• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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The Heritage Office


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score



The Heritage Office is the office of the Secretary for the Heritage which is in charge of all non-Human policies; their rights, position, treatment, and so forth. The Secretary for the Heritage, currently Corsair Lord Kailu Frisque, has many duties within the Empire, generally within the city of Regalia, and is capable of a great deal of change.
Overview (What is the Secretary for the Heritage?)
The Secretary for the Heritage, as mentioned above, is a ministerial position within the Regalian government. This particular position is in charge of all policies regarding non-Humans, meaning they are capable of acts such as Civil Status rank changes, dictating how a specific race should be treated, which race has which rights, race-related law changes, dealing with non-Human interaction with the government, and so on.

More on the ministries can be found here.

Interaction (How can I get involved? What can I do?)
There are many ways to interact with the secretary whether it be for making a proposal or addressing them about another matter before proposing a change or for a non-Human attempting to interact with the government from their racial background.

The main form of interaction is through the Heritage Audiences which are detailed further below. Other forms of contact can be through a letter (via a Forums conversation, you will not get a reply on Discord) or by finding the Secretary or one of his close contacts and requesting a meeting/conversation.

Getting something changed or being granted a higher Civil Status is not as simple as asking for it. You must impress the Secretary and convince him you are worth the effort and deserving of whatever you are requesting. Nothing is guaranteed but anything is possible.

The Heritage Audiences are audiences held within the Assembly Hall which are to give the opportunity for anyone to bring forth a proposal to the Secretary solely regarding what the position dictates (see overview).

(OOC These events are primarily impromptu, however, will usually have a couple of hours notice for players to wrap up any RP they are in and to prepare if they need to do so.)

Protocol for the audiences is rather simple; the bottom chamber is reserved for nobility and aristocrats while the upper level is available for the commoners. Once the audience begins, there will be a call for opening the floor to proposals which allows one commoner at a time to enter the bottom chamber, take the stand, and make their point. There should not be a line outside the gate and people should simply come down when the prior individual has completed their proposal or the Secretary has dismissed them. This will continue until there are no more proposals or until the Secretary calls the audience to a close.
All changes made by the Secretary for the Heritage will be recorded here in full and a separate edict thread will be posted in Regalian Roleplay per actions taken.
May 25, 307 AC
The first week of office yielded several changes and controversy.
  • The Civil Status Restructure
    • A new rank of 'Outsider' was created. This particular rank gives the individual no rights and no protection within Regalia, essentially making them no better than animals.
    • Kathar moved from None Civil Status to Outsider Status.
    • Isldar moved from First Civil Status to Protected Civil Status.
    • Altalar moved from First Civil Status to None Civil Status.
  • The Heritage Audiences were announced.
May 28, 307 AC
The following days saw a rectification and announcement.
  • The Altalar were returned to First Civil Status.
  • Announcement of a "Heritage Charter" in the works for non-Humans to serve the Empire.