Archived The Great War!

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
This idea is pretty straightforward: Regalia and the Sultanate have fallen into war once again! But in order to wage war on the Sultan properly, Regalia needs an army. So it starts recruiting people to fight on it's behalf, paying them 100r per battle. It also needs resources to supply the war effort, which it purchases en-mass from the players. And of course it's effort for the staff, so they can make a donation system for new maps and battles. Here's a breakdown of the idea:

Battles would be similar to the battlegrounds in the Minigames subworlds, except they would have an actual impact on the server lore. There would probably be two or three different type of battle (Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Capture the Enemy Base, ext) and actual players would be the battling contestants. In this setup there would be MCmmo but all of the stats would be pre-set by class, more on that later. MCmmo wouldn't level up or down in the battlegrounds. Traits are disabled in the battle-maps. Each battleground would be unique, with it's own map and mission objective(s). Some of them would be set up for large, long-term battles, others would be for small battles between elite soldiers (all MCmmo stats up by 250 levels). This would serve to get more people PvPing because the giant gap between older PvPers and newer PvPers wouldn't exist, and because there wouldn't be items lost in combat (since items only exist in the battleground maps).
Class: Classes are different types of PvP. Each class has a stat (listed) that is higher than the rest. All unlisted stats would be at 250. All players would have their first battle as a Common Soldier, with all stats at 150, after their first battle they can select a class. Beserkers and Swordsmen can go to a higher level after their 5th battle and get better armor and stats.
Beserker: Axes 500 - Iron Armor, unenchanted.
Blood Rage Beserker: Axes 750 - Diamond Armor, unenchanted.​
Beast Master: Taming 750 - Leather Armor, unenchanted.
Swordsman: Swords 350, Acrobatics 500 - Iron Armor, unenchanted.
Knight: Swords 500 - Diamond Armor, unenchanted, free horse.​
Archer: Archery 500 - Chain Mail Armor, unenchanted.
Flame Magus: Has use of the fireball trait. Acro 400 - Leather Armor, Red.​
Resource Shops:
Wars are expensive! Regalia would need to gather a very large amount of resources in order to supply the war effort, and that would pump Regals into the economy while pulling resources out and (hopefully) raise prices by a bit. This would help get people making shops again, since the old marketplace was about 75% empty.​
Why would the staff do this? Because you can put a donation goal (say, $50 for a new battle map) and have people donate to continue the war. I don't know how well such an effort would go, but I figure the RPers will donate to get more lore and the PvPers will donate to get these PvP maps set up.

Feel free to point out any flaws - but if so you need to also come up with a possible solution. Likewise, any additions or alterations are welcome to be suggested.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this was something put forward by someone in some thread that I have forgotten. I do remember the idea and I like it. However, their idea was to "reenact" battles from the server's lore and I like that a bit better then this one. it's such a minor tweak though, I still like what you're putting forward.
I like how it puts people's characters in the, 'front line,' of the lore combat...
Sounds like an interesting idea.
This sounds pretty good, I do like the fact that peoples characters would be actual soldiers on the front lines
Sounds great. I am not sure if classes are balanced and such. But let me get tpo the topic you all expect me to comment on.
Resource Shops:
This is a good idea, but if used bad it can have REALLY negative effects on the economy.
First of all this will have inflation as effect. Many other things has deflation as effect, and to balance those is what we want. From what i know more inflational things has to happen for it to be balanced, so from that perspective it is good.
What you actually is suggesting is an admin shop. That either buys or sells items for a fixed price. It is just lore compliant.
It will in some sort ruin supply/demand because the demand has raised or is endless.
It will cause some inflation and help to these things happening.
What happens if things cost more and inflation happens
  • It will be easier to get lots of money. Because the things you sell gives more money.
  • Server sales like factions. Will cost less, the actual price won't change (maybe the team decides to do so), but it will be easier to get the money. Therefore owning a shop is more profitable, because of low rent.
  • Small changes in the economy, can happen more frequently. ANd the market will respond to even the smallest changes in supply or demand.
  • You can't earn money just by not spending them (because 1 regal is more worth today than a year ago). Actually you can earn money just by keeping your diamond (That is much harder than keeping money, if you go offline).
But to prevent the economy from going crazy. There has to be some limitations.
  • There should be a cap on how much can get bought by these shops.
  • The price should be lower than the average sell/buy price. So it doesn't interfer too much with deman/supply.
  • We should think about what should get bought by these shops. Because what gets bought is what will raise in price.
Sounds great. I am not sure if classes are balanced and such. But let me get tpo the topic you all expect me to comment on.
Resource Shops:
This is a good idea, but if used bad it can have REALLY negative effects on the economy.
First of all this will have inflation as effect. Many other things has deflation as effect, and to balance those is what we want. From what i know more inflational things has to happen for it to be balanced, so from that perspective it is good.
What you actually is suggesting is an admin shop. That either buys or sells items for a fixed price. It is just lore compliant.
It will in some sort ruin supply/demand because the demand has raised or is endless.
It will cause some inflation and help to these things happening.

