Reverential Address ~ A Falling Symbol And The Flame Of Faith

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by _GoldWolf_, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. _GoldWolf_

    _GoldWolf_ Regalian Lesser Noble

    Jun 12, 2016
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    Reverential Address
    A Falling Symbol and the Flame of Faith
    High Exarch Aelfric Harhold

    March 8th, 308 AC


    CURAE I - Introduction
    CURAE II - Broken
    CURAE III - The Flame


    “As we guide our world, so does this Imperial Spirit guide our hand to the future that lays beyond, the Great Way that will take us there.”
    - Emperor Theomar the Holy, Excerpt from the First Creed of Unionism -


    |CURAE I|

    These past two weeks or so have been turbulent ones. Ones that have tested us as Unionists, as Regalians, as people worthy of living on the soils of His Imperial Holiness’s Empire. We have been faced by horrors from the depths of the ground. From a hole before the Cathedral which spewed out daemons and corruption which has crumbled a key point of our society and slowly spreads to each direction. Down the street before the Cathedral and to the sides to both New Town and Old Town.

    Now, the main point of this Address was part of a sermon that I gave earlier today, however I wish to offer this to many as I am sure most citizens of Regalia are afraid of gathering in large crowds in these dark times as well as wanting to stay home with family, rightfully so. The focal point of this Address will be the Cathedral which sadly, its West tower and a large portion of its structure fell yestereve which was soon followed by ringing bells as Clickers emerged and attacked the good people of Regalia with little warning.

    Before I delve into the main piece of this address however, I wish to offer the history of the towering structure which stands at the center of the Imperial Isle. The Grand Cathedral of the Holy City has stood since around the beginning of our Empire, centuries back. Over its years, it has housed many great words and sermons from many great Reverends, High Reverends, and Supreme Reverends. Many ideas and words of faith have echoed through those walls. Many pairs have been bonded under the Spirit’s light in the beautiful Sacrament of Harmony and many have passed on, their lives looked upon in admiration by family and friends as they ascend to the Everwatch.

    It’s catacombs run deep and the depths of the Cathedral house the sarcophagus of Emperor Theomar I, the Dais of Faith which has at times awoken with activity to guide the faithful in trying times, the Spirit’s words and directions interpreted and preached to the masses by the clergy. It has been host to various events over the years as well, most recently being the various attacks it has faced by the clickers as well as the corruption crawling its way upwards, the walls of the Cathedral and to the West tower, ripping it from the rest of the stonework to collapse upon the houses down below. It is crumbling, a piece of history so important to us, falling apart by the influence of monsters shrouded from sight by evil magicks.

    |CURAE II|

    The fall of the Cathedral has been a great blow for many, including myself. When I arrived in the Holy City, it was currently the early 270’s. About two decades earlier, during the year 252 AC, I had ascended to the rank of Reverend and was given a verwaltung in Anglia. Once I arrived in the city, in the harbors of our glorious capital, I could see the towers of the Cathedral, standing tall above all other buildings in the Regalian skyline. The West tower still stood tall, unlike today. It was not leaning, not falling. It was intact, like it was built.

    I walked up the steps to the Cathedral’s entrance, admired the statues that had not yet fallen. Admired the intricacies of the archways that had not yet collapsed. I walked further in and admired the stained glass windows high in the interior which had not yet broken. I admired the pillars which held up the Cathedral’s large chamber. I finally admired the altar, kneeling before it in prayer.

    The Cathedral was filled with life. The choirs sang, Reverends wrote their sermons, Curates prepared for mass. Few others sat and kneeled near the altar, praying, reading scripture. This, for me at least, was the heart of the city. Each and every day, this is where all Unionists gathered. Saw each other. Spoke to each other. Shared in the bond of faith. They learned, they listened, they expressed their devout passion for the Spirit and the Unionist religion. The Cathedral was an awe-inspiring place for its purpose alone. Push aside the statues, the intricate archways, the beautiful stained glass windows, the strong pillars, the ornate altar. This Cathedral was there for a purpose. A raw power that was expressed through each Unionist’s faith. It was service to the Spirit, to the Emperor, to the Empire. It was brotherhood, togetherness, unity.

    Yet, now the Cathedral is silent. The statues have fallen. The arches have collapsed. The pillars are weakened and unstable due to the strain of corruption. The altar stands alone. This is not the Cathedral I once knew. It is broken and so are we.


    I must tell you, brothers and sisters. The Cathedral is beautiful. It is a great symbol of our faith. I have described its grandeur and glory to you already. It is a representation of the Spirit and of our faith. Of the Spirit’s strength and our strength. Of the Spirit’s light and the light we shall bring to the world through Him. However, while the Cathedral is a very magnificent display of our devout belief in the Spirit. Of our utter reverence towards He who guides us along the path to Paradise, it is not everything. Brothers and sisters, I must take you away from the notion that somehow that represents us. That somehow with that West Tower’s fall, we have fallen. That we are broken just like the Cathedral.

    Yes, the Cathedral is broken and yes we can be broken but only if we say we are. Faith and belief is an eternal concept. It is ever-lasting and as long as you will it, it will remain. You must have faith in the Spirit. You must believe in Him. You must trust Him.

    At this moment, we must be that symbol of faith. We must be the Cathedral. We must stand strong and proud and face this challenge like we have faced all others. With the Spirit’s light shining down upon us and sword and shield in our hands. Take up the sword and shield. Defend your home. Do what you can. That sword and shield is anything you will it to be. Whether it is wood and hammer to repair barricades. Whether it is hand and coin to offer it to anyone who will make use of it to end this crisis or to help others. Whether it is dirt and seed to grow food for the stocks in Greygate. Do what you can to defend your home, the capital. Be the Cathedral. Ignite the flame inside of you. The passion for the faith. For the Spirit. For the Emperor. For Regalia itself. Let that flame burn and consume the enemies at our doorstep. Whether it be through battle or helping your fellow man.

    I apologize to my brothers and sisters that I can only offer you words. My frame is weak and unstable. My physical form is shaky and frail. However, I promise you, my brothers and sisters, my faith. The flame of faith within me is ever as bright as it was when I first entered those doors at the Grand Cathedral. When I first admired the exterior and interior of the Regalian Cathedral. When I first walked through those magnificent halls and kneeled at that altar to pray.

    You are my brothers and sisters, fellow faithful, and you are each other's. When you are a Unionist you are bonded by that faith. When you are a Regalian you are bonded by your nation and her banner. When you serve His Imperial Holiness, you are bonded under the Spirit’s eye and His vessel.

    With this brotherhood. With this unity, let us defeat these clickers! These daemons from the depths and let us bring peace back to Regalia as we have time and time again! Rebuild your faith now and we shall rebuild the Cathedral later! Rebuild your belief now and we shall rebuild the houses later! Rebuild your trust now and we will rebuild the streets and the gates and bridges later! Defeat the Clickers now and we will close up that hole for them to never come out of again!

    Clear this obstacle on our path to Paradise and we shall continue onwards. For the Spirit. For the Emperor. For the Empire. Oratario Paean!


    May the Spirit above,
    Upon the radiant Imperial Throne,
    Protect us against all evil,
    Until the day where we His faithful,
    Bring forth Paradise to Aloria,
    When His light shall shine upon all,
    Oratario Paean
    • Powerful Powerful x 15
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 _GoldWolf_, Mar 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
  2. BeetrootSalad

    BeetrootSalad the gremlin Supremium

    Jun 2, 2015
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    A certain man placed his hands upon the letter, closing his eyes. He whispered something in a language that was not Common, before moving off.

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