Fawza Mustafa

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Erzly, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Erzly

    Erzly artsonist

    Nov 19, 2013
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    "I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck."

    Basic Information -

    ✦ Full Name: Fawza Tahani Aaqui Mustafa.
    ✧ Formerly Fawza Tahani Aaqui al-Tabet.
    ✦ Age: 40.
    ✦ Gender: Female.
    ✦ Race: Qadir.
    Skill Information -
    ✦ Proficiency points: 40
    ✧ +25 Finecraft Arts (+10 from racial boost, +15 from points).
    ✧ +25 Magic Proficiency (+25 from points).
    ✧ +10 Rogue Training (+10 from racial boost).
    ✦ Languages
    ✧ Faraddi - 10/10 - Fluent native tongue.
    ✧ Common - 10/10 - Taught when young.
    ✦ Body Shape
    ✧ Physical Stat: 0
    ✧ Body Build: Average Body Shape.
    ✧ Body Fat: Low Body Fat.
    ✧ Spells [x]


    Visual Information -

    ✦ Eye Colour: Russet.
    ✦ Hair Colour: Licorice.
    ✦ Hair Style: Very curly hair that falls just below her shoulders and messy bangs to cover her forehead.
    ✦ Skin Colour: Brown.
    ✦ Clothing: Practical yet classy. Dresses for the weather but tries to incorporate traditional patterns or colours.
    ✦ Height: 5’4”.

    Personality and Abilities -

    ✧ Being a heavy extrovert often leads people to consider Fawza a lively and eccentric girl. She’s full of energy, however this positive radiation can sometimes translate to something else, namely agitation. She has a near-constant nervous disposition and even her almost unrivalled optimism is cut short by her skittishness. This soon passes, though, as she easily flicks between shock and glee. There’s also a weirdness that hangs around Fawza, a strange juxtaposition between being childish and clever, making her seem like quite the oddball- especially when considered with how enthusiastic she is. If she’s in the mood, she won’t refrain from being mischievous too, but limits it to harmless fun.
    ✦ THE MIND -
    ✧ The swift anxiety Fawza feels is mostly down to the passing of her husband. Whilst outwardly she seems quite trusting, eager to befriend people, she questions everything (if even just in her head) and has her own fair share of doubts about what’s going on. Her flow of thoughts is incessant and her mind is undoubtedly turbulent as she goes about her day, but after all these years it’s faded into a distant chatter in her head. Something she struggles with is rejection, it unsettles her greatly since she craves validation from her peers. It makes her very unsure of herself when she’s confronted with it, and her self-confidence drops to the minimum it could get to if she isn’t met with the praise she expects.
    ✧ Genuine trust can be developed between Fawza and select friends. Creating a real bond with someone who’s proved themselves as worthy to hold onto is important to her- on the occasion- and she finds it comforting to have some people she feels she can rely on out there. She can be very compassionate towards these people, and her tender-heartedness is much more severe once she considers them close. These people get clung to more than her regular friends or acquaintances, and she’ll often seek them out or stick herself to them once they’ve established with a proper friendship. Also, these are the only people she’ll tolerate sneaking up on her or make her jump, albeit she may still be a little grumpy about it afterwards.When she falls for people she falls hard and will be absolutely captivated by her lover, although this has been near obsolete since being widowed.
    ✧ Having questionable morals isn’t always a bad thing. Fawza quite enjoys having a wishy washy moral code, something she makes up as she goes along, and she isn’t the type to stick to her principles. The turmoil in her head she calls ‘thoughts’ is almost always the reason she gets into trouble, the other reason being joining in with her friends. The antics they can get up to together is something she truly enjoys and she finds it creates the best memories, which is why she pursues a more chaotic lifestyle. Because of this, she’ll also happily turn a blind eye to others misdeeds unless it’s something really horrific. Fawza turns her nose up to true evilness, unjustifiable actions, and she’s a softie when it comes to pirating and dealing justice.


    ✦ Tinkering - Since she’s been old enough to hold a screwdriver Fawza’s been tinkering. She loves to play with machinery- adding parts or completely disassembling bits for the sake of simply putting it back together again. It’s a hobby she’s in love with and she’s glad she can make a profession out of it too.
    ✦ Harmless Snakes (That don’t want to eat her face, specifically. Not other snakes.) - Fawza has always liked snakes. They’ve been her favourite animal since she was little. It’s ironic that the girl who hates being sneaked up on loves the slithering, silent company of a snake, but it’s an unexplainable attraction that she’s always had.
    ✦ Stories - There’s a childish awe that comes over a person when they listen to a good story. The same can be said for Fawza. True or not, she’s captivated by words and tales of a different time or a different place, and she feels an overwhelming burst of nostalgia no matter what she’s listening to.
    ✦ Being sneaked up on - Even in a joking manner Fawza is greatly disturbed by this being made jump, especially on purpose. She takes great displeasure to the racing heart rate and the alarm it causes, especially when it’s been done purposely to frighten her.
    ✦ Cold - Growing up in a warm climate made Fawza adjust to a certain weather temperature. Staying in the Northerne lands for even the short time she did made her despise the cold and the sting it leaves on her skin. Even sunburn was better than the frostbite she’d feel.

