Have you felt as if your business isn't getting recognized? Can't find enough builds to satisfy your building cravings? Nobody buying your top-of-the-line wares? Join the Holy Warriors of Labor, where we will get you recognized and making money! We here at the "union" try our best to get your message out to world, and provide customers to whatever good or service you provide. Be it building, weapons and armor, ore, or lore, join The Holy Warriors of Labor!
What you get in the deal- More recognition, customers, and regals. 90% of the profits
What the union gets- 10% of the profits. Not of the money you get, just the profits. You will never lose money by joining us. And where does this money go? A bit to union bosses, and the rest to organizing competitions and show cases for you!
Contact @HoidOfTheNorth for more
What you get in the deal- More recognition, customers, and regals. 90% of the profits
What the union gets- 10% of the profits. Not of the money you get, just the profits. You will never lose money by joining us. And where does this money go? A bit to union bosses, and the rest to organizing competitions and show cases for you!
Contact @HoidOfTheNorth for more