
Your Favourite Moustached Godling
May 31, 2018
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Roleplay Guilds
House Rote, The Inquisition, The Synod,





IGN: Icaruscien.
Discord: thomas °☼.#3739
Character Name: Wesley Crawford.
Character Age: Twenty six.
Character Race: Half-Ailor Half-Altalar (Half-Elf dominant).
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript.
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +20 Stave Combat Skill
  • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +5 Fast Blades Combat Skill
  • +3 Athletic Training
  • +3 Rogue Training
Character Sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

The parchment is in such a scrappy mess that even without the misspellings, it is only barely legible. The edges are crinkled and it looks haphazardly stored and delivered.

To Lord Inquizitur Cuerate Abelhard Wrote,

I am writin to express my interest in joinin your holy Inquizition. I should note my Silven hairitige, and my ability to cast spells, as well as my Half-Elfen oregins. Loofred Reginar encouraged me to apply, as I am a Unionist and willin to serve the Empire to the best of my skills. I am trained in qwarterstaff, armin sword, dagger, and hand to hand. I hope to hear from yew soon,

Wesley Crawford.

IGN: Ekizu
Discord: Yes
Character Name: Faaron Arwyndaar
Character Age: 45
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiency/Experience:
+20 Swords Combat
+15 Magical Knowledge
+10 Religious Knowledge
- Served as an Inquisitor in Basta and in the Crown City​

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I have served you before and I desire to serve you now. I hope that you will continue to have me as a member of this reorganized Divine Militia.

- Faaron
IGN: Ottorintsu
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Hanzfreund Liezel Rote
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Colonial Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience: +15 Longsword +10 Religious Knowledge
- Served as Knight of Villiers-Eclaire during the war in Ithania.
- Served as Inquisitor in the previous iteration.
Link to Character App:
IC Letter to Lord Inquisitor / Divine Militia Prefecture:
Hello, brother.

Congratulations on your new position. I am very pleased with your recent reforms within the Militia, though I suppose as an unwanted consequence I am now required to reapply to attain my previous position.

Well, here it is.

Hanzfreund Liezel Rote
Knight of Villiers-Eclaire
Painted Lion of House Rote
IGN: Anakyrivo.
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Leufred Reginar.
Character Details: On linked app.
Position: Knights of Virtuous Blood.
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:
+15 Blades
+5 Religious Knowledge
Involved in the deaths of 3 Arken, worked under du Pont and Livanov Inquisition.
IC Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor Curate Abelhard Rote,
It's Leufred. You know me, I know you, and I assume pleasantries have been long since dealt with. With the firing and rerecruitment, I want to return to the Order in full force as soon as I can. You're aware of my feats and skills, and I trust this can be dealt with quickly.
- Technically Ex-Paladin Leufred Reginar.
IGN: Icaruscien.
Discord: thomas °☼.#3739
Character Name: Wesley Crawford.
Character Age: Twenty six.
Character Race: Half-Ailor Half-Altalar (Half-Elf dominant).
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript.
Relevant Proficiencies:

    • +20 Stave Combat Skill
    • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill
    • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
    • +5 Fast Blades Combat Skill
    • +3 Athletic Training
    • +3 Rogue Training
Character Sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

The parchment is in such a scrappy mess that even without the misspellings, it is only barely legible. The edges are crinkled and it looks haphazardly stored and delivered.

To Lord Inquizitur Cuerate Abelhard Wrote,

I am writin to express my interest in joinin your holy Inquizition. I should note my Silven hairitige, and my ability to cast spells, as well as my Half-Elfen oregins. Loofred Reginar encouraged me to apply, as I am a Unionist and willin to serve the Empire to the best of my skills. I am trained in qwarterstaff, armin sword, dagger, and hand to hand. I hope to hear from yew soon,

Wesley Crawford.

The Lord Inquisitor lets out a sigh from his home desk as he reads over the letter, pinching his nose.

To Mr Crawford,

Hello, I see Common is not your first written language, I believe there can be some arrangement regarding penance for your nature as a Silven and Mage. Anyone who is willing to serve the Empire and willing enough to serve the Faith will find themselves well-kept within the organisation. In lieu of this, I would like to meet face to face, so I may judge your character in person. I shall forward a runner to get a date and time for our meet.

May the Spirit grant you mercy,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Divine Militia,
Curate of the Unionist Faith in Jarrow,
Golden Bear of Jarrow" @Icaruscien


Abelhard lets out a snort at his brother's letter, shaking his head.