    Relationships -


    Life Story -
    During the Autumn of 270AC, in one of the northernmost Hadrityas, Raja and Karim Mustafa gave birth to a wonderful baby girl of the name Fawza Mustafa. Fawza’s childhood isn’t something she remembers greatly, but she was often told she was a rumbustious kid with a wild imagination and a heart of gold. She loved telling people what to do, but never failed to cry when she was shouted at for smashing yet another technological piece so she could see what was inside. One thing that would always stick with her, though, is the memories of her Uncle. He’d visit her from all sorts of places, a true nomadic Qadir, bringing gifts and tales to tell her whilst she sat cross-legged; listening in awe. Whilst the visits started to lump together and become something of a blur, she’ll always treasure the time they spent together and the hours she’d pay attention to him. Somewhere around this time Karim, her mage father, started to talk her into getting into magic, but she wasn’t as interested as she was clockwork.
    ✦ Teenage Years:
    As somewhat of a sheltered child, Fawza didn’t have many friends. Mostly she hung out with the children of her parents friends when she wasn’t invading the poxy workshop set up in their home. In the rare occasion she’d take a break from her work, she’d be rushing around from place to place, finding inspiration in whatever she could around the Hadritya. She’d reluctantly read up on magic at her father’s request, but only in ways she could use to benefit her crafts. These years is when her mutations began the appear, as month after month the copper coloured wire in her wrists grew up like veins to her finger tips. It was at this time she became unwaveringly close with one of her childhood friends from a family close to her own, Hazim al-Tabet. The pair were inseparable, and would often sit in whilst the other worked. Hazim was a keen artist, so they’d often collaborate to design machinery and spent hours together.
    Young Adulthood:
    Eventually, Fawza and her sweetheart Hazim were married. The families were happy to arrange the ceremony and the Qadiri best friends moved into a home together within the Hadritya. They spent many years together, and despite the odd argument or disagreement, they had an amazingly close bond. The early years together in that small house are some of Fawza’s fondest memories. The house they bought happened to be a flat above a shop, so they renovated the ground floor into an art gallery and clockwork bazaar. This odd mix didn’t bring in heaps of customers, but they had enough to get by, and was happy to accept financial help from Hazim’s broad family and Fawza’s wealthy parents so they could keep doing what they loved. It was around 10 years into their marriage when the incident occured. No one saw it coming, but unfortunately, during the night, one of her creations had overheated and burnt through one of her husbands drawings. This sparked a chain reaction of canvases and paintings catching alight, aided by the sparks flickering out of the malfunctioned machine. Screaming on the street outside is what awoke Fawza, the flames rising up the stairway from the ground floor. The smoke had became so thick she could hardly see, and try as she might, Fawza failed to wake her unconscious husband, so had to retreat outside for help. Though, not before taking a treasured moments box out with her. It was a long, panicked night, and unfortunately Hazim couldn’t be recovered from the building, as the support beams on the walls had nearly ruined the way up. Fawza was devastated.
    ✦ Adulthood:
    Forced to move back to her parents home, Fawza grieved for many years. She dabbled in a bit of travelling as soon as she felt ready, so she could think about something other than that night, but nothing seemed to fill the hole in her heart. Her father eventually pushed for her magic studies again, and whilst she’d been practising very occasionally in her last home, this is the time where she really pushed herself into it. She wanted to practise specifically so if some similar disastrous event ever occured again in the future, she’d be ready for it. Once again, she’d hardly leave the house and barely had any friends, which made her parents worry. Mid-way through an excursion that was taking her to Ellador to learn about the dwarves, the light in her eyes somewhat returned. It was at some point after the nightmares stopped that this happened, and she felt as though she could breathe clear air again. Whilst she still misses her husband dearly, and thinks of him every night, something in her clicked back into place after an acceptance that he was gone. A few misadventures in travelling later, she finally landed in Regalia and has decided to settle for a bit to seek new opportunity.

    P I N T E R E S T

    • Winner Winner x 6
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
    #1 Erzly, Jun 14, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
  2. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    As I can find no issues, approved.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. Erzly

    Erzly artsonist

    Nov 19, 2013
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    @HydraLana sorry to be a pain, did the aesthetics and added brief relationships!
  4. Erzly

    Erzly artsonist

    Nov 19, 2013
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    @HydraLana added magic, updated proficiency, rewrote backstory
  5. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    I will assume you mean a spellbook magic and that you have sacrificed the appropriate number of points for it. Re-approved.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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