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The Faltering Faith Of A Viduggla


Scrungo Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score
Across the City there were notices, along with a few here and there in Crookback near most to the checkpoint with none further in, all having a very clear name placed at its topmost section for all to see.

Yngvarr Viduggla.

You have disregarded your faith. On this night, you have refused not one but two duels of honor. Even through the many variations of our faith throughout the lands in which our peoples worship, this cardinal rule remains. And you have broken it.

Yngvarr Viduggla, your Soldi has nearly run dry. I offer you the chance to replenish it before you are condemned to eternity within the Mirror World.

Accept this challenge of strength and regain a measure of honor.

- Cadwyn, Ward-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order

ooc: @Kakaio
we do a bit of old gods
From word of another Aelriggan stepping forth into the league of honor duels, long did Avael's brows furrowed in thought upon reading the public notice that Cadwyn had sent out. a hum of his voice drumming out from his lips as the silver-blue eyes ever so dulled in thought. Only then did he manage to bring out a few words in reply,

"I wonder how this will turn out."

Soon enough, Avael passed the paper to both his courtier, and his brother to see their input.

@AshenRoman @Depressed_Bean
The Yanar, which many know as Alexa. Paused seeing the document, looking on in frustration. She let out an annoyed huff, beginning to scribble down on a piece of paper before slapping it onto the board under the original post for all to read.
"As someone who was present for the event mentioned, I wanted to put in a few words.
The Graf
for one was /injured/ and could barely stand when they challenged him. They both challenged the Graf to a duel not only on his brothers wedding day, but at the actual wedding party. Before multiple guests, perhaps in attempts to try humiliating him."
"The given justification for the duels were not even reasonable at all. But despite all this, he DID at first accept the first duel offering to use a champion in his place until someone else came up and also challenged him to a duel based on false accusations. Such being that the Graf mentioned the man's wife in conversation, which he never did. This post meant to be some kind of call out on the Grafs supposed lack of faith was completely unnecessary."
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From word of another Aelriggan stepping forth into the league of honor duels, long did Avael's brows furrowed in thought upon reading the public notice that Cadwyn had sent out. a hum of his voice drumming out from his lips as the silver-blue eyes ever so dulled in thought. Only then did he manage to bring out a few words in reply,

"I wonder how this will turn out."

Soon enough, Avael passed the paper to both his courtier, and his brother to see their input.

@AshenRoman @Depressed_Bean
Swirling eyes of silver and blue were brought to bare upon the offered posting, a gloved hand reached out to gently accept the gesture. Padded thumbs were smoothed over the crinkled paper, tracing the simple, blunt words etched upon them in a show of anger and disappointment. A breath, having been held in anticipation was released in a long, slow exhale; all while a gloved hand was brought to a bearded chin, scratching the facial hair in silent contemplation.

"The Sera is concerned with an ideology of faith, one of which I am not familiar enough with to comment on. What I do know, is that he is not one to lie or mince words. His moral compass is straight, and words though crass, carry the weight of his untouched beliefs. Like the storms of the raging sea, the strongest are born through the fiercest weathering."

Setting the paper upon the table, the Altalar picked up a glass of wine soon after, studying the dark liquid before taking a sip, fingertips drumming against the thin vessel; lips pursed in thought.

@RainAxe @Depressed_Bean
Another notice was placed overtop the first, evidently by the same author if the handwriting was anything to go by.

Yngvarr Viduggla.
The time to accept my challenge has run its course. It is now retracted, due to your lack of response. I call upon the members of the City who worship the Old Gods to meet and discuss your actions.
And to you, Yngvarr, I beg that you reconsider your actions and invoke
Asbjørn's name. You teeter on the edge of oblivion.

The meeting will be regarding Yngvarr Viduggla's repeated taboo offenses, and what actions should be taken.

- Cadwyn,
Faithful to Bard

Ward-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order

ooc: @Kakaio @MantaRey @DocterDuck @HydraLana @Maeovika @SevenBirds @Hautee @Indianna_Allie @SleepyIsVerySlep @literallyanyone else who plays old gods
I will be setting up a time with Kakaio hopefully on when this will take place! If I didn't tag someone and you think they'd be interested, ping them for me please. I wanna get as many heads in on this as possible :D