"Dear brother,

I believe you meant work towards your former place, as roles within the reformed structure are more prestigious than those before. I hope you find this a sufficient motivator to fulfil some casework. Accepted back as Acolyte Conscript.

<A-R> Majesty," @Ottorintsu


The Lord Inquisitor peers down at Leufreds handwriting a small grease-spot from the chicken-leg he ate from fell onto the paper that bore his reply.

"To the esteemed ex-Paladin Reginar,

Discussions will be had with myself and the Grandmaster as to how we shall be proceeding with those of your order, but fear not, as a resilient and adaptable force I am sure you will do fine within the new rank structure. Let's see the 'ex' removed shall we? Accepted as a Squire Conscript.

May the Spirit grant you mercy,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Divine Militia,
Curate of the Unionist Faith in Jarrow,
Golden Bear of Jarrow" @Anakyrivo


Having accidentally dropped Faaron's letter as he was placing them on his desk, the Lord Inquisitor found it shortly after writing responses to the others, picking it up and reading the brief letter with a smile, approving of the short but sweet writings.

"Dear Faaron,

You are now an Acolyte Conscript. Welcome back.

May the Spirit grant you mercy,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Divine Militia,
Curate of the Unionist Faith in Jarrow,
Golden Bear of Jarrow" @Ekizu
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IGN: sadsoda
Discord: u got it
Character Name: Jonatan af Fenikstörn
Character Age: Thirty-two
Character Race: Colonial Alt-Regalian Ailor.
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Advisor.
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +15 Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Religious Knowledge Skill
  • +01 Hunting Knowledge Skill
  • +15 Magical Knowledge Skill
Character Sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

Lord Inquisitor,

I shall brief, for the sake of both our tempers and time; of which I suddenly find myself with very little. I know longer find myself fit to serve in a combat role due to my recent... infliction. Still, it penetrates my mind and haunts my dreams. I wish not to return to that shell of a man I was. My knowledge is invaluable and my skill with a blade still available should it ever come to that; but, I can only pray to the Spirit it will not as an advisor. I will act as I did recently before the incident and advise those in need of magical identification or advice.​

Despite our history, I have always believed it best to leave the past in the past.​

Jonatan af Fenikstörn​
IGN: AtticCat
Discord: You got it man
Character Name: Winifred von Rahm
Character Age: Sixteen
Character Race: Claith Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Position: Assistance - Medical
Relevant Proficiencies:

+12 Medical Sciences
+3 Nature Care Sciences
Character Sheet: [x]

To Dear Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote,

I'm assuming you remember who I am from my constant bugging, but it's Winifred von Rahm and I wish to rejoin the Divine Militia as your medic once more. At least I'm properly applying this time, I suppose.

Spirit Guide You!
Winifred von Rahm
Abelhard keeps a relatively neutral expression for Jonatan's letter, writing it slower than he would normally to choose his words carefully.


Your services will not be required.

A.R." @onlyathot


"Dear Lady von Rahm,

Your capability as a medic regardless of your age is a welcome addition once more. This time I shall be outlining duties and privileges to yourself and those like you to try and keep my men in top notch condition!

May the Spirit keep you in good health,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Divine Militia,
Curate of the Unionist Faith in Jarrow,
Golden Bear of Jarrow" @AtticCat
You already have it.
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Relevant Proficiency:
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • Stave Combat: +10
  • Knowledge Proficiency:
    • Magical Knowledge: +30
    • Linguistic Knowledge: +24
    • Historical Knowledge: +13
    • Statesman Knowledge: +3
Character Sheet:
Lord Inquisitor,
My assistance was offered in the past, and my work should already be in play by the Divine Militia, especially the information of possessed.

I offer my services once more, for the betterment of everyone.

IGN: noealleP
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Dimitri Decius
Character Age: 60
Character Race: Avanthar (Half Elf)
Character Gender: Male
Position: Knights of Virtuous Blood
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:
  • +30 Blunt
  • +10 Heavy Bow
  • +10 Religious Knowledge
  • +10 Light Bow
  • +10 Stave
  • Hallowblood
Character App:

IC Letter:
Lord Inquisitor, it's uh.. Victor's cousin. With the restructure, I'd like to rejoin the Divine Militia, if you'd have me of course. It'd be an honor to serve again.

