The Imperial Gladiators

IGN: Nightlight12
Character Name: Leon Claudio
Character's Combat School: Turall
Activity: 8.5/10
Time Zone: Est
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes i have both
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

Grand Bellators Percival Ravenstad, Valbrand Haagenvig or Theodore Artiemus,

I, Leon Claudio. Patriarch of house Claudio wishes to join the imperial gladitators, It has pulled my interest in joining. I wish to test my skills in combat with everyone and maybe learn a couple of new moves in the way. And not to mention sparing with the emperor. It will be a great honor to do such.

SPirit bless
-Leon claudio
IGN: SpudManDom
Character Name: Niko Winslough
Character's Combat School: Beorl
Activity: 7.5/10
Time Zone:
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: N/A
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
Letter to the Grand Bellator:
To the Grand Bellators,
Like my cousin Imperial Ser Leopold, I wish to join the Bellators. Not only a chance to spar with the greatest fighters of Regalia but a chance to train with his Imperial Holiness which would be a great honor. As a warrior, it is my duty to constantly strive to improve upon my skills mainly that of my training in the School of Beorl, which I have taken a great liking to the Warhammer.Therefore Grand Bellator I wish to join this Order.
Spirit blessings upon you,
Ser Niko Winslough​

IGN: Jonificus
Character Name: Hengest Harhold
Character's Combat School: Bloodcast
Activity: 10/10
Time Zone: gmt +1 but early to rise and late to bed
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Nay
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yeah
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

"To the one I prefer to call my friend,

I'm in need of purpose for myself and my skills. I'm not one for making good cases over pen and paper, but I'm sure you know of my qualifications enough and now know of my interest to join.

Spirit bless and fare well,
Lord Hengest Harhold of Vlissinghelm."
IGN: GrimDeValhalla
Character Name: Taveric Yurkier
Character's Combat School: School of Rangers
Activity: 6-7
Time Zone: GMT
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Discord yes.
Letter to the Grand Bellator:

Dear Grand Bellator

I wish to fight in the arena.

