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The Honorable Anathema, And Other Oxymorons: A Goodbye, For Now


tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score

-This notice is Public for anyone in any part of the City to know about and Read-

I suppose when I first realized that I should make a public announcement of this nature, I thought it would be much longer, and verbose. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize I have very little to actually say in such a broad announcement and notice such as this. There are many things I still want to say to friends, acquaintances, enemies, and people who I look on with endless pity, but, they are all better said than written. Therefore, I will keep this brief: at the break of dawn on Sunday Morning, I, and my partner Amir, will be boarding a boat to Kintyr from the Docks of the Regalian Capital, and most likely not returning for some while. I know that if I miss this boat, and do not do this, I will otherwise never leave Regalia, which I consider my most beloved home. However, I know I must leave, because I came here to find answers to questions I had about myself, and finding those answers now exhausted, those questions take me elsewhere.

I came to Regalia because I have always, to an extent, known that I am not Human, exactly. Some of you know this because I have told you. Some of you know this because you heard it through circumstances mostly out of my control, and some of you know it but have totally forgotten it or do not bring it up in my presence. It is for this reason I don't really have qualms with speaking to this so publicly: it was already public. In a square in Crookback, surrounded by a crowd of people, a Ley-Core professed the nature of myself. I am what remains of a long dead god of Solleria, its corrupted corpse manifesting into an unknown number of beings, of which including myself. I suppose it would not be entirely accurate to call myself a Demon, but, it is neither wholly inaccurate. At this point in my life, I have made peace with this fact. Somewhat. I probably would not have, were it not for the ever radiant example of His Imperial Holiness, and the warmth and peace of mind I've gained from considering-- who would I be, if I was God-Guide at His side? I know this revelation will earn me the ire of many, and, I guess I've made peace with that, too. I wouldn't have taken this name otherwise. Hate me if you want. Just remember, I have more room in my empty chest cavity for His Love than you do in your hearts stuffed to the brim with greed and hatred.

For those of you who have gotten this far and choose to look at me with some affection, I would like to say my goodbyes, for now. I hope, one day, in many years, when I have found what I am looking for in the world-- I can return, complete, and with a good story to tell. I have loved and cherished nearly every moment I have spent in Regalia, and the many people I have so graciously met, here. Goodbye, for now.

My resignation to the Crown has been sent, as Commons Commissioner, a position I am eternally grateful for being allowed to occupy.

The matter of the Rosaria Circle is still being decided and discussed amongst its remaining members. I do not intend to rob them of that decision.

I guess it's only fitting to close the chapter by including the first art of formal current iteration Anathema :). I wasn't ever one for big fancy forum formatting anyways. Haha, well, can't beat around the bush any longer: I'm retiring Anathema! It's a decision I've been batting around for the past like. Month? Maybe, and dropped the news in the Rosaria Circle disc a few days ago to discuss pre-emptively options. Either way, it's something I do with some sadness, as I don't feel like I explored everything I wanted to do with them exactly like I wanted, but, sometimes you miss your shot on things, and sometimes things don't go exactly how you planned or wanted. But, more importantly than that, sometimes things go wonderfully and you have so many good memories and experiences with a character. Like I did with Anathema. They're not vanishing from the world, either, just from the Capital. A lot of Anathema has become a love letter to Massive's Lore that Marty and everyone else have built, so, that will always remain. I'm eternally blessed for how much opportunity I've been given with them to explore things, and, uh, just play them how I wanted to play them. More than that, blessed by the outpouring of love and support for them and the RP I've done on them. Hehe.

There's still some time for some closure/wrap-up talking/fighting/???ing if you want that, but come Sunday I'm cutting myself off! That's all, folks! (also please don't o7 me if you feel compelled instead just. reminisce on RP with me or say something nice about anathema thank u.)
Anathema is easily one of the most rememberable and coolest character I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with and seeing my friend have fun with over the last 15+ years of my life ever doing MC RP. I hope your next one brings your just as much joy and fun. I'm eager to see what comes next for you!