The Ducal Brichauds Honour Guard


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Sep 26, 2012
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=Honour Guardsmen on break during the Drachenwald Crisis=
Lead by Revain Rodolphe II in Background



The Royal Brichauds Honour Guard are an old, recently reformed, Ceremonial Military division, founded 225AC by Rodolphe II (Revain of Hinterlandia) In his Leutz Reformation. The Honour Guard was until recently known as the 'Hinterlandish' Honour Guard, however was renamed by King Percival Ravenstad, to encompass his new title and honours. The Honour Guard stands at 1,000 men, and serves multiple purposes. firstly it functions as the Ravenstad Family's standing levy force. Secondly, the Guard serves to protect the landed Nobility of Brichauds, including, but not limited to House Ravenstad, and King Percival. Often in times of need, the family has offered Honour Guardsmen to Noble Leutzmen of the region, as a sign of friendship and respect. Though the Honour Guard (as name implies) serves a mainly ceremonial role, it has seen combat on a number of occasions. It was deployed during the Drachenwald Crisis, in defence of Brichauds, against the Baron Army, and once again in the Qadir Occupation, to defend the Archipelago.


Oath of Allegiance

I, ___ do truly and sincerely acknowledge,
profess, testify, and declare in my conscience before The Spirit and the world,
that our Sovereign Lord King Percival Kade is lawful and rightful King of Brichauds' people. I do hold my life in service to his Majesty, and my sword to his cause.
My loyalty will remain with the Emperor evermore, much alike his Majesty.
May the Spirit guide my actions, and judge me according-



Roleplay Activity: 1-10
Character App:
Give one of your RP strengths:
Give one of your RP Weaknesses:
-IC letter of application (Including reason for joining) penned to Duke Albaer-


Public Leaders

Soverign of the Guardship
King Percival Kade II
King of Brischauds
Grand Revain of Hinterlandia

Lord Kommandant
Duke Albaer Ravenstad III
Duke of The Lion's Fold
Lieutenant General of the Grand Noble Mark

Regiment Kommandant
Tobek Jukashniydom Vasilonid Timotejovich

Honour Secretary & Keepers of Archives
Ser Victor Ravenstad
Tactician Commander of the Noble Mark
Last edited:
IGN: Vivamente
Roleplay Activity: 8
Character App:
Give one of your RP strengths: My roleplay experience excels in Combat.
Give one of your RP Weaknesses: My main downfall is my character's sympathy for those of the common folk.
-IC letter of application (Including reason for joining) penned to Duke Albaer-

Dearest Uncle Albaer,
Duke of the Lion's Fold,
Lieutenant General of the Grand Noble Mark.

I have decided to pen a letter to you in order to join the Honour Guard, though I am able to ask this of you in person. Throughout the thirty years of my living I have served House Ravenstad not only as a member of the family but as an acting guardsman for the house and as such I request to be accepted into your rankings with open arms; I assume you've heard of my prowess in the many battles I've commanded in of which include the Ranger Crisis, the Curag Fields and the Battle of Calemberg.

I understand and respect that you may be cautious to allow me entry to this prestigious guard, but in the midst of battle; I am a worthy opponent and even more so worthy in the duty of guarding my cousin, His Royal Highness, Percival Kade and the rest of my beloved family.

Perhaps a more prestigious position than being a simple guard would suit me more in my own eyes, as I am fully capable of leading swordsmen into battle and training or teaching those within the rankings of the Honour Guard.

PS. I intend to keep myself on my toes if I do, in turn; become an Honour Guard and I much expect the men I fight alongside to do the same.

Spirit be with you.
Klaus Ravenstad,
Field Commander in the Westmark Army.
-IC letter of application (Including reason for joining) penned to Duke Albaer-

Dearest Uncle Albaer,
Duke of the Lion's Fold,
Lieutenant General of the Grand Noble Mark.

I have decided to pen a letter to you in order to join the Honour Guard, though I am able to ask this of you in person. Throughout the thirty years of my living I have served House Ravenstad not only as a member of the family but as an acting guardsman for the house and as such I request to be accepted into your rankings with open arms; I assume you've heard of my prowess in the many battles I've commanded in of which include the Ranger Crisis, the Curag Fields and the Battle of Calemberg.