But to prevent the economy from going crazy. There has to be some limitations.
  • There should be a cap on how much can get bought by these shops.
  • The price should be lower than the average sell/buy price. So it doesn't interfer too much with deman/supply.
  • We should think about what should get bought by these shops. Because what gets bought is what will raise in price.

Oh Good MORE inflation! Just what we need!

Cant We have a war that maked pvpers happy AND Rprs happy? People would do it anyway 100r a battle is wayy to much
Oh Good MORE inflation! Just what we need!

Cant We have a war that maked pvpers happy AND Rprs happy? People would do it anyway 100r a battle is wayy to much

Inflation is the increasing of prices. What we have is deflation, the decreasing of prices. Inflation would make a diamond worth 4 regals instead of 2. Deflation would drop that price down to 1 regal. Learn economics before posting stuff like this, ok? And these battles ARE supposed to make both sides happy - PvPers get to kill people and RPers get to decide the course of the servers lore by participating.
I seriously don't see reason for pvpers or roleplayers to not agree with this. It decides a major event in the lore. It levels the playing field fairly and doesn't affect stats outside of it. This idea is possibly one of the only ones I've seen thatencompasses both the roleplay and pvp sides of the server without being unfair to one side. It would probably help stop this big division between roleplayers and pvpers and get them to try out roleplay and pvp.
Also it helps the server stay up which is great.
Seriously though.
Support this people.
I seriously don't see reason for pvpers or roleplayers to not agree with this. It decides a major event in the lore. It levels the playing field fairly and doesn't affect stats outside of it. This idea is possibly one of the only ones I've seen thatencompasses both the roleplay and pvp sides of the server without being unfair to one side. It would probably help stop this big division between roleplayers and pvpers and get them to try out roleplay and pvp.
Also it helps the server stay up which is great.
Seriously though.
Support this people.
Oh Good a chance to kill off ALL the roleplay characters
Inflation is the increasing of prices. What we have is deflation, the decreasing of prices. Inflation would make a diamond worth 4 regals instead of 2. Deflation would drop that price down to 1 regal. Learn economics before posting stuff like this, ok? And these battles ARE supposed to make both sides happy - PvPers get to kill people and RPers get to decide the course of the servers lore by participating.

Well Good Im sorry i fricken used the wrong word. At least make it so Rpers can sell some items. We dont need another money sink
But many other recources will deflate

Which is a good thing. No one can make money selling stuff anymore, and if prices get much lower trade will collapse and prices won't matter.

Oh Good a chance to kill off ALL the roleplay characters

They don't need to use their main character, nor does that character need to die. Injuries on the battlefield are common enough, and with healing magic (which any logical empire would provide to increase recruitment) few would suffer long-term damage (unless they want to have their character lose an arm or leg for the development of said character).

Well Good Im sorry i fricken used the wrong word. At least make it so Rpers can sell some items. We dont need another money sink

This isn't a money sink, it's a money faucet. Anyone would be able to sell to the shops and get money, anyone can participate in battles and get money. It will sink resources and flood money, helping to raise prices back to more realistic and functional prices.

But you DO get the pessimist award.
Dude. I would totally make a ton of throw away characters to get murdered, and make names and back stories for all of them.

I really hope this becomes a thing.
You actually want to start a war?

I think this is actually a good way to add something to massive that would actually effect both pvpers and rpers in a positive way, although I don't think this would ever really become anymore popular than siege, with just a few large matches every once in a while.
I think this is actually a good way to add something to massive that would actually effect both pvpers and rpers in a positive way, although I don't think this would ever really become anymore popular than siege, with just a few large matches every once in a while.

YES because it is SOOOOOOOOOO Easy to Create a Character with a full backstory get it approved by your peers Get it approved by the very sexy moderators THAN what do you do? YOU FRICKEN KILL IT IN A WAR THAT IS GOING TO BE EXTREMLY ARTIFICIAL!
How does this satisfy RP?
I seriously don't see reason for pvpers or roleplayers to not agree with this. It decides a major event in the lore. It levels the playing field fairly and doesn't affect stats outside of it. This idea is possibly one of the only ones I've seen thatencompasses both the roleplay and pvp sides of the server without being unfair to one side. It would probably help stop this big division between roleplayers and pvpers and get them to try out roleplay and pvp.
Also it helps the server stay up which is great.
Seriously though.
Support this people.

I honestly do not have a major issue with this war but RPrs generally are not equipped or intrested in PVP and vice versa. A lore event would be good but add some action in the city or a bar by the battlefield. The rift between RP and pvp is a large one and one fake war sadly wont change that. *Braces for impact*
YES because it is SOOOOOOOOOO Easy to Create a Character with a full backstory get it approved by your peers Get it approved by the very sexy moderators THAN what do you do? YOU FRICKEN KILL IT IN A WAR THAT IS GOING TO BE EXTREMLY ARTIFICIAL!
How does this satisfy RP?
What?... You realize this wouldn't be roleplay fighting with approved characters? (At least that what I got from the original post)
I'm not seeing the benefit here for those who RP but do not PVP. Please can someone explain to me how those who only RP can participate in this and not have to worry about being outmatched? *Braces for disagree ratings and no explanation*
What?... You realize this wouldn't be roleplay fighting with approved characters? (At least that what I got from the original post)
So where is the RP connection? A new lore? Bc we dont really spend most of our time talking about the lore. We make our own worlds and characters and interactions bc we have IMAGINATION!
So a scripted battle is not very interesting to us
So where is the RP connection? A new lore? Bc we dont really spend most of our time talking about the lore. We make our own worlds and characters and interactions bc we have IMAGINATION!
So a scripted battle is not very interesting to us
Uh, I find it interesting...
And who appointed you to speak for the community? I know SOME of us would like it, maybe just not you.
Ok mabye not all of us. But i speak for at least a good sized group. Tell my dear Suzie do you do pvp also?
Gonna have to, I'm starting to get involved with factions. I used to a little, before I joined RP. I stopped, as my hand would hurt like heck because I use a trackpad, where you have to press down to click. [My poor finger]
I know a good amount of other people would like this as well. Don't assume, get facts broh.
This is a great thing for RP/PVPers if this were too happen. It would be fun in my opinion. You don't need to be a PVPer or a RPer to enjoy this War to be in lore if this were ever to happen.
So where is the RP connection? A new lore? Bc we dont really spend most of our time talking about the lore. We make our own worlds and characters and interactions bc we have IMAGINATION!
So a scripted battle is not very interesting to us

A couple things. One, the battles wouldn't be scripted. You would have a goal, and it would be up to the fighters to figure out how to reach the outcome. Secondly, the new lore would be the fighting itself. Instead of having story progression determined by chance and probability, it would be determined by Us. The players who take part in these battles. We would be actively shaping the lore in a way rarely done by the community as a whole. Sure, small groups take the time to help shape the lore around them (like the Naga community, for example), but this would allow for a massive (lol puns) chunk of the community to come out and help shape Aloria's future. Furthermore, PvPer or RPer, it would be a roughly level playing field (bonuses wise. Pure skill would be important, but that's a different discussion entirely) and allow for anyone to join, pick a class, and murder.

Now, to some of your other points that I don't feel like quoting because of time constraints (and definitely not because I am a lazy F**k), the divide between RPers and PvPers is only large because people make it as such. I have never really had a major issue with either side, and in fact I enjoy both murder and RPing equally (although Mining and Building come first because duh). If people could just treat 'The Other Side' as human beings, accept that none of the differences matter, and carry on with their lives, then there wouldn't be a divide at all. This kind of event allows both groups to interact on an fair playing field, and would help bring it together in my opinion. If your reason for this idea to die is because you think the divide is too big, give us a better option. I will gladly treat it with the respect it deserves, and give suggestions as needed. However, if all you're going to do is complain about the divide and not try to fix it, don't bother posting about it, for that really doesn't do anything to help.