-Former Holy Knight Dimitri Decius
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IGN: Ailethi

: Ailethi#1178

Character Name
: Valeria

Character Age
: Sixty-Two

Character Race
: Altalar (Phantasma infected.)

Character Gender
: Female

: Conscript/Assistant

Relevant Proficiencies
  • +20 Blades Combat
  • +15 Medical Knowledge
  • +10 Unarmed
  • +10 Athletic Training

Character Sheet Link: X

Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture
The letter would arrive in a crisp envelope, a plain wax seal on the top. The handwriting within was a neat black inked cursive.

To the esteemed Lord Inquisitior,

I am Valeria, a recently turned Phantasma. I use to be a member of the Crown Isle Wardens, falling into the Vigilant Shield months after. I wish to assist the city of Regalia further in it's achievements. I know how to treat the basic wounds and even set a few bones, skilled with a sword as well.

Spirit Protect,
The Fallen Wolf of Daen​
You already have it.
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Relevant Proficiency:
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • Stave Combat: +10
  • Knowledge Proficiency:
    • Magical Knowledge: +30
    • Linguistic Knowledge: +24
    • Historical Knowledge: +13
    • Statesman Knowledge: +3
Character Sheet:
Lord Inquisitor,
My assistance was offered in the past, and my work should already be in play by the Divine Militia, especially the information of possessed.

I offer my services once more, for the betterment of everyone.


The letter had been passed down from the Lord Inquisitor's desk to one of his Prefects, now Victor sat looking down at it.


Your assistance will be welcome once again as it was in the past and your services will be put to use.

Prefect Victor
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Discord: you got it my man
Character Name: Leopold Diggory Rote
Character Age: Thirty-Five
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript.
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • Blades Combat skill +25
  • Religious Knowledge +10
  • Heavy Bow combat Skill +10
Sheet: Here
IC Letter:


I am in. These heretics will pay with their blood.

IGN: noealleP
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Dimitri Decius
Character Age: 60
Character Race: Avanthar (Half Elf)
Character Gender: Male
Position: Knights of Virtuous Blood
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:
  • +30 Blunt
  • +10 Heavy Bow
  • +10 Religious Knowledge
  • +10 Light Bow
  • +10 Stave
  • Hallowblood
Character App:

IC Letter:
Lord Inquisitor, it's uh.. Victor's cousin. With the restructure, I'd like to rejoin the Divine Militia, if you'd have me of course. It'd be an honor to serve again.

-Former Holy Knight Dimitri Decius

Victor sat looking down at the letter from his cousin as he began to write a response.


Accepted back for trial.

Prefect Victor

IGN: Ailethi

: Ailethi#1178

Character Name
: Valeria

Character Age
: Sixty-Two

Character Race
: Altalar (Phantasma infected.)

Character Gender
: Female

: Conscript/Assistant

Relevant Proficiencies
  • +20 Blades Combat
  • +15 Medical Knowledge
  • +10 Unarmed
  • +10 Athletic Training

Character Sheet Link: X

Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture
The letter would arrive in a crisp envelope, a plain wax seal on the top. The handwriting within was a neat black inked cursive.

To the esteemed Lord Inquisitior,

I am Valeria, a recently turned Phantasma. I use to be a member of the Crown Isle Wardens, falling into the Vigilant Shield months after. I wish to assist the city of Regalia further in it's achievements. I know how to treat the basic wounds and even set a few bones, skilled with a sword as well.

Spirit Protect,
The Fallen Wolf of Daen​

The letter would have been passed down to the Prefects from the Lord Inquisitor's desk and now Victor sat looking down upon it. He opened the letter and gave a nod of approval the neat and more importantly legible handwriting.

Valeria of Daen,

Considering your former experience within the city guard it has been decided to accept you as a conscript into the Divine Militia. Note that with your Phantasma curse you will be held to certain higher expectations.

Prefect Victor
IGN: InDogsWeTrust
Discord: indogswetrust#2536
Character Name: Elsin Collins
Character Age: Nineteen
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female.
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful (tho Conscript ic)
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • Medical Knowledge +6
  • Light Bow +13
Sheet: Working on it.
IC Letter:

To His Holiness the Lord Inquisitor:

I am a collared Witchblood and recent immigrant of the Unionist faith. I would like to make myself useful... somehow. I have some skill in archery, and some knowledge of medicine, but little else to offer. If there is room for me here, please let me know.