I understand and respect that you may be cautious to allow me entry to this prestigious guard, but in the midst of battle; I am a worthy opponent and even more so worthy in the duty of guarding my cousin, His Royal Highness, Percival Kade and the rest of my beloved family.

Perhaps a more prestigious position than being a simple guard would suit me more in my own eyes, as I am fully capable of leading swordsmen into battle and training or teaching those within the rankings of the Honour Guard.

PS. I intend to keep myself on my toes if I do, in turn; become an Honour Guard and I much expect the men I fight alongside to do the same.

Spirit be with you.
Klaus Ravenstad,
Field Commander in the Westmark Army.

It would be a crime for me to turn down one of my own, as they attempt to serve the Great Way, and our House. I am no such criminal. As such, I will be accepting you into the ranks of the Honour Guard. Be warned, Nephew: your success is of great value to me, and as such, your failure will bring even greater wroth. Tread this path with honour, and we shall spare ourselves the events of our last meeting. I have great trust in you to carry out the task at hand, and reform your attitude and behaviour. Let us hope you do not disappoint.

Albaer Ravenstad,
Titles, titles, titles
IGN: TheBioverse
Roleplay Activity: 8/9
Character App:
Give one of your RP strengths: Socialization and organization of covert operations.
Give one of your RP Weaknesses: Anxiety with hosting events or taking the spotlight.


Duke Lion's Fold Ravenstad,

In hopes of pledging my loyalty to you and your Noble Household in this time of war and uncertainty, I hope this letter finds you in good health. Though I am indeed Songaskian in flesh, my soul and devotion are to the Holy Way and what His Holiness wills. I have pledged my men to your Mark, and now I pledge my services to you and your family. If you would have me, I would be forever honoured.

Spirit's Fortunes Upon You,
Amahl of Rivellia
Trailblazer of the East
Freisoldner Champion
Captain of the Broken Standard
Duke Lion's Fold Ravenstad,

In hopes of pledging my loyalty to you and your Noble Household in this time of war and uncertainty, I hope this letter finds you in good health. Though I am indeed Songaskian in flesh, my soul and devotion are to the Holy Way and what His Holiness wills. I have pledged my men to your Mark, and now I pledge my services to you and your family. If you would have me, I would be forever honoured.

Spirit's Fortunes Upon You,
Amahl of Rivellia
Trailblazer of the East
Freisoldner Champion
Captain of the Broken Standard

Freisoldner Champion,
At the urging of my council,
I'll be accepting your offer of service.

Spirit's blessings,
Albaer Ravenstad,
Duke of the Lion's Fold,
Lord Kommandant of the Honour Guard,
General of the Noble Mark

IGN: Jouster.
Roleplay Activity: 8.
Character App:
Give one of your RP strengths: I can't really place a finger on what RP strengths I have. I don't pay attention to myself, really.
Give one of your RP Weaknesses: Maybe my attention span and what not to do? This only, really. Maybe how I portray my character?

A marble white envelope with a possibly familiar black and orange seal held the letter penned to Albaer Ravenstad is found below.

To the Lord Kommandant, Duke Albaer Ravenstad,
Eventide, Duke. I was informed of this military division by what I assume was one of your recruiters, some Tobek man. Assuming you've no problem with me, and me being in this order, I request that I'm able to join the Royal Brichauds Honor Guard. I can assure you I am a trustworthy man and can do whatever to help, as you know from my donation of my levies to your mark army. I've been trained with both axe and sword and can assure you I will not disappoint.
Spirit's Blessings,
Valbrand Haagenvig,
Baron of Kopvagr

Dear Baron Kopvagr
I find great honour in accepting your most noble gesture. We all must find our path - Our road to traverse in this life - I am most pleased The Honour Guard has become just that. Expect word from me soon, and introduction to your peers.
Spirit guide,
Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad,
Duke of the Lion's Fold,
General of The Noble Mark,
Honour Guard Lord Kommandant,
Titles, Titles, Titles,