The Hand Of Silver


Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
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The Hand of Silver, formally established in November of the year 306 AC, is a union of artisans dedicated to the preservation and further development of traditional Altalar craft in the Regalian Empire. Founded out of a necessity for an ordering of Est'alorn forgemasters and artisans within the Regalian Crown Isle, it's purpose is for its members to work hand in hand but also to exist as a safeguard against the potential of Sca'Elle's gift being squandered and Nightsilver betrayed into the hands of lesser races for profit. Above all else, the Hand of Silver champion the preservation of their cultural heritage through the arts of their forebears, staunchly traditionalist and often only dealing internally within the diaspora of Est'alorn within the Regalian Capital.

While it is majorly comprised of metallurgists and jewelsmiths, its doors are open to all Nelfin who walk the path of Sca'Elle, be it through their weave, the stroke of their brush or whatever else they offer in service to the majesty of the god of crafts. Elven craftsmanship is unparalleled in the world of Aloria, for there are no others who would dedicate centuries of learning to master a single art; a lifetime dedication, and a burden which many great masters of the Altalar gladly shoulder. Thus the Hand of Silver holds within its ranks some of the greatest artisans and artists Regalia has to offer, however few they number. Members of the Hand of Silver are sworn to the Pact of Sca'Elle, an agreement that dictates they cannot trade their material craft of Nightsilver outside of the Est'alorn except during specific circumstances in which the grandmaster permits it.



The Tenets of the Hand are a set of guidelines laid out by the founder of the guild. While some of them naturally overlap with the oaths sworn under the Pact of Sca'Elle, they are expected to be adhered by to the same extent as the oath itself.

I. Do not squander the gifts of Sca'Elle. Nightsilver is meant only for the hands of the high born, unless elsewise permitted by the Grandmaster of the Order.
II. Do not waste the talent bestowed unto by Sca'Elle. Forge only works of great art and purpose that are worthy of your patron.
III. Do not forge petty tools of Nightsilver. Sca'Elle's sacred metal is reserved solely for crafts of beauty and value.
IV. Do not be wasteful when working with your patron's blessed metal. Use Nightsilver only when truly possible and appropriate.
V. Do not defame the Hand of Silver through your works. Hold yourself to the standard of utmost quality and perfection.
VI. Do not blaspheme the blessed pantheon by the means of your craft.
VII. Do not reveal to any outsiders the secrets of your fellow artisan's craft.


Incumbent: Ilathenar Morvael - @Bagley_
The Grandmaster of the Hand of Silver is the founder of the guild, and with the precedent set, a skilled artisan and master of his own craft. Laying the foundation for the organization in its entirety, the Grandmaster exercises complete and total authority over the Hand of Silver and acts as its guiding hand, establishing policy and direction, although within reason, respecting the sentiments of the majority of the guild's members at large. The Grandmaster has the sole authority within the Hand to enable the sale of Nightsilver to non-Altalar, but this exception to the rule is not often granted.

Ismeliath Saelanan - @Nalatac
Esteemed Masters of the Hand of Silver are a rung above the average member, by seniority and merit alike. The title of Esteemed Master comes with it a number of privileges - being able to vote when the Hand are called to council as well as holding priority over their peers in debate and other gatherings. A second oath is taken upon initiation into the brotherhood.



Entry into the Hand of Silver without prior invitation is a lengthy process, and often difficult. In order for one to submit an application, they must meet the following criteria;

I. All applicants to the Hand of Silver must be full-blooded Altalar

II. All applicants to the Hand of Silver must express devotion to the Faith of Estel and have completed their pilgrimage to receive a ring from the Mirror Pools of Talea

III. All applicants to the Hand of Silver must recognize the position of the Altalar in Regalia. Anti-Regalian sentiment and general unlawfulness will not be tolerated whatsoever

IV. All applicants to the Hand of Silver must have a record of apprenticeship as proof that the knowledge of their craft is derived from Altalar tutelage, and not the bastardized skills of lesser races. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Grandmaster.

Upon meeting these criteria, a prospective artisan of the Hand of Silver may pen a letter to the Grandmaster. They can circumvent this process if they are directly invited by the Grandmaster, else their application will be brought to a council of Esteemed Masters. If the vote passes, the person will be directed to begin the process of initiation for entry into the guild.


Once an aspirant has met all of the criteria and had his application reviewed and accepted, they enter into the period of initiation. During this time, his background and prior endeavors are reviewed by a committee of Esteemed Masters and should anything be found wanting, their application will be terminated. Once this screening is complete, aspirant members swear themselves to the Pact of Sca'Elle and are initiated as fully-fledged members of the Hand of Silver.

The process of termination does not only apply to initiates, but to every blooded member of the guild. If a sworn member of the Hand of Silver is found to have neglected the tenets of the organization or to have in any way breached the Pact of Sca'Elle, their status will be called to question and an inquiry will be made by a sitting Grandmaster. If the allegations hold, the individual will be disgraced and cast from the Hand of Silver.


I, [Insert Name], do solemnly swear in sight of the Master of Magnificence, Sca'Elle the Great, and of those witnesses gathered, that the principles of God of Crafts' accord with my own views. I promise to accept his policy and will conduct myself with the dignity expected of the highborn children of Talea on all occasions so that my actions do not reflect upon my people ignobly. I will never express myself in any way so as to defame the name of the Hand of Silver or any of its members and shall always endeavor to perfect myself and act in accordance with the higher standard in which not only all members of the Hand of Silver are held to, but all Est'alorn. In this, I do affirm that I will in no way make intelligible to others any of the secrets of my guild that are known to me, for in betrayal, the Master of Magnificence turns his back upon me, and never will I allow the gift of Sca'Elle to fall recklessly into the hands of the lesser races, for this is my sacred charge.
To the Esteemed Ilathenar Morvael, Grandmaster of the Hand of Silver,

My name is Hercan Junril Delathorn, I am a pureblood Forgemaster of over a hundred years. My skillset was developed underneath the steady tutorage of my father, a skilled and renowned forgemaster back on the continent of Daen, in the city of Caelro-Cael. As a follower of Sca'Elle, I am not only a master of handling all the mundane metals of Aloria, I am also capable of forging Nightsilver items with relative ease. I recently moved to Regalia alongside my Medical scientist Brother in search of fulfilling work alongside our own kind. When I came across The Hand of Silver, I found myself agreeing with your ideals, and I wish to aid your organization any way I can. I hope to get a reply back soon.​

Hercan Junril Delathorn,
Metallurgy master.
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