Spirit bless,

Elsin Collins
IGN: InDogsWeTrust
Discord: indogswetrust#2536
Character Name: Elsin Collins
Character Age: Nineteen
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female.
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful (tho Conscript ic)
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • Medical Knowledge +6
  • Light Bow +13
Sheet: Working on it.
IC Letter:

To His Holiness the Lord Inquisitor:

I am a collared Witchblood and recent immigrant of the Unionist faith. I would like to make myself useful... somehow. I have some skill in archery, and some knowledge of medicine, but little else to offer. If there is room for me here, please let me know.

Spirit bless,

Elsin Collins

The letter would have been passed down with a group of other letters from the Lord Inquisitors desk to that one one of his prefects. Victor took a knife on the desk and opened the letter, giving it a read over.

Miss Collins,

After discussion it has been decided to accept you into the Divine Militia to begin work as a conscript. Note that given your affliction with the Phantasma curse you may be held to a higher standard than that of your peers, however do not let this dissuade you.

Prefect Victor
IGN: Xref74.
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Maximus Krupp.
Character Age: Forty.
Character Race: Ailor - Opper Calem/Velheimer.
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +30 Extra Heavy Combat Skill.
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill.
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill.
  • +5 Athletic Training.
Character Sheet Link: Link.
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

Hail Lord Inquisitor,

I've recently found myself with much more spare time and would hate to not put it to good use. I've fought in the Nordmark and served House Kade as one of their guards, I have plenty of experience, to say the least. I'd request that you give me a position within your Militia that is suiting to my skill set.

Spirit Bless,
Maximus Krupp
IGN: Xref74.
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Maximus Krupp.
Character Age: Forty.
Character Race: Ailor - Opper Calem/Velheimer.
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +30 Extra Heavy Combat Skill.
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill.
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill.
  • +5 Athletic Training.
Character Sheet Link: Link.
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

Hail Lord Inquisitor,

I've recently found myself with much more spare time and would hate to not put it to good use. I've fought in the Nordmark and served House Kade as one of their guards, I have plenty of experience, to say the least. I'd request that you give me a position within your Militia that is suiting to my skill set.

Spirit Bless,
Maximus Krupp

Victor opened the letter which had been passed down to him. Upon reading it remembered the man he had talked to earlier.


Your skill set will be welcome within the Divine Milita. Accepted as a conscript.

Prefect Victor
IGN: PreciseReinhardt
Discord: Precision Reinhardt #1050
Character Name: Aren Haevell
Character Age: 74
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +20 Thin Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Stave Combat Skill
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +30 Perception Training
Character Sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:
Dear Lord Inquisitor
Just like my green eyed peers, I am uniquely suited for the position as a Hallow Blood squire. I have training in pageantry as well as formality, although I only apply them when necessary. I've been training with a blade my whole life, my career having been dedicated to it for the past half century, so you're sure to find use in me.
With Respect,
Aren Haevell​
OOC - Unfortunately, the means of becoming a hallowblood is not publicly-known, with their perhaps only being rumours that the Synod has a form of cure. Additionally, your application mentions little to do with your character's reason for wishing to become a warrior underneath the Unionist faith, your letter also does not hold any inclination towards the faith.

That said, all that is required is a brief touch up of your letter to assert religious fervour and remedying what could be seen as using meta information. Instead of writing that you wish to be a hallowblood squire, simply say you wish to be a witchblood in service to the Divine Militia.

I apologise if the formatting is confusing, and will amend this.
IGN: HodlinG
Discord: Not Hodler#7405
Character Name: Rino dei Lanzi
Character Race: Varran, Rakrran subrace
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies: +16 Blades Combat, +20 Athletic Training
Character sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

Lord Inquisitor Rote

I hope this letter has reached you well and found you whilst you are in an agreeable mood, For I am hoping to join your holy organization. A particular level of agreeableness is only needed in regards to my joining for the fact that, I am a Non-Human, a Varran. But I can assure you that I am devout and nearly single mindedly focused on the cause of Unionism. And this organization seems the best way for me to serve that cause, at this moment. So, I hope you can consider me.

Spirit's Blessings,​
Rino dei Lanzi
IGN: MrOof1
Discord: MrOof1#4364
Character Name: Hallgrim Asleson
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Velheim Alior
Character Gender: Male
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +20 Axe Combat Skill
  • +15 Athletic Training
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +5 Religious Knowledge
Character Sheet Link: Here
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I am Hallgrim Asleson, I have come from the land of Drixagh with the wish of joining the Divine Militia to fight off the heresy that I have heard of within the Holy City. I was infected with the Witchblood Curse during a fight a long time ago, but now I use to turn this Curse into a Gift to help fight. I am a graduate of the School of Skaggers, trained under the Björntass Discipline or the Bear Paw Form. My strength is my ally and now I wish to use my strength under you as your ally.

