• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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The First Azure Ordinance


A a man and a woman stand in front of the Aletta keep flanked by two individuals clad in leather and bluesteel. Those in the crowd would recognize the two as Doctor Fiske Eberlin and Lady Cecile Ravenstad, Lesser Vigils of the Azure Order. Fiske's voice called out to the crowd, "To the people of Regalia, today marks the day that the Azure Order will begin acting in full force! This proclamation will be posted in both our headquarters at the Alette keep and on message boards across the city, it reads:"

The First Azure Ordinance
To The Aberrants of Regalia:

This includes Silven, Vilitatei, Mages, Witchbloods, Vampires and other individuals of magical nature. You are now under the scrutiny of the Azure Order and are subject to our expectations, which are as follows:
  1. To obey all Regalian Laws without faltering.
  2. To come forward and identify yourselves to the Azure Order.
  3. To be logged in the Aberrant Registry by the Azure Order.
  4. To convert to the Unionist Faith, and admit devotion to the Empire.
  5. To willingly face trial by the Lesser Vigils, should they deem necessary.
  6. To willingly be collared by a member of the Azure Order.
You all will be given a three day grace period to come forward. After this period, we will begin tracking down and enforcing these expectations on you. Resistance will be met with heavy punishments, including time in the Azure Spire for noncompliance.

To the Mages of Regalia:

This includes White, Grey, and Black mages of any level. You will be at the forefront of our activity, and are subject to similar expectations. None of these categories are optional.

  1. To obey all Regalian Laws without faltering.
  2. To come forward and identify yourselves to the Azure Order.
  3. To be logged in the Aberrant Registry by the Azure Order.
  4. To convert to the Unionist Faith, and admit devotion to the Empire.
  5. To willingly face trial by the Lesser Vigils, should they deem necessary.
  6. To willingly be collared by a member of the Azure Order.
To the Vampires of Regalia:

In addition to the expectations for Aberrants highlighted above, vampires found outside of the Hoogblicken District without valid documentation (ie: a pass granted by the lord commander) will be subject to receiving a collar inlaid with a black stone. Vampires guilty of assault and/or feeding outside the Hoogblicken District will be forcibly cured. If their persistence to cause a disturbance, they will be executed.

To the Vilitatei of Regalia:

In addition to the expectations for Aberrants highlighted above, Vilitatei will be required to obscure and mutilate any mutations on their person as to not disturb the Regalian Populous. Failure to do so will be met with apprehension by the Azure Order and punishments delivered on a case-by-case basis.

On the subject of Collaring:
  • Collars will be given to all Aberrants, with different coloured pieces of glass to identify them. There will be three possible slots for glass identifiers. Every Magi must disclose what spells they are capable of using and what those spells are.
    • Silven will be given a gold/silver coloured stone depending if they are of the Void or Exist.
    • Phantasma will be given a green stone.
    • Vilitatei will be given an orange stone.
    • White Magi will be given a white stone.
    • Grey Magi will be given a blue stone.
    • Black Magi will be given a red stone.
    • Vampires will be given a black stone.
  • Mages will be classed into White, Grey, and Black categories after their interviews with the Azure Order. With that said, there are a few restrictions on the classes of Magi.
    • White Magi cannot be Silven, nor Vilitatei, and must be Unionist. Exceptions on the Silven and Vilitatei front may be permissible to the most loyal and devoted Azure Order Magi.
    • Grey Magi will be monitored to monthly check-ins, of which they must be cooperative with the State and not use their magic in the public eye or without the express permission of the Azure Order. A Grey Mage has the potential to be ranked down or up at any point.
    • Black Magi are to be executed upon capture.
  • Any citizen found purchasing, selling, or manufacturing fake collars will be apprehended and punished by the Azure Order. Any aberrant wearing a fake collar, or taking off their issued collar will be subject to harsher punishments and re-education within the Spire.
Every Aberrant must meet these expectations or face steep punishments, including time in the Azure Spire for noncompliance. Following this grace period we will begin tracking you down and forcefully collaring you.

For those willing to serve the Empire through the Azure Order, we encourage able Witchbloods, Silven, and Mages to join our ranks. Those who do so will be given a full week grace period instead of the original amount of time, and will receive the proper respect of their position within the Order.

Spirit's Guidance.

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Merina bursted into tears.
"Mmm, I recall hearing of this Azure Order back in Hadritya, Faird. Not a group to be trifled with. Though I'm sure we will be fine. After all, without a Qatil, our work here is quite normal for our people. We keep our head down, and your voice quiet, and we live in relative contentment."

"Yeah sure. Just remember that it's your neck getting that collar around it if we're caught. And I don't think you'll be able to get that off without another one of our mechanically-sound race. Course that whole Regalian religion nonsense may get us both in. Now don't go dying on me, I quite like this living idea."

"There are laws in place for our kind. Our people have helped this Empire grow to where it is. It would be a shame to have that peace removed due to one announcement."

"And when did the law ever really work out for foreigners here eh gears-for-brains? Just keep fiddling with that clock. Careful now! We need to make some sort of coin while we're here!"

And with that the Qadir went back to his tinkering, his little friend continuously fretting about being caught."
Daddy drummed his fingers merrily along the arm of the chair he lounged upon, his body stretched out awkwardly upon it as he gathered what he was hearing. "So that's what they're doing, is it? Collaring us all up like bitches, woof, woof. Hmm, highly doubtful they'll give me a free pass to walk about, a tragedy, really. Fine, I suppose I just flaunt about until they get me."
Hjalmar Bjornjagerfly, being a new vampire as of last week, hearing this, he'd be pretty freaked out, not knowing what to do. He'd mutter to himself in Proto-Regalisch, "Those Azure Order people are crazy."

Harald Wolfzahn, reading a notice on a poster board, he'd think to himself, "Poor Vampires, glad I'm no longer one."
Upon hearing the news, Valiane let out a sigh of irritation. "Looks like I have to be more careful and do things slowly... which I absolutely hate."
Cael calmly folded her hands over one another. "Trouble is bound ahead." Her lips fanned into a grin. "This will be fun."
Benjamin ceased the tuning of his lute, honing in on what was being said. "Hmmm... Is music a magic?"