The Imperial Gladiators


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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House Croy





From the Desk of the Grand Bellator, Ser Percival Ravenstad

I've been tasked by His Imperial Holiness, Cedromar I, Peace be Upon Him, with overseeing the Imperial Gladiators as Grand Bellator. The Imperial Gladiators are elite warriors, who have the job of training with the Emperor Himself, in order to keep His skills honed and battle-ready. This honour does not come easy, as one most prove they are skilled enough through a vetting process to actually become His training partner. As Grand Bellator, it is my duty to ensure He has the best of the best, and these men and women are what he needs to be successful. I will be overseeing tournaments and matchups in order to determine who will earn this place, as well as appointing and accepting applicants to the general Gladiators order. Being in the Gladiators, again, doesn't mean you will earn the coveted and important position of training with the Emperor, but instead have the opportunity to reach that measure.




Grand Bellator
The Grand Bellator is the leader or leaders of the Imperial Gladiators, and oversee the procedure.

Ser Percival Ravenstad

These Gladiators have won their tournaments and earned a space as a personal training partner to the Emperor.


These Gladiators have proven themselves, but are not quite yet at the top.

Vulmar Ravenstad
Leon Deceres

These Gladiators are newly accepted or haven't won anything yet. Lowest rank.

Shiori Draylas
Frederico Speziale
Vilhelm Wolfzahn
Nicolas Rubens
Sophie Perrot
Charles Ravenstad
Garth Viduggla
Alexander Donsly
Leufred Reginard
Wyland aep Latsen
Amonio Valetta
Garret Ames
Darius Silevon
Augusta of Galloy
Inkeri Årud
Hans Moselberg


Character Name:
Character's Combat School:
Time Zone:
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?:
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?:
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

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: Icaruscien.
Character Name: Shiori Draylas.
Character's Combat School: Mariposa | Warrior.
Activity: 8/10.
Time Zone: GMT.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: You have both.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator Percival Ravenstad,

Within you'll find a recommendation from the Fonseca Estate proving my training in La Mariposa Bailarina. I find myself nothing myself to be a Silven, half Shendar and half Ch'ien-ji, and a mage. While this may be a deterrent, I should not my ears are cut round, and I've a collar to prove registration and cooperativeness on the first and third aspect. I hope for a swift reply,

Spirit Protect,
Shiori Draylas.
IGN: KrakenLord01
Character Name: Frederico Speziale
Character's Combat School: Viridian (Champion)
Activity: Weekends and occasional weekdays
Time Zone: EST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: N/A
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Skype
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To Grand Bellator Ser Percival Ravenstad,

An empire such as that of Regalia tends to face hostility from those who would seek to lacerate the fabric of order. However, Regalia has raised warriors from around the realm who must bear the capability to either protect or train his Imperial Holiness to better face threats to the Empire. A Viridian's purpose is to ensure the betterment of his Emperor, and in writing this letter, I hope to prove worthy of providing proficiency in combat instruction for his Imperial Holiness.

Long live the Empire,
Ser Frederico Speziale
Aberrant Shiori Draylas,
Despite the conditions that surround your person as a Silven, the clipping of your ears and willingness to throw yourself into combat is admirable. I'll give you a chance, and allow you to become a Thraex.

Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
Ser Speziale,
A Viridian will make a fine addition to the Gladiators. I expect you to perform proficiently.
Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
IGN: Tibertastic
Character Name: Vulmar Ravenstad
Character's Combat School: Lancyon
Activity: Yeah.
Time Zone: G M T
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Only the one.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Of course.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To my Uncle, Percival,

Gerold promised a place here. I want to prove myself and join the Bellators.

Come prove yourself in combat. Look forward to seeing you perform.

Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
IGN: MugKing
Character Name: Vilhelm Wolfzahn
Character's Combat School: School of Skagger
Activity: On daily.
Time Zone: CST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: N/A
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
Grand Bellator,
I was previously accepted by Ania and the other previous grand bellator. I am not listed as one of your gladiators, so I have sent in this letter to either correct this error, or apply once more if it was intentional.

Spirit Bless,
Baron Vilhelm Wolfzahn
Mr. Wolfzahn,
Consider yourself inducted on previous merit, then. I look forward to your performance.

Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
IGN: Patsie
Character Name: Sophie Perrot
Character's Combat School: Technically a Griffer, but it's complicated.
Activity: Almost on 24/7 regarding I need to sleep and do commissions.
Time Zone: GMT
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None, I'm clean.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: ... Yes.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
To the Grand Bellator,
From overhearing spoken word from the folk within the tavern, The Imperial Gladiators has peaked my interests. Despite being a woman with not a lot going for her, I request that you allow me the chance to prove my worth as a fighter and a protector. I am a Griffer, tutored by a friend, but I believe through my years spent in regalia I have mustered up a bastardized version of their technique as the fights I have fought have taught me to open up my arms and welcome the talent of other schools. I hope not to disappoint, as a citizen of Regalia and a woman anew.

Ms. Perrot,
Consider yourself accepted into the Gladiators. I look forward to seeing how a Griffer sizes up against the competition.

Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
IGN: Morpheus_Dream
Character Name: Charles Ernst Ravenstad
Character's Combat School: Mariposa
Activity: Mostly the odd evening but normally available for events
Time Zone: G M T
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: No
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

Grand Bellator Percival,

I always enjoy the opportunity to prove my mastery of sword-fighting,
I trust there will be no issue with my application.

May the spirit bless you,
- Charles Ernst Ravenstad
Charles Ernst Ravenstad
The Mariposa school continues to be a curiosity to me. I look forward to seeing how you size up against the other Gladiators. Accepted.

Peace be Upon Emperor Cedromar I,
Ser Percival Ravenstad
Paladin of the Viridian Order
Grand Bellator of the Imperial Gladiators
IGN: Moribundity
Character Name: Katrina C'Aelrith
Character's Combat School: Primarily Stealthmark (Champion)
Activity: A solid 8/10
Time Zone: G M T
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Not anymore- Ban record's now as clean as can be!
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator, Percival Ravenstad,

Following the clipping of my ears, and after my previous service to the empire as a Vigilant shield, I would like to prove myself further by becoming an Imperial Gladiator. I am proud to say I am a Champion in the School of Stealthmark, and have been practising combat for well over twenty years. I was pointed towards this charter, by none other than Baron Vilhelm Wolfzaan, who can vouch for me, as I have beaten two of his guards in combat. The champion Feer-Drakken, Sylvia Astri, and the Champion Blackmark, Tua Kapena.

May the spirit bless those who are ever loyal,

Katrina C'Aelrith
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Donsly
Character's Combat School: Bloodcast Warrior
Activity: 8-9/10
Time Zone: EST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: none
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: able to use both
Letter to the Grand Bellator: Dear Grand Bellator Percival Ravenstad
Greetings, I'm writing to you today to request the ability to become an Imperial Bellator, with my ten years of Bloodcast training, and past employment in the Safeguard Rangers as a Captain, I feel as though with my shield and sword I can prove myself rather well,
Spirit Bless
Alexander Donsly
IGN: Scribbe.
Character Name: Leon Deceres.
Character's Combat School: Bloodcast, Warrior.
Activity: 8/10.
Time Zone: GMT.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: You have both.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
Grand Bellator Percival Ravenstad,
I write to you with the desire to be accepted into the Bellator Order; I wish to prove myself in combat to the highest possible power, and better myself along the path to doing so. In spite of my half-Elvenness, I find myself with a greater physical capacity than most Nelfin, and have clipped my ears; as well as this, I am, as you may know, the son of the current Knight-Consort to the Emperor. I am a graduated Bloodcast Knight, skilled in the usage of longsword and heater-shield, and still possess the crimson cloak and tower-shield bestowed upon me at my graduation as proof. I hope for a quick reply, no matter the outcome.

Spirit preserve,
Leon Deceres,
Bloodcast Knight
IGN: Vivamente.
Character Name: Brendan Sigmund Heinrich.
Character's Combat School: Feer-Drakken.
Activity: 7/10.
Time Zone: GMT.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Previous Ban, though removed from record.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Able to use skype, not so much Discord.

To the office of The Grand Bellatore, Percival Ravenstad.

I would like to hopefully acquire a place among your rankings, as I have served the Regalian Military for most of my life and feel that I have the required experience necessary to train with the other Bellators and, Spirit willing, His Imperial Holiness.
I am extremely skilled in the use of a Zweihander and have often been noted as a worthy opponent for any that may wish to compete with me, having trained at the School of Feer-Drakken, in Magnaar and currently continuing my training at the Lampero College.

Perhaps my most useful feature is the fact that Feer-Drakken do not have a suitable system for set teachers, meaning each Feer-Drakken is seen as a tutor to other Feer-Drakken warriors and students of other schools. I would personally like to join this order as I have been a devoted Unionist since the day I could first understand the sacraments and sacred texts, having always been loyal to His Imperial Holiness, from past Emperors to present. I have upheld the will of each Emperor since my arrival in Regalia.

Kindest Regards,

Brendan Sigmund Heinrich.
All accepted. I need the skype of @BeashSlap @TheMoistestMan and @Vivamente so please PM such to me.

Rejected for past issues with the nobility and general confliction from the past.
IGN: Anakyrivo
Character Name: Leufred Reginar.
Character's Combat School: Bloodcast - Fighter.
Activity: I'd say I'm pretty alright. Can usually get on on most weekends/fridays/late weekdays.
Time Zone: PST.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Was muted about 4 years ago, though that was cleared from my record.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both! You have my Skype, pretty sure.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
Tragically, Leufred was illiterate in Common, and so the letter he sent in was written in Leutz-Vixe.

To the Grand Bellator Percival Ravenstad,
I will be the first to admit that I am not the best in my combat school, nor am I considered exceptional by the Crucible itself. As a mere Scildar in Bloodcast, with some skill in Archery, I'm not too exceptional. Though, as an Aspirant of the (Former) Chevalier Order, a Hightower Cadet and conspirator in the slaying of the Arken Claire, I hope I have at least somewhat of a shot at being accepted. I hope to show some form of growth throughout my potential time in this group, should you accept me.

For your consideration,
Leufred (Reginar).
P.S. The use of the word "Shot" was not an intended pun.
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Character Name: Wyland aep Latsen
Character's Combat School: School of Feer-Drakken
Activity: sure
Time Zone: GMT+1
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: none
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: yes
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator Percival Ravenstad,

All warriors craves to prove themselves at every oppourtunity, though these come rarely as pure. This is oppourtunity, however, truly is, and therefore it'd be mad to not seek trial in your pits.

Sincerely, Wyland of Framlingham

The meek signature of a local scribe is scribbled beneath the former one.
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IGN: Rollgodprophet
Character Name: Hunsi Imad Na'im
Character's Combat School:
Champion Wallla
I'm on most days
Time Zone:
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?:
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both

To the grand Bellator.

I am a man who has spent almost all his life fighting for his life but now I wish for a time to fight for my worth. I hope you will consider me as I aim to never disappoint.

Yours sincerely

Hunsi Imad Na'im
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Darius Silevon

Character's Combat School:
  • Longsword
  • Dagger
  • Acrobatics
Activity: Two to four hours a day.

Time Zone: GMT-1

Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None

Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: I am able to use both!

Letter to the Grand Bellator:
To the Grand Bellator Percival,

I seek to improve as a warrior, and face foes of all types and creeds, and your Bellator seems to be the perfect match. It would be an honor if you were to accept me into your ranks, I can assure you I will deliver. If you need somebody to vouch for my skills in combat, you can ask your nephew Vulmar Ravenstad, or Sir Wyland Latsen.

Sincerely, Darius Silevon
IGN: Stadtkirche
Character Name: Augusta of Galloy
Character's Combat School: School of Bloodcast - Champion
Activity: Five hours give or take
Time Zone: CST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: nop
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
To the Grand Bellator,

I have recently returned from years of training at the Blücherwald Castle, to serve the Howlester family. However, this doesn't always keep me as occupied as I would like. It would be a pleasure to join and see how well I truly fair against others of different skill than I. It is with the hope that you consider my acceptance into your ranks.
Either way, Spirit's guidance,
Augusta of Galloy
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Character's Combat School: School of Skagger.
Activity: My activity varies though I can be on at least once a day.
Time Zone: EST.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: NA.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yep!
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator,

I am a woman who has been fighting for her entire life, who has partaken in wars, and who has served as a guard and loyal bannerman. It would be the utmost of honours to serve and fight as an Imperial Gladiator.

IGN: Leseo_
Character Name: Hans Moselberg.
Character's Combat School: School of Turall.
Activity: It varies on how busy I am throughout the week, but I hop on once per day at a minimum.
Time Zone: EST.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both, though I prefer Discord.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator,​

After serving House Walerius, House Moselberg, and House Devereux as Champion, and aiding the war efforts of our Holy Isle, I can only be further humbled to entertain His Imperial Holiness. Honor me as a member of your ranks, and I shall not disappoint.

Yours truly,​

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Character Name:
Amonio Valetta
Character's Combat School:
This character is about 40% of my time, I am on usually 10 hours or so a week.
Time Zone:
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?:
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?:
CorrosGaming#5376 for Discord, no Skype
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

Dear Grand Bellator,

I humbly request to join the Imperial Gladiators, and aid in the entertainment of The Imperial Holiness. I humbly request the ability to join this tournament to aid in the training of His Imperial Holiness and entertaining him. I may be young, but I wish to give it my best shot for His Imperial Holiness.

Spirit Bless,
Amonio Valetta
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IGN: Varisus
Character Name: Garret Ames
Character's Combat School: Turall
Activity: Basically only play Garret
Time Zone: EST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Si
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
Grand Bellator,

I Garret Ames have spent my entire life in dueling arenas, ring, and etc. I humbly request to be accepted into the Bellator order so I may demonstrate my skills and loyalty to his Holiness himself and once again participate in the thrill of the arenas.

Spirit Bless,
Garret Ames
IGN: DominicMorgen
Character Name:Kort Crona (No middle name)
Character's Combat School: Graklak
Activity: I can be on 12 hours a day (However! Next week, I will be inactive from monday-thursday!)
Time Zone: EST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Discord.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
Grand Bellator,
I am Kort. I am an orc, but do not judge me based on the actions of my predecessors--I have long since left them for a path of relative peace. I humbly request to join you.
IGN: Mortisian
Character Name: Deo dei Termini
Character's Combat School: None
Activity: On Call at all times, 10/10 availability
Time Zone: EST, MST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Skype and Discord
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

An eloquently written letter had been written to the Grand Bellator with an official seal of a Harp with a spear as its middle string;

To the Esteemed Grand Bellator,

My name is Deo dei Termini of the House Termini, I am a well practiced individual of the Halberd and Mace and utilize both with a pristine air of efficiency that I believe could prove to provide a new touch of combat to the arenas and tournaments of the Imperial Gladiators. I request entry into the Bellator Order so that I may some day spar with his Imperial Holiness and practice with him the arts of combat.

With Regards,
Deo dei Termini
IGN: AntonVoron
Character Name: Radoslav Bolshekov
Character's Combat School: Warhammer
Activity: Moderate
Time Zone: GMT
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Nope
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
Letter to the Grand Bellator: -
Most Grand Boyar Bellator,

I am not man of man great words, and as such, I write with simple request. I have love for Empire, I have love for Emperor, I have love for Spirit, and I have love for combat. It is in such a manner of feeling, that I would request I share this love, via my Warhammer, and the Imperial arena. I have fought for many years, with my trusty hammer, and I do not mean to disappoint. With honor and respect, I shall endeavor to entertain.

As we walk the way,
Radoslav Bolshekov
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Crazrak the Insane
Character's Combat School: Hitlok
Activity: 2 hrs a day as of now
Time Zone: Central
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Nada
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yup
Letter to the Grand Bellator

Dear Grand, Something,

I am Crazrak the Insanse and I wish to join the gladiators. You may ask yourself, why would I pick and orc that recently moved to Regalia? The answer is quite simple, I can put on a show. I have noticed all your other gladiators were Ailors which can get boring. I am a master of the war hammer I assume your audience doesn't see much of that. I can break bones like twigs, and that's without my weapon. So if you want to keep an audience, don't limit your hiring status to Ailor only. The crowd will most certainly get bored.

-Crazrak the Insane
Character Name: Leopold II Winslough
Character's Combat School: Viridian
Activity: Fairly active; usually 3-4 hours a day.
Time Zone: Central
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: N/A
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both, though I prefer discord
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
To the Honored Lord Percival Ravenstad, Grand Bellator to the Emperor,

I humbly submit this request that you include a fellow knight in your order of fighters, that I may show my worth to the Empire and Emperor, and that we may collectively increase the glory of our Order. I would very much like to enter into the brotherhood of fighters surrounding our August ruler, for the Glory of the Empire and House Winslough.

I should also dearly like to meet with you in person, Lord Ravenstad.

My thanks for your consideration,
Leopold II Winslough,
Paladin of the Viridian Order,
Lord of House Winslough
@Mooffins @Jouster @Zombiel3ait ( I was told there was a new Grand Bellator so I don't know who to really tag.)
IGN: SyrupSandwiches_
Character Name: Fawzi Kra'zzla
Character's Combat School: Graklak
Activity: Pretty Active.
Time Zone: PST
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: 1 Jail for inappropriate language, 1 mute for discussing controversial topics.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes. Muffin's should have me.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

To the Grand Bellator,

I'd like to join, that would be nice.

- Fawzi

Just going to announce that me and @Zombiel3ait will be taking over the positions of Grand Bellator temporarily for a 2 week trial until decided whether our positions are kept or not. With that said, I'll reply to the applications on the thread now.​

Pending. Message me or Zombiel3ait in-game so that we can discuss your character's entry into the Bellators ICly.

Accepted. Both of you message me or Zombiel3ait in-game so that we can trade Discord accounts so I can throw you a link into the Bellator Chat.

Rejected. If you wish to know why I've decided to reject you, then PM me in-game.
@Mooffins @Jouster @Zombiel3ait
IGN: BleachForTheSoul
Character Name: Marissa Morgann
Character's Combat School: Bladesong
Activity: 7-8/10
Time Zone: GMT+00:00
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None at all.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Both, Discord preferential.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

Grand Bellators Percival Ravenstad, Valbrand Haagenvig or Theodore Artiemus,

I wish to express my interest in becoming one of your gladiatorial order, I long to further my skill in combat and feel that I can be of use here.
I would like to meet in person if further discussion is required.

Many thanks, and spirits blessings,
Marissa Morgann,
Lady of Locarnio.

@Jouster Yo, I applied for the wrong thing, my bad, Just pretend I did not do that.