May the Spirit Protect you
Hallgrim Asleson
IGN: Erzly.
Discord: i got u.
Character Name: Fawza Mustafa.
Character Age: 37.
Character Race: Qadir.
Character Gender: Female.
Position: Assistant.
Relevant (Prospective, i tried my best to explain this) Proficiencies or Experience:
  • Around +13 Magical Knowledge with deductions (i think)
  • About +22 in Finecraft Arts
  • +10 Rogue training
Link to Character App: (non-updated)
IC Letter to Lord Inquisitor / Divine Militia Prefecture:
Lord Inquisitor,
It would be in my interests to assist yourself and the rest of the Divine Militia in bettering this fine City. I can read, write, and speak in a few different languages and have great experience you may find useful. I can also make your metal prettier. I have not worked in an organisation of this kind before, but am eager to learn as a recently converted.​
Spirit Bless,
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IGN: Last_Link
Discord: You have it
Character Name: Robert Carwell
Character Age: 45
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +15 Longsword
  • +30 Marshal
Sheet: Robb
IC Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I wish to serve in the Divine militia. As a Bloodcast and General I believe I have the required training to do so.

Robert Carwell
Baron of Norreck
Mr dei Lanzi

I apologise for my tardiness in replying to you, I briefly took a hiatus from my duties within the Divine Militia to see to some issues elsewhere relating to the faith. I have met very little Varran in my time within the Holy City, and although I will exercise a degree of caution in how quickly you are promoted, rewarded, or assigned particularly sensitive cases, I see no issue in accepting you into the Divine Militia. I shall ensure you see your duties towards the Great Way well-kept. Please report to the White Tower at an appropriate time to be fitted for a uniform and orientation.

Spirit keep you ever in His grace,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor
Baron of Griptham
Curate of the Synod

Mr Asleson,

I shall pass your information onto my subordinate within the Prefecture, Grandmaster Victor Decius
(@ChapterDeath), for a more in-depth evaluation of your uses to enforcing Synodical Law. Await a letter from him shortly
Spirit keep you ever in His grace,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor
Baron of Griptham
Curate of the Synod
Miss Mustafa,

I shall pass your information onto my subordinate within the Prefecture, High Magical Advisor Valerie Ravenstad
(@WaterDruppel), for a more in-depth evaluation of your uses to advising those who enforce Synodical Law. Await a letter from her ladyship shortly.
Spirit keep you ever in His grace,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor
Baron of Griptham
Curate of the Synod

Lord Carwell,

I graciously accept your assistance, as a fellow member of the peerage, in joining the Divine Militia.

Spirit keep you ever in His grace,
Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor
Baron of Griptham
Curate of the Synod

IGN: Goldifish
Discord: You have it
Character Name: Hie'jja de Catlonia
Character Age: 23
Character Race: Avanthar
Character Gender: Female
Position: Virtuos Blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:
  • Axe proficiency and Cavalry Combat proficiency.
  • Previous experience in guard orders before Witchbloods were barred from service.
  • Really good at following orders.
  • Can read now.
  • Has a 'good unionist' name of Helen.
  • Is a good unionist.
Link to Character App
IC Letter to Lord Inquisitor / Divine Militia Prefecture
Lord Inquisitor,
I am Helen, formerly known as Hie'jja. I used to mooch off of the Azure, but I am not like that any longer. I wish to prove my worth in the eyes of the Spirit. Please, accept me and let me repay you for all you have done. I have gotten far better at fighting than previously and have been taking good care of my feeding needs. I hope you and I can meet again and catch up, even if you deem me unfit for this chance.
Hopeful do-gooder,
Helen de Catlonia.
IGN: Nixces
Discord: You've got it.
Character Name: Frankland Laurent
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Position: Virtuous blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • +14 Pole Combat Skill | +14 points.
  • Knowledge Proficiency:
    • +5 Religious Knowledge. | +5 points.

Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

Lord Inquistor,
I am Frankie Laurent, and to keep this short- I am looking for employment once again under this order. I have multiple previous experiences with guarding job, including under a previous High reverend of this order. Though it seems said person has been replaced. I am good with a Halberd and my wits, and like I previously wrote, past experience. I hope this letter reaches you in good health.
-Frankie Laurent
IGN: Speedybattlebug
Discord: Yes
Character Name: Aleic Brinigale
Character Age: Twenty six.
Character Race: Leutz Ailor
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +10 Longsword
  • +2 Unarmed Wrestling
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +4 Religion Knowledge
  • +10 Threads Knowledge
Character Sheet Link: X
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

To The Lord Inquisitor,

My name is Aleic Brinigale. I am a Witchblood, once Viridian Knight who is looking for a way to serve the Spirit. I am trained in swords, and I have some previous religious knowledge that came from studying Unionism as a Knight. I owe the Spirit my life, and I wish to repay that debt through dedication and service. Thank you so much for reading this letter. Spirit Bless.
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Dear Helen,

Send a date and time for a one on one meeting and I shall see you in service shortly after.

Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor

Dear Sir,

I am curious as to how and why you left the order initially, and hope this can be elaborated on face to face. Send a date and time you are free.

Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor

To 'whom is may concern',

I've been Lord Inquisitor for some months now, and hope that your knowledge pertaining to Synodical & Holy Law is as lacking as you're knowledge on the Divine Militia's structure. Send for a date and time so that I may meet you and clarify this.

Abelhard Rote,
Lord Inquisitor

OOC: Could all of you please add or message me on discord Lowry#4601
IGN: Sebbysc
Discord: You've got it.
Character Name: Larayel Vatoris
Character Age: 107
Character Race: Central Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript or Assistant
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:

  • +10 Rogue Training
  • +10 Statesman Knowledge
  • +15 Fast Blade Combat
  • +40 Alchemy Sciences
  • Working with the Regalian Academia Institute
IC Letter to Lord Inquisitor / Divine Militia Prefecture:
Lord Inquisitor,

Of all the Regalian Institutions I've come across I believe the Divine Militia may have the best uses for my potential. I, Larayel Vatoris, can contribute greatly to this organization. I may not have the blood of Ailor or the same humors as they do, but my talents can still be of use. I know how to wield a blade, how to use my tongue against those with little wit, and I've spent plenty of my years with the intricacies of alchemy. I pray for a quick response.

Spirit Protect,
Larayel Daeluto Vatoris
Steward & Caretaker of The Regalian Institute of Academia

IGN: Titustastic
Discord: Balthy#6909
Character Name: Siegfried Ludenhof
Character Age: Fifty-five
Character Race: Ailor, New-Regalian
Character Gender: Male.
Position: Conscript
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +35 Marshal Knowledge
  • +18 Blades Combat
  • +12 Statesman Knowledge
Character Sheet Link: Still being reviewed, as of this post
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

To the most pious, Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote,

For some time now I have watched this order grow and diminish, prior to my unemployment I served under Hengest Harhold and represented him in his own lands and before that in the Regalian Army. While I might not be in my prime any longer, I still hold much influence with the blade and tongue. I am competent at leading and being led. I would wish to find some work under the Inquisition as a potential Inquisitor.

Ser Siegfried Kastaf Adolphus von Ludenhof​

Mr Vatoris,

I am glad to hear a member of the Altalar race entering into the service of the Divine Militia to serve the Unionist Faith. I shall see you instated as an Inquisitor Conscript, and your abilities put to solid use. At that, I shall send your armour as well as a collection of papers you are to adhere to learn our ways and duties.

Spirit Guide,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote
Baron of Griptham
Lord Inquisitor of Theomar's Inquisition
Curate of Jarrow

Ser Siegfried von Ludenhof,

I admire your service to House Harhold, the elder of which is our current High Reverend, and I hope to see you once again employed to the faithful. Your service in the Regalian Army only adds to your competency at the task at hand, although I do pray that you are as spry as you were during your years of active duty. That said, the wisdom in strategy will see you fit in with the Inquisitor's around you easily. I hope to see you in armour soon.

