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The Disgrace Of Holiness


Lesser Noble
May 21, 2020
Reaction score

I woke today with my letterbox filled with reports from Faitharm Asim and Lord-Protector Ulf Hjortsund—an urgent notice from service staff on behalf of the Charged. On a day reserved for happiness, a wedding, The Charged took it upon themselves to gravely wound not one, not two, but three persons and terrorize the entire congregation. To the typical of these crimes it is usually conducted by those outside the faith in question - however, unfortunately, the charged is also Dogmatic Unionist and thus took it upon themselves to regard their gods as deserving less than they do, took it upon themselves to decide on these grounds - their fellows should have no peace.

On the charge of weapon possession by Non-Reliquary during a holy function, Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov and Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov are found Guilty.

On the charge of brandishing weapons during a peaceful assembly, Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov and Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov are found Guilty.

On the charge of discharging a firearm during peaceful assembly, Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov is Guilty.

On the charge of terrorizing the assembled, Lady Protector Estlin Mekrov and Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov are Guilty.

On the charge of disembowelment on Unionist Holy Grounds of Unionist Faithful and fellow Lothar Knight, Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov is Guilty.

On the charge of grievous wounding on Unionist Holy Grounds of Unionist Faithful, Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov is Guilty.

Due to the severity of these crimes and the habitual nature of the offender, Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund suggests the maiming of Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov.

Due to the severity of the wounding and accumulated crimes and the habitual nature of the offender, Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund suggests flogging by sticks to the count of each attendee. Plus ten for Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov.

May the Lothar Order, upon seeing this, find them guilty of the same and levee as they see fit.

Long Live The Empire.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund, Lady-Protector
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn
Attached was a smaller notice, short and sweet and to the point.

To the Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,

Myself and the Lord-Protector stand ready to turn ourselves in, we have been and have simply been interrupted by the leave of the Lord-Protector on assignment.

However, you will leave my Husband's limbs in tact and you will leave my guest /alone/. Simply ridiculous to think you would involve those who have no stake or authority in this. They have already made their displeasure with us clear and have accepted that we would seek a Reliquary ourselves.

I'm sure we'll see each other soon,
Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov
Purger of the Lothar Order
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As a Viridian Knight, it is my duty to remind the affected parties that matters of alleged criminal activity by members of the Regalian Knightly Orders should be brought to the attention of the Viridian Order for investigation. Furthermore, the fact that the individuals mentioned also belong to the Noble Class of this Empire demands that certain actions be taken to maintain the social graces of our imperial capital. To suggest that physical action be taken against the peerage is to offend the dignity of the nobility, and it is also my duty to ensure that such does not come to pass in this capital, or elsewhere.

This said, I am equally aware of the Reliquary Order's mission to hunt down alleged Blasphemers and bring them to judgement. To deny such a noble duty from being carried out is equally deplorable in the eyes of this Viridian Knight.

Therefore, my by duty I state the following:

  • A formal investigation is hereby launched into alleged violations of the Common Knight Code of the Regalian Empire by Lord and Lady Protector Riftan and Estlin of the esteemed House Mekrov of Kozachenko.
  • The Reliquary Knights are respectfully requested to speak with me and deliver their reports and evidence in relation to the above investigation. Cooperation between our two fair orders will demonstrate the best of knightly conduct as we carry out our respective missions.
  • The Holy Celates of the Unionist faithful are respectfully requested to speak with me to determine a fitting punishment to atone for alleged sinful action, a punishment befitting for those of Noble Lineage. As with the above point, cooperation with the Viridian and Reliquary Orders will be best to deliver an appropriate outcome.
  • Any others who wish to provide testimony in relation to the above investigation are encouraged to do so.
  • Any punishments should be deferred until this investigation is concluded, so that the proper processes may be taken. Judgement is inevitable, but respect to Protocol is equally deserved.
While many may believe that the Viridian Order is absent from the city, know that there remain some of us who are willing and able to carry out our duties as our brothers and sisters-in-arms are deployed elsewhere in Aloria. Allow us to perform our duties while we are present, as we each play a role in furthering the Emperor's goals.
Sera Kristoph
Rank-Knight of the Viridian Order

@Iyyiushi @GRIST_ @AlienDark12 @KrakenLord01 @Annie_Short @canaaa @NebulaePrimo @OtherCelates @Reliquary Knights

Addressed to the Citizenry, the Faithful, the Reliquary Order, and the Affected
Penned by Lady Liliana du Poncaire, Celate of Regalia


Let it be known that I speak not in defense of the blood spilled upon our Altar, but I plead for mediation and understanding to prevail. After all - my own opinions here are unclear, dearest reader. On one golden scale of Almar, we weigh the actions committed; bullets fired, swords swung, and blood not simply spilled to the floor but allowed to spatter across the holy Altar of the Everwatcher. But on His other scale, we must always weigh the circumstances that caused these actions. Despite the public uproar - deservedly, I do believe - about this situation, I find myself wanting details, reasons, and motives from not just the two charged, but those who contributed to the scene at the wedding.

