role of rallying men, and have learnt to fight alongside them.

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IC Name: Mikhaila Sauer

MC Name: MikeyMoo_Da_Goat

Do you have Discord: Yep!

Resume Letter:
Esteemed Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I write this with humble request to join your Organisation's ranks. I am Mikhaila Sauer, a wandering knight of the Darkwald. I have lived long, and travelled much, meeting many challenges and overcoming them along the way. I am schooled in the dictations of the Unionist Creeds, and have taken my study beyond, having received inauguration into the Order of Talent.

Should you have need of a test of my abilities, offer your finest knight. I am always readily awaiting a challenge from an honourable gentleman.

Mikhaila Sauer,
Knight of Darkwald.
IC Name: Laurent von Dresdner
MC Name: Razrei
Do you have Discord: Razrei#9821

Resume Letter:
To the revered Lord Inquisitor,

I am a Viridian of some youth, but not without capabilities with a blade. As devout as the Viridians ought to be; I am eager to serve the Spirit, and know of no other way than to fight for it's behalf. Thusly I am interested in serving in the ranks of the Inquisition, purging the city of nonbelievers and those who would oppose the Spirit.

Ser Laurent von Dresdner
IC Name: Kantain von Dresdner

MC Name: Oursaxmax

Do you have Discord: Oursaxmax#4139

Resume Letter:
To that dearest Lord Inquisitor,
Albus du Pont

A first sunrise in this holiest of cities, and in yet this barest light I already find it tainted at the hands of an immeasurable heresy. In a first glance at it I find heathens, their feet dancing boundlessly across these sacred streets as if it isn't ground enough to hang. A devout believer in our Holy Spirit and his faith, this weighs heavy on my heart. I do not mean for my coming here to be for naught, and I am indebted to the man that gives me the chance to prove that. I will root the heretics out.

Ser Kantain von Dresdner

IC Name: Darius

MC Name: Optimalfriskies

Do you have Discord: Yes, Optimalfriskies#4318

Resume Letter:
To the Esteemed Lord Inquisitor Du Pont,

I write to you today in hopes that you will consider my application for the Inquisition, despite my aberration. My name is Darius, and I am a Phantasma, and a former member of the Azure order. I have come to find my skill set as both a sixty-year veteran within the Regalian armies, as well as an Aberrant hunter squandered by most other work, and I write to you today seeking entry into the ranks of the Holy Inquisition. I am more that capable of holding my own in battle, should you need a reference, you could ask your own Leufred. It may also comfort you to know that I am a pious Unionist, and have been since long before my curse claimed me. I'll look forward to a response.

IC Name: Curate Remko Holm.
MC Name: prem_
Do you have Discord: Yep.
Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I write with the intent of joining The Inquisition of Holy Leomar. I have applicable qualifications, being a Curate and a member of The Order of the Fervent. Other skills include swordsmanship, wrestling, public speaking and confident diction of Skodje and Modern Elven. I have participated in several wars with the role of rallying men, and have learnt to fight alongside them.

IC Name: Mikhaila Sauer

MC Name: MikeyMoo_Da_Goat

Do you have Discord: Yep!

Resume Letter:
Esteemed Lord Inquisitor du Pont,

I write this with humble request to join your Organisation's ranks. I am Mikhaila Sauer, a wandering knight of the Darkwald. I have lived long, and travelled much, meeting many challenges and overcoming them along the way. I am schooled in the dictations of the Unionist Creeds, and have taken my study beyond, having received inauguration into the Order of Talent.

Should you have need of a test of my abilities, offer your finest knight. I am always readily awaiting a challenge from an honourable gentleman.

Mikhaila Sauer,
Knight of Darkwald.

Please PM me on Discord (lou#6858) if you are still interested in a position with the Inquisition.
IC Name: Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote

MC Name: TheyCalledMeKiko

Do you have Discord: Yuppo I dooo

Resume Letter:

The letter would be written in an incredibly elaborate hand and finished with the Rote seal.

'To the Lord Inquisitor,

I, Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote, a long-standing patriot of the Empire and of the Unionist Faith, pen this letter to you in the hopes of achieving a beginning rank amongst your Inquisition. I qualified from the School of Command a decade and a half ago now, serving in various House Guards back in Jarrow. I prefer the mace and shield over some of the more elegant weapons, with the Order of Talent I belong to bestowing me with some more expertise than most of my age. I will passionately serve my faith within your order and hope to receive a reply soon.

Spirit's Blessings,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote'
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IC Name: Pelrun Boyyo

MC Name: SomeRandomMan

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

An entire book was delivered via courier.

The first couple of pages was read the following.
Reason I.jpg

Reason II .jpg

Flipping rapidly through all of the upcoming pages would yield the following sight:

IC Name: Dimitri Petrova
MC Name: Yigit
Do you have Discord: You have it.
Resume Letter:
To the Lord Inquisitor Levanov,

I am Dimitri Petrova, a fellow Vladno man with numerous useful skills up his belt. I am writing to you in hopes of partaking in the activities of 'cleansing' within the Inquisition. The sight of many aberrants and magic wielding outcasts running out and about so freely is something my stomach finds difficult to bear. I wish to extend to you and your Inquisitors a helping hand, and join your ranks. I wish to devote myself to the removal of heretical existences and cursed beings who should have no room to take part in our daily lives. As a pious Unionist from the very core of my essence, I am ready to sacrifice my heart and soul for this noble task. Please consider me.

Dimitri Petrova.
IC Name: Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote

MC Name: TheyCalledMeKiko

Do you have Discord: Yuppo I dooo

Resume Letter:

The letter would be written in an incredibly elaborate hand and finished with the Rote seal.

'To the Lord Inquisitor,

I, Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote, a long-standing patriot of the Empire and of the Unionist Faith, pen this letter to you in the hopes of achieving a beginning rank amongst your Inquisition. I qualified from the School of Command a decade and a half ago now, serving in various House Guards back in Jarrow. I prefer the mace and shield over some of the more elegant weapons, with the Order of Talent I belong to bestowing me with some more expertise than most of my age. I will passionately serve my faith within your order and hope to receive a reply soon.

Spirit's Blessings,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote'

Contact me on Discord to arrange interviews.

IC Name: Pelrun Boyyo

MC Name: SomeRandomMan

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

An entire book was delivered via courier.

The first couple of pages was read the following.
View attachment 150288
View attachment 150289
View attachment 150290

View attachment 150291

Flipping rapidly through all of the upcoming pages would yield the following sight:

View attachment 150292

A reply is sent,

"Please return when you are of age, inquisition work is not fit for children.

Spirit Bless,
Office of the Lord Inquisitor"
IC Name: Wade Asterisk

MC Name: Airrail

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I have been shown The Great Way of the Spirit and would like to join the Inquisition. I have a background in medicine and combat, as I have gone to the school of Battlemed, and would be a great asset to you in many ways with my knowledge and dedication.

Spirit Bless,
Wade Asterisk
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