Spirit Guide,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote
Baron of Griptham
Lord Inquisitor of Theomar's Inquisition
Curate of Jarrow

IGN: Antimreoir
Discord: Yes, will send privately.
Character Name: Veronika Eliopolous.
Character Age: 62.
Character Race: Half-Elf. Etosian Ailor - Avanthar.
Character Gender: Female.
Position: Assistant.
  • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill
  • +10 Staves Combat Skill
  • +10 Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Fast Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill
  • +10 Medicine Science Skill
  • +5 Throwing Combat Skill
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +5 Athletic Training
  • +5 Magical Knowledge
Character Application:
IC Letter:

To the esteemed Lord Inquisitor Rote,

I hope the Spirit blesses you with good health and stature upon receipt of this letter. My name is Veronika Eliopolous, a devout of the Etosian Patriarchate seeking to further the Great Way in any means required of me. I aspire to become on among your ranks to aid more combative allies in their endeavours ensuring that all are guided on the right path in life.

I have discussed such prior with the Paladin Leufred, and now seek to join your ranks.

May the Spirit bless you with a Merry Wintertide,
Veronika Eliopolous.


Dear Veronika Eliopolous,

May the Spirit keep you in strength and glory, I shall gladly receive you into the fold of the Divine Militia. I shall see you placed as an Inquisitor Conscript for the sake of necessity until your skillset reveals itself further. Please organise a time with my page in which to meet with me.

Spirit prevails,
Lord Inquisitor Rote.

Please add Lowry#4601 for a discord discussion.
IGN: AtomicKarate & xJayP
Discord: zaddy #4505 & Jolly Jay!#9506
Character Name: Nicolao dei Marchesi & Valente dei Pasqua
Character Age: 35 & 28
Character Race: Ailor & Ailor.
Character Gender: Male & Male.
Position: Inquisition, both.
Relevant Proficiencies:

*20 Blades
*10 Unarmed
*5 Throwing


*15 Blades
*8 Unarmed
*5 Athletic Training

Character Sheet Link: Nicolao & Valente
Letter to Lord Inquisitor/Divine Militia Prefecture:

To the Lord Inquisitor Holy-Baron Abelhard Rote,

It's Leufred. I'm writing this. Valente dei Pasqua and Nicolao dei Marchesi wanted me to. Both of them say they can't write, but I'm pretty sure that they can and are just making me do this. Doesn't matter, I doubt they're quality checking this.
They're mercenaries, and they fight with swords pretty well. Got some indominable willpower, and their true strength is their bond. They've been friends for ten years, and growing. Powerful duo, and very heterosexual, very legal, and very cool.
They're looking for a job under the Inquisition, and I'm sure I can get a tutor or a scribe to write Valente's reports. He's been hit in the head a lot (Or I'll just punch him until he remembers how to write).

-Paladin Leufred Reginar, writing on behalf of Nicolao dei Marchesi and Valente dei Pasqua.

P.S., You should also consider them for the Flagellant order.

@Anakyrivo @AtomicKarate @JayP
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Dear Sirs,

You're approved, but any misbehaviour or misconduct on one half will be applied to the other, for the sake of your duality. You will be joining into the Flagellant Corps.

Spirit guide you,
Lord Inquisitor Rote

Both of you PM me on Discord @JayP @AtomicKarate
IGN: MrOof1
Discord: You have it.
Character Name: Jason Carwell
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Position: Virtuous Blood Hopeful
Relevant Proficiencies or Experience:
+20 Longsword Combat Skill
+13 Athletic Training
+10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill
+5 Front-Line Combat Skill
Link to Character App:
IC Letter to Lord Inquisitor / Divine Militia Prefecture:
To the Lord Inquisitor Rote,

I am Jason Carwell, brother of Baron Robert Carwell. With my recent transformation into a Witchblood, I removed myself from the Viridian Order. I have decided to join into the Inquisition with the hopes of furthering myself into the Great Way and serving the Spirit. In due time, I hope to regain the trust and respect from the people of Regalia by serving the Divine Militia.

Spirit Bless and Protect you
Jason Carwell
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IGN: blyatypode
Discord: Yes
Character Name: Parcival Morganson
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Sihndar.
Character Gender: Male
Position: Conscript.
Relevant Proficiency/Experience:
-+17 Magical Knowledge
-+20 Blades
-+8 Athletics
-+10 Hunting Knowledge
Letter to the Lord Inquisitor:
To the esteemed Holy Count Lord Inquisitor Rote, I am writing on behalf of one Parcival Morganson, a Sihndar born and raised in the dark continent. Fresh out of its harrowing borders, he comes to us in the Divine Militia as a knowledgable and militaristic man. Good with swords and understanding mutants, alongside hunting down targets, he may prove useful to us in the long run. - Paladin Leufred Reginar.
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