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First Civil Status Warriors Needed


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Are you TIRED of KATHAR?

First Civil Status Warriors needed!
The existence of a Kathar population within the Holy City of Regalia, worse yet a free population, is an issue which has plagued the Citizenry of this city for far too long.

In response to this epidemic of rampant Kathar, the only rational and practical answer is the registration and indentured servitude of the Kathar population in Regalia.
To this end, I call upon the good people of Regalia to join me in this cause. Any First Civil Status warrior is implored to write to me, and join me in my pursuit of the subjugation of the Kathar menace.

I have every intention to apply for a Government Charter once I command the necessary number of men. Do your part for your Empire, your Spirit, and your Ailor brothers and sisters. Help me to turn the Kathar population from a threat to civility into a resource to be used at the discretion of the Empire.
Oratario Ode,
Augustin Mohren
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Kalkar read the notice, a letter would be posted as well as sent to the man. "Augustin, you're going to get arrested for vigilantism for doing the guards job for them. I'm behind you on ideals but I don't believe you have the ability to back up your promises to make a charter. If you have anything tangible facts to show you'll be doing this in an organized legal fashion let me know."
A response letter would be sent to Kalkar.


Though I appreciate your concern, it is misplaced. As I should inform you, Kathar occupy the 'Outsider' Civil Status.
To quote Regalian Law, Outsider Civil Status "are outcasts to the Regalian populous and can be actively beaten, robbed and treated like animals without impunity. They are not recognised as 'people' within the Regalian Caste System and thus can be enslaved by those that can overpower them"
Similarly, your concern for vigilantism, doing the guards' job, as you put it, is also misplaced. As it stands, no Regalian Government Charters are responsible in part or full for the handling, subjugation, or registry of Kathar. As such, my plans exist entirely parallel to the duties of the Regalian Guard.
Rest assured, my friend. The Regalian Government will not turn down an opportunity to subjugate their mortal enemy and convert them into an economic asset. If I succeed in acquiring the minimum number of men, I have no doubt that I will achieve a Government Charter.
Regardless of Government Charter status, the activities which I intend to carry out will rest firmly within the Law.

Oratario Ode,
Augustin Mohren
A Kathar looked over the notice, recalling the memories of the Inquisition and how they tried to do the same. Making the comment.
"Here we fucking go again, Inquisition 2.0 only now they have no interest in making sure the law is followed at all. Only capturing and killing us all."
Walks away, cursing under his breath in Kathar Elvish.
"When will we get a break? Why cant they leave us alone? At least those of us who have done nothing.."
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"They want to go again? Bring it on, I'll show them who's a dog" A random Kathar muttered out.
The hunter blinks looking at the given post with a tired look "I thought we got rid of the inquisition..." He muttered to himself and begins to walk off slowly away
<Zasta>"As the poor scum of this city struggles with not one horde of idiotic monkeys but two I am left wondering how they intend to counteract the effects of already maintaining a guard charter full of the filth they claim to intend to hunt. Meanwhile none of these baboons make even the slightest attempts to operate on a larger scale. I suppose one can only bide such time with patience." The hulking jewelery covered Cro-Allar hissed deeply offering the shake of his Tyranosaurian-like head, giving a deep bellow as he stomped off.