I have heard talk that there was a public confession of love directed towards the groom, Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov, from Lord-Protector Kurt zu Vietenhauser, levied amidst his sudden objection to the marriage that had been announced and pending for some months past; that there was a comment made by Miss Hudson Tyne, employed by House Mekrov, about marrying Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov herself in response - which began the assault on her own person as well.

I have faith in the Reliquary Order of the Regalian City, but I find that faith faltering when the immediate demand of recompense for such crimes is to dispossess the Lord-Protector Mekrov of his limbs, rather than to sift through the evidence carefully to weigh the damage done to all four involved parties equally, through the eyes of mercy and forgiveness.

After all, while Lord-Protector zu Vietenhauser made his own emotions and desires clear, he did so by thoroughly embarrassing the man he claimed to love with a fervent objection to the marriage in front of his religious, vocational, and social communities - something that he was, in my opinion, undoubtedly fully cognizant of due to his own noble heritage. Lord-Protector Mekrov, even in the event that this marriage was not a love match, was still fulfilling his noble obligations to marry: serving his duty not only to his Empire and to his people but to the House von Kepler which has always been a steadfast ally of House Mekrov.

Every noble has come to terms with the fact that their marriage may not always (or ever) be for love, but it will be for the good of their House and their people - and it is concerning that the Count of Vietenhaus decided to upend such a tradition to satiate his own selfish desires.

While I cannot speak as eloquently for the assault on Miss Tyne, having the small knowledge of the situation that I do, I will comment that any comment made by a servant or a person employed by a Noble House, even off-handedly, about marrying a Lady of said House, let alone having any sort of affair with her, is deeply inappropriate. In some cases, even an off-handed comment of this type could potentially prevent such a Lady from marrying eternally. These comments do have consequences, and while the consequence chosen was, I believe, the wrong one - it does not change the fact that a consequence needed to happen.

I would ask that those who easily condemn the Lord-Protector and Lady-Protector Mekrov look at it through this lens: You are marrying - if not for love, then surely for duty: for the propagation of not just yourself, but your family and your legacy. Someone you have known for years, trusted, and bled beside now interrupts the ceremony to wail that he cannot allow you to disappear like this, as if the holy act of marriage were something that suddenly spirited someone across the world, never to be spoken to again - in front of your colleagues, your friends, your Celates, your families, and perhaps even some of your enemies, who may have yet to show themselves. Then, a servant from your House comments that she will marry your intended instead.

These are two bombshell claims - "I have loved you forever, and now that you intend to marry, I will cast doubt upon your new marriage with the public declaration of such," and further, "I, a servant, should be free to marry the Lady instead," which carries implications of unfaithfulness on the Lady's part to Lord-Protector Mekrov. Anyone who cannot immediately see the danger that these claims pose to the now-unified House Mekrov is willingly looking away from it. In the future, there could be questions about a child's rightful paternity, the validity of the match, or even Barons who see weakness in House Mekrov and intend to overthrow the seat of Kozachenko.

These claims are not only weapons to be used against the House that Miss Tyne and Lord-Protector zu Vietenhauser claim to love so dearly but are existential threats to the future of the House. While I do not particularly think that the means chosen to defend from these threats was correct, I cannot fault the Mekrovs for defending themselves and their honor.

I, Liliana du Poncaire, Celate of Regalia, ask that no questioning of the Mekrovs by the Reliquary Knights or the Viridian Knights may occur without a Celate present.

I demand that a full investigation be launched by the Reliquary and Viridian Orders, not just into the behavior of the Lord-Protector Riftan and Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov, but into the behavior and motives of Lord-Protector Kurt zu Vietenhauser and Miss Hudson Tyne as well.

I demand that there will be no talk of limb removal until the validity of the charges is ascertained fully, without a shadow of a doubt, and without any mitigating circumstances.

I ask that Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov and Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov meet with me or another Celate as soon as humanly possible for guidance and relief.

I ask that the Reliquary and Viridian Orders wait to administer penance until the Celacy agrees what is asked is fair for the actions taken.

I demand that the Reliquary Order and the Viridian Order continue to consult the Celacy as this situation develops, as while they are tasked with the defense of our Faith and our Nobility, only those who practice Unionism can truly weigh the sins that have been committed and potentially forgive them.
May we all walk in the light of the Way.


Liliana du Poncaire
Lady of Ivenna
Celