Archived The Great War!

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
This idea is pretty straightforward: Regalia and the Sultanate have fallen into war once again! But in order to wage war on the Sultan properly, Regalia needs an army. So it starts recruiting people to fight on it's behalf, paying them 100r per battle. It also needs resources to supply the war effort, which it purchases en-mass from the players. And of course it's effort for the staff, so they can make a donation system for new maps and battles. Here's a breakdown of the idea:

Battles would be similar to the battlegrounds in the Minigames subworlds, except they would have an actual impact on the server lore. There would probably be two or three different type of battle (Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Capture the Enemy Base, ext) and actual players would be the battling contestants. In this setup there would be MCmmo but all of the stats would be pre-set by class, more on that later. MCmmo wouldn't level up or down in the battlegrounds. Traits are disabled in the battle-maps. Each battleground would be unique, with it's own map and mission objective(s). Some of them would be set up for large, long-term battles, others would be for small battles between elite soldiers (all MCmmo stats up by 250 levels). This would serve to get more people PvPing because the giant gap between older PvPers and newer PvPers wouldn't exist, and because there wouldn't be items lost in combat (since items only exist in the battleground maps).
Class: Classes are different types of PvP. Each class has a stat (listed) that is higher than the rest. All unlisted stats would be at 250. All players would have their first battle as a Common Soldier, with all stats at 150, after their first battle they can select a class. Beserkers and Swordsmen can go to a higher level after their 5th battle and get better armor and stats.
Beserker: Axes 500 - Iron Armor, unenchanted.
Blood Rage Beserker: Axes 750 - Diamond Armor, unenchanted.​
Beast Master: Taming 750 - Leather Armor, unenchanted.
Swordsman: Swords 350, Acrobatics 500 - Iron Armor, unenchanted.
Knight: Swords 500 - Diamond Armor, unenchanted, free horse.​
Archer: Archery 500 - Chain Mail Armor, unenchanted.
Flame Magus: Has use of the fireball trait. Acro 400 - Leather Armor, Red.​
Resource Shops:
Wars are expensive! Regalia would need to gather a very large amount of resources in order to supply the war effort, and that would pump Regals into the economy while pulling resources out and (hopefully) raise prices by a bit. This would help get people making shops again, since the old marketplace was about 75% empty.​
Why would the staff do this? Because you can put a donation goal (say, $50 for a new battle map) and have people donate to continue the war. I don't know how well such an effort would go, but I figure the RPers will donate to get more lore and the PvPers will donate to get these PvP maps set up.

Feel free to point out any flaws - but if so you need to also come up with a possible solution. Likewise, any additions or alterations are welcome to be suggested.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
@Party_Penguin27 - You don't need to fill that out for a throw-away character. Just think up a name (Galigo Vremos), a key personality trait (always sad), and some breif backstory (Wife died in a fire, daughter died of ze plague) and BAM. Throw-away character that can have a heart-wrentching death (and his last thoughts were that he would be able to see his wife and daughter again, in the next life).
Personally I would do something on the sides like tend to the wonded or serve food or something and not fight? Is that allowed?
I'm sure there would be a need for those. You would most likely only be qualified if your character has knowledge in Light Magic/Healing Magic. In theory, you wouldn't even have to participate at all, if you don't want to. There is no need for getting so worked up over something that might not even happen. All I'm saying is, just chill out. Cross this bridge if you even come to it.

I meant to put that template in a spoiler, it's a real eyesore on the thread, and a pain to scroll though.
RP CONNECTION: Well thats good for chars formed after the war. Meh point ill let it skide
Imagination: Annnd this is why the RP community dosent like pvpers
Scripted Battle: Its ok but there need to be released story arcs efor and after
Equipment: Not bad but Experence will win most battles so RPers have a lower chance of doing good
Fake War: Id like it if the war Had some elements that the community could decide or vote on as a whole
I used to RP for a good majority of my time on Massive, and I mainly disliked PVPers who had an attitude. They keep the server running as much as we do and by golly we need action. I would do PVP if I enjoyed Minecraft as much as I did, but IRL friends and Gabe Newell. The two communities hatred each other because they are so contrasting and it's pretty Damn stupid. Even if I said something bad about PVPers in the past, if it's the case I did, then my opinion has changed.
Some people enjoy just making some random characters. Everyone has a story, it's better then some random man dying in the lore because combat. There's always a name, it's up to creative people to create it.
Imagination is what forms both sides of the community. You can't use the same battle tacticsi over and over because it doesn't work. Just the same as you can't use the same character over and over because it really just doesn't work as well as another one.
You can't get anywhere without a background and goal. Get a script, make your mark. Randomize who wins.
Sounds like a them problem because I used to be amazing at PVP. Then I stopped playing minecraft and now I'm horrid at it. No one to blame but yourself in terms of skill.

It's constructive you think about how this works, and is good that you do think and form your opinion, but some of the reasons are just repeats of what's been answered or cannot be.

Auto correct loves me and there are typos. Thank you auto correct because I cant fix them.
RP CONNECTION: Well thats good for chars formed after the war. Meh point ill let it skide
Imagination: Annnd this is why the RP community dosent like pvpers
Scripted Battle: Its ok but there need to be released story arcs efor and after
Equipment: Not bad but Experence will win most battles so RPers have a lower chance of doing good
Fake War: Id like it if the war Had some elements that the community could decide or vote on as a whole

Rp Connection: Not everyone dies in war... Probably about 1/3 or 1/4 actually die, assuming magic is used to heal them.
Character Creation: I've answered this elsewhere.
Imagination: Did... you just call me a PvPer? -throws entire server at Party_Penguin- I am NOT a PvPer, I am a Gamer. I literally do just about everything. I build (I was once on the Regalia build team), I roleplay (I have 3 character pages and 5 characters total), I PvP (badly), I fool around (a lot), I've managed the largest, longest-lived, and most peaceful factions & empires on the server. Just because I think that you don't need much of an imagination to come up with stuff doesn't mean I'm a PvPer.
Equipment: No, experience just helps. And in such a simply built set up as this, it won't matter enough to ruin the battles.
Fake War: You mean besides all participants being part of the victory process? If you're on the Sultans side you want to win for the Qadir. If you're on the Emperors side you want to win for Humanity. The players themselves decide who wins by actively fighting. People who don't fight wouldn't affect the battle anyway, so they have no input.
Rp Connection: Not everyone dies in war... Probably about 1/3 or 1/4 actually die, assuming magic is used to heal them.
Character Creation: I've answered this elsewhere.
Imagination: Did... you just call me a PvPer? -throws entire server at Party_Penguin- I am NOT a PvPer, I am a Gamer. I literally do just about everything. I build (I was once on the Regalia build team), I roleplay (I have 3 character pages and 5 characters total), I PvP (badly), I fool around (a lot), I've managed the largest, longest-lived, and most peaceful factions & empires on the server. Just because I think that you don't need much of an imagination to come up with stuff doesn't mean I'm a PvPer.
Equipment: No, experience just helps. And in such a simply built set up as this, it won't matter enough to ruin the battles.
Fake War: You mean besides all participants being part of the victory process? If you're on the Sultans side you want to win for the Qadir. If you're on the Emperors side you want to win for Humanity. The players themselves decide who wins by actively fighting. People who don't fight wouldn't affect the battle anyway, so they have no input.

*gets hit in the face by entire server* Ow
I was just saying that you seemed to endorse the idea of making a throwaway character. I just wish there would be some opportunities that allow rp on the battlefield without battling. I like the idea a bit already just a bit of rp and ill be very happy.
I used to RP for a good majority of my time on Massive, and I mainly disliked PVPers who had an attitude. They keep the server running as much as we do and by golly we need action. I would do PVP if I enjoyed Minecraft as much as I did, but IRL friends and Gabe Newell. The two communities hatred each other because they are so contrasting and it's pretty Damn stupid. Even if I said something bad about PVPers in the past, if it's the case I did, then my opinion has changed.
Some people enjoy just making some random characters. Everyone has a story, it's better then some random man dying in the lore because combat. There's always a name, it's up to creative people to create it.
Imagination is what forms both sides of the community. You can't use the same battle tacticsi over and over because it doesn't work. Just the same as you can't use the same character over and over because it really just doesn't work as well as another one.
You can't get anywhere without a background and goal. Get a script, make your mark. Randomize who wins.
Sounds like a them problem because I used to be amazing at PVP. Then I stopped playing minecraft and now I'm horrid at it. No one to blame but yourself in terms of skill.

It's constructive you think about how this works, and is good that you do think and form your opinion, but some of the reasons are just repeats of what's been answered or cannot be.

Auto correct loves me and there are typos. Thank you auto correct because I cant fix them.

Thank you for saying kind words. I diddnt dislike pvpers but they cant just say ooh a rper lets go hate on them. I agree with everything you have said. Pvp is fine with me just not my cup of tea.
I'm sure there would be a need for those. You would most likely only be qualified if your character has knowledge in Light Magic/Healing Magic. In theory, you wouldn't even have to participate at all, if you don't want to. There is no need for getting so worked up over something that might not even happen. All I'm saying is, just chill out. Cross this bridge if you even come to it.

I meant to put that template in a spoiler, it's a real eyesore on the thread, and a pain to scroll though.

:P Time to work in my designer character :P
*gets hit in the face by entire server* Ow
I was just saying that you seemed to endorse the idea of making a throwaway character. I just wish there would be some opportunities that allow rp on the battlefield without battling. I like the idea a bit already just a bit of rp and ill be very happy.

With regards to this, I don't endorse it but I do recognize that they are needed in order to keep a realistic level of death in war roleplay.
Thank you for saying kind words. I diddnt dislike pvpers but they cant just say ooh a rper lets go hate on them. I agree with everything you have said. Pvp is fine with me just not my cup of tea.
I don't mean this in a hateful way, but; Didn't* Can't* APOSTROPHES DAMN IT
RP CONNECTION: Well thats good for chars formed after the war. Meh point ill let it skide
Imagination: Annnd this is why the RP community dosent like pvpers
Scripted Battle: Its ok but there need to be released story arcs efor and after
Equipment: Not bad but Experence will win most battles so RPers have a lower chance of doing good
Fake War: Id like it if the war Had some elements that the community could decide or vote on as a whole

No offense @Mecharic , but he is not a pvper. Just because he thinks your argument is stupid doesn't make him a pvper. Deal with it. Mech is doing a hell of a lot more to help both groups than you are Party. Oh, and to your complaining about how hard it is to make a character.

Basic Information

  • Captain Torcadall Geadasachis a 47 year old Male human
  • Family
    • Dubhghall Geadasachis [Father - Deceased]
    • Siùsan Geadasachis [Mother- Deceased]
  • Lives in a barracks wherever he is posted.
  • His only goal in life is to live up to his family name, and earn back the honor that his family lost when his parents lost their estate.
Visual Information

Body Description
  • Athletic, though thin. He does not have the body mass of a warrior, despite the fact that much of his family was large. He has some scars from Thylans along his chest from a hunt gone wrong.
  • Extremely pale skin, though his scars are fairly dark.
  • Being from the north, he has a lot of body hair all over. It is the same color as the hair on his head, being a rich brown.
Head Description

  • Very sharp and angular, his ears are uniquely flat against his head. His nose is slightly smaller than normal.
  • Torcadall has bright blue eyes, although to many they seem dull to his normally depressed attitude. On the field of battle he can be fiery, but his rage and energy fades after the fighting stops.
  • He has a thick beard, and it is also a rich brown. It is fairly coarse to the touch, and thick.
  • Torcadall will wear blue face paint in battle to honor his ancestors.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Torcadall wears mostly mail armor, with some plates. He works tirelessly to maintain his gear, and its rare to see him out and about without said gear.
  • He wears the ring of his family, a small gold ring with the head of a wolf. It is one of the few things he still has of his family.
Behavior Information
Personality Traits

Personality Traits is a bit of an odd one out of the mix. It requires 8 bullet points that have to be picked. Follow the instructions below.
  • Honor
  • Victory
  • Winter
  • Wolves

  • Treason
  • His own failures
  • Thylans
  • Qadir
Abilities and Disabilities


  • An accomplished swordsmen, Torcadall fights with a claymore, which requires a lot of strength. He is powerful, and a hard force to stop.
  • While he has many issues of his own, his personality isn't one many people mess with. On the battlefield, he is listened to. Off of it, he is left alone. Both are due to the cold and almost ruthless way he acts and thinks.
  • He is fairly unshakable, and will not back down willingly. He will die before he surrenders.

  • He is fairly rough looking, and many assume he has the mind of a simpleton. Torcadall has no intention of attempting to prove them wrong, as his only place is on the field of war.
  • He has no real social skills off the battlefield, and no desire to learn any.
  • Other than his claymore, he has no training in other forms of combat. His fighting style with the claymore is also fairly wild, and uncontrolled.
Combat Styles
  • KILL THEM ALL - Torcadall fights using power and rage. His strikes are powerful, although they do leave openings that could be exploited against him.

Weapons of Choice
  • Claymore

That is a very simple character. I didn't do a few sections mainly because I am lazy, and this gets the point across. If really half-assing things can kinda come close a decent character, then spending maybe a day coming up with a few throw away characters for this kind of war should be more than doable.

Have some faith in yourself, and I know you can suceed!
No offense @Mecharic , but he is not a pvper. Just because he thinks your argument is stupid doesn't make him a pvper. Deal with it. Mech is doing a hell of a lot more to help both groups than you are Party. Oh, and to your complaining about how hard it is to make a character.

Basic Information

  • Captain Torcadall Geadasachis a 47 year old Male human
  • Family
    • Dubhghall Geadasachis [Father - Deceased]
    • Siùsan Geadasachis [Mother- Deceased]
  • Lives in a barracks wherever he is posted.
  • His only goal in life is to live up to his family name, and earn back the honor that his family lost when his parents lost their estate.
Visual Information

Body Description
  • Athletic, though thin. He does not have the body mass of a warrior, despite the fact that much of his family was large. He has some scars from Thylans along his chest from a hunt gone wrong.
  • Extremely pale skin, though his scars are fairly dark.
  • Being from the north, he has a lot of body hair all over. It is the same color as the hair on his head, being a rich brown.
Head Description

  • Very sharp and angular, his ears are uniquely flat against his head. His nose is slightly smaller than normal.
  • Torcadall has bright blue eyes, although to many they seem dull to his normally depressed attitude. On the field of battle he can be fiery, but his rage and energy fades after the fighting stops.
  • He has a thick beard, and it is also a rich brown. It is fairly coarse to the touch, and thick.
  • Torcadall will wear blue face paint in battle to honor his ancestors.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Torcadall wears mostly mail armor, with some plates. He works tirelessly to maintain his gear, and its rare to see him out and about without said gear.
  • He wears the ring of his family, a small gold ring with the head of a wolf. It is one of the few things he still has of his family.
Behavior Information
Personality Traits

Personality Traits is a bit of an odd one out of the mix. It requires 8 bullet points that have to be picked. Follow the instructions below.
  • Honor
  • Victory
  • Winter
  • Wolves

  • Treason
  • His own failures
  • Thylans
  • Qadir
Abilities and Disabilities


  • An accomplished swordsmen, Torcadall fights with a claymore, which requires a lot of strength. He is powerful, and a hard force to stop.
  • While he has many issues of his own, his personality isn't one many people mess with. On the battlefield, he is listened to. Off of it, he is left alone. Both are due to the cold and almost ruthless way he acts and thinks.
  • He is fairly unshakable, and will not back down willingly. He will die before he surrenders.

  • He is fairly rough looking, and many assume he has the mind of a simpleton. Torcadall has no intention of attempting to prove them wrong, as his only place is on the field of war.
  • He has no real social skills off the battlefield, and no desire to learn any.
  • Other than his claymore, he has no training in other forms of combat. His fighting style with the claymore is also fairly wild, and uncontrolled.
Combat Styles
  • KILL THEM ALL - Torcadall fights using power and rage. His strikes are powerful, although they do leave openings that could be exploited against him.

Weapons of Choice
  • Claymore

That is a very simple character. I didn't do a few sections mainly because I am lazy, and this gets the point across. If really half-assing things can kinda come close a decent character, then spending maybe a day coming up with a few throw away characters for this kind of war should be more than doable.

Have some faith in yourself, and I know you can suceed!

You have a point And I get what your saying. You dont need a full approved character for any of this. However I would like to see some way to work in already existing Rp characters mabye a battle over a sunken merchant ship of the Blacks or something a lot of RPers could gather around and gossip about.
Just going to point out something again that was stated earlier...

Just cause your RP char dies in the combat doesn't necessarily mean they die. You could always say there were incapacitated in combat and later revived by field medics and mages... This way already existing characters have plenty of room to get involved with the conflict if they so choose. Also if someone wanted to create a new character the battle could prove a good way for an open canvas made character to get some backstory...
You have a point And I get what your saying. You dont need a full approved character for any of this. However I would like to see some way to work in already existing Rp characters mabye a battle over a sunken merchant ship of the Blacks or something a lot of RPers could gather around and gossip about.
You can. Lets take my Drust for example.
He is a fighter for a noble family (Viduggla Family if you care). He could to a fight to help defend one of their ships, or to fight in their name. Should (when) I get killed, I could treat that as him being defeated, and him pulling back to get back into the fight.
Wow. You took the words right out of my mouth.

I was just going to make a thread featuring all of these ideas separately, but you beat me to it.

  • Classes
  • Resource shops
  • Fundraisers (that's the proper term.)
These concepts can be used for so much more than just war. For example, we can use fundraisers and the resource shop for the next seasonal event. Maybe even have a fundraiser with a promised feature released once the goal is met.
The resource shops also have potential to become money sinks. Just set the prices for buying abnormally high, and natural selection + well placed advertising will take care of the rest.

As for the classes, I'm not so sure how that would work out with the mcmmo plugin. Temporarily increasing or decreasing someone's stats sounds very complicated to program.
There might be a better method for carrying out this classes concept.
RP CONNECTION: Well thats good for chars formed after the war. Meh point ill let it skide
Imagination: Annnd this is why the RP community dosent like pvpers
Scripted Battle: Its ok but there need to be released story arcs efor and after
Equipment: Not bad but Experence will win most battles so RPers have a lower chance of doing good
Fake War: Id like it if the war Had some elements that the community could decide or vote on as a whole
You don't need an Approved character. Jesus. Why does everybody think they need a Approved Character for each character.
๖ۣۜFor what @Laach said, I would agree that using McMMo as part of this effort might be a bit too difficult. Why not enable traits like what the Siege has instead? It can balance out the fighting a minor bit, and certainly will require much less alteration and fixing of code for McMMo, which I can bet administrators are quite tired of constantly changing. This also would enable people to modify themselves to the class they wish, such as a mage or berserker. So in a way; without changing McMMo, this project (if started) would certainly shave off some precious time of coding and be replaced with a hairy style of finishing a short priority project instead, or even just replace it with some time to relax. Yea or nay? @Mecharic
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@Chronicler_372 - Then I would suggest that MCmmo be disabled during these battles and only traits enabled, preferably without the ability to alter them from set builds based on the class you choose. If MCmmo stats from the main gameplay are drawn into this it won't achieve the goal of involving both PvPers and RPers because the stats will be too different for the RPers to achieve anything.
Oh Good MORE inflation! Just what we need!

Cant We have a war that maked pvpers happy AND Rprs happy? People would do it anyway 100r a battle is wayy to much
That is literaly the worst idea I have ever heard. I will never be happy killing someone then a role player going "I dodged! I am not acctualy dead! You are such a God RPer!"
@Chronicler_372 - Then I would suggest that MCmmo be disabled during these battles and only traits enabled, preferably without the ability to alter them from set builds based on the class you choose. If MCmmo stats from the main gameplay are drawn into this it won't achieve the goal of involving both PvPers and RPers because the stats will be too different for the RPers to achieve anything.
๖ۣۜYes, that is exactly what I meant, actually; I feel like I stated it, but probably didn't word it right. Otherwise, yes, that is exactly what comes to mind.
That is literaly the worst idea I have ever heard. I will never be happy killing someone then a role player going "I dodged! I am not acctualy dead! You are such a God RPer!"
War for both RP and PvP is a spectacular idea, Skip. Neither side has to die anyways, knowing the PvPer can fight and the RPer doesn't have to surrender his character even if he dies in PvP! Of all things, the fight might even bring RPers and PvPers even closer to each other because they fight and work together as one! Read up, please.