Finally, as to the character writing point, it's not that hard to write up a red shirt. Red shirts are always important to a story, as they help add realism to the horrors of war. Imagine Captain Torcadall Geadasach, a true blood Northerner from Ellador, bleeding out as his last thoughts are of his wife and two daughters, or a foot soldier by the name of Domhnall Paorach who had been too much of a coward to hold a weapon for his entire life up until this day, and died an honorable death. (Sorry, Northern characters are easier for me to create since I have a fair chunk of family from the regions Northern Culture is based off of. There won't be any Sultanate characters in this post since I am not particularly familiar with their lore and culture). When a story only has the characters who survive, with the odd one out dying periodically, it becomes a truly hollow war with no emotion or feeling. But if the stories told of actual human (as in dynamic and full characters, not just race) characters fighting and dying for various reasons, then the stories would be more complete. It would give the wars more meaning, more emotion.

On a semi-related side note, @Mecharic Perhaps there should be a mage class with the fireball trait, since I know the Qadir have magic users in their ranks. Not sure how it would need to be balanced out with the other classes, but it could be fun and add another level to the combat.
Also, something I just thought of, there are Alorian city states engaged in constant warfare with each other. From an RP standpoint, it would make perfect sense for these battles to be fought on a constantly contested playing field outside of the realm of Events (the things done with the dice rolls) in order for people to feel that time is passing more with news being heard that there are wars between trade groups or city states.
A couple things. One, the battles wouldn't be scripted. You would have a goal, and it would be up to the fighters to figure out how to reach the outcome. Secondly, the new lore would be the fighting itself. Instead of having story progression determined by chance and probability, it would be determined by Us. The players who take part in these battles. We would be actively shaping the lore in a way rarely done by the community as a whole. Sure, small groups take the time to help shape the lore around them (like the Naga community, for example), but this would allow for a massive (lol puns) chunk of the community to come out and help shape Aloria's future. Furthermore, PvPer or RPer, it would be a roughly level playing field (bonuses wise. Pure skill would be important, but that's a different discussion entirely) and allow for anyone to join, pick a class, and murder.

Now, to some of your other points that I don't feel like quoting because of time constraints (and definitely not because I am a lazy F**k), the divide between RPers and PvPers is only large because people make it as such. I have never really had a major issue with either side, and in fact I enjoy both murder and RPing equally (although Mining and Building come first because duh). If people could just treat 'The Other Side' as human beings, accept that none of the differences matter, and carry on with their lives, then there wouldn't be a divide at all. This kind of event allows both groups to interact on an fair playing field, and would help bring it together in my opinion. If your reason for this idea to die is because you think the divide is too big, give us a better option. I will gladly treat it with the respect it deserves, and give suggestions as needed. However, if all you're going to do is complain about the divide and not try to fix it, don't bother posting about it, for that really doesn't do anything to help.

Finally, as to the character writing point, it's not that hard to write up a red shirt. Red shirts are always important to a story, as they help add realism to the horrors of war. Imagine Captain Torcadall Geadasach, a true blood Northerner from Ellador, bleeding out as his last thoughts are of his wife and two daughters, or a foot soldier by the name of Domhnall Paorach who had been too much of a coward to hold a weapon for his entire life up until this day, and died an honorable death. (Sorry, Northern characters are easier for me to create since I have a fair chunk of family from the regions Northern Culture is based off of. There won't be any Sultanate characters in this post since I am not particularly familiar with their lore and culture). When a story only has the characters who survive, with the odd one out dying periodically, it becomes a truly hollow war with no emotion or feeling. But if the stories told of actual human (as in dynamic and full characters, not just race) characters fighting and dying for various reasons, then the stories would be more complete. It would give the wars more meaning, more emotion.

On a semi-related side note, @Mecharic Perhaps there should be a mage class with the fireball trait, since I know the Qadir have magic users in their ranks. Not sure how it would need to be balanced out with the other classes, but it could be fun and add another level to the combat.
Also, 1000% yes everything he just said.
@Party_Penguin27 - I'm going to reply to every single "point" you've made so far.

RP Connection: The ability to put into your character history their experiances in the war.
Character Creation: It doesn't need to have a backstory beyond "was born in Regalia, and patriotic, so war".
Imagination: is bullshit.
Scripted Battle: Only the setting is scripted, the winner is decided by the players themselves.
Equipment: is supplied for each battle, along with stats, so as to not affect the in-game world or be affected by the in-game world.
Fake War: in a virtual world with virtual money and virtual stuff. Kinda hard not to be 'fake'.

I honestly don't get why you're so against this. If you don't like it you don't have to participate.
A couple things. One, the battles wouldn't be scripted. You would have a goal, and it would be up to the fighters to figure out how to reach the outcome. Secondly, the new lore would be the fighting itself. Instead of having story progression determined by chance and probability, it would be determined by Us. The players who take part in these battles. We would be actively shaping the lore in a way rarely done by the community as a whole. Sure, small groups take the time to help shape the lore around them (like the Naga community, for example), but this would allow for a massive (lol puns) chunk of the community to come out and help shape Aloria's future. Furthermore, PvPer or RPer, it would be a roughly level playing field (bonuses wise. Pure skill would be important, but that's a different discussion entirely) and allow for anyone to join, pick a class, and murder.

Now, to some of your other points that I don't feel like quoting because of time constraints (and definitely not because I am a lazy F**k), the divide between RPers and PvPers is only large because people make it as such. I have never really had a major issue with either side, and in fact I enjoy both murder and RPing equally (although Mining and Building come first because duh). If people could just treat 'The Other Side' as human beings, accept that none of the differences matter, and carry on with their lives, then there wouldn't be a divide at all. This kind of event allows both groups to interact on an fair playing field, and would help bring it together in my opinion. If your reason for this idea to die is because you think the divide is too big, give us a better option. I will gladly treat it with the respect it deserves, and give suggestions as needed. However, if all you're going to do is complain about the divide and not try to fix it, don't bother posting about it, for that really doesn't do anything to help.

Finally, as to the character writing point, it's not that hard to write up a red shirt. Red shirts are always important to a story, as they help add realism to the horrors of war. Imagine Captain Torcadall Geadasach, a true blood Northerner from Ellador, bleeding out as his last thoughts are of his wife and two daughters, or a foot soldier by the name of Domhnall Paorach who had been too much of a coward to hold a weapon for his entire life up until this day, and died an honorable death. (Sorry, Northern characters are easier for me to create since I have a fair chunk of family from the regions Northern Culture is based off of. There won't be any Sultanate characters in this post since I am not particularly familiar with their lore and culture). When a story only has the characters who survive, with the odd one out dying periodically, it becomes a truly hollow war with no emotion or feeling. But if the stories told of actual human (as in dynamic and full characters, not just race) characters fighting and dying for various reasons, then the stories would be more complete. It would give the wars more meaning, more emotion.

On a semi-related side note, @Mecharic Perhaps there should be a mage class with the fireball trait, since I know the Qadir have magic users in their ranks. Not sure how it would need to be balanced out with the other classes, but it could be fun and add another level to the combat.

I'm not saying I Don't Like the war im just saying it could have a few more rp events. I may join but i dont want to risk death for my rp char and have little pvp supplies. I do like how you get to take part in lore. My char is kinda a pacifist but a healer or another side role would be great
I'm not saying I Don't Like the war im just saying it could have a few more rp events. I may join but i dont want to risk death for my rp char and have little pvp supplies. I do like how you get to take part in lore. My char is kinda a pacifist but a healer or another side role would be great
Make a red shirt character and have fun.
@Party_Penguin27 - I'm going to reply to every single "point" you've made so far.

RP Connection: The ability to put into your character history their experiances in the war.
Character Creation: It doesn't need to have a backstory beyond "was born in Regalia, and patriotic, so war".
Imagination: is bullshit.
Scripted Battle: Only the setting is scripted, the winner is decided by the players themselves.
Equipment: is supplied for each battle, along with stats, so as to not affect the in-game world or be affected by the in-game world.
Fake War: in a virtual world with virtual money and virtual stuff. Kinda hard not to be 'fake'.

I honestly don't get why you're so against this. If you don't like it you don't have to participate.

RP CONNECTION: Well thats good for chars formed after the war. Meh point ill let it skide
Imagination: Annnd this is why the RP community dosent like pvpers
Scripted Battle: Its ok but there need to be released story arcs efor and after
Equipment: Not bad but Experence will win most battles so RPers have a lower chance of doing good
Fake War: Id like it if the war Had some elements that the community could decide or vote on as a whole
Make a red shirt character and have fun.
Personally I would do something on the sides like tend to the wonded or serve food or something and not fight? Is that allowed?

Yeah because this is soo easy to fill out
(insert Char template here)
Im too lazy to add a spoiler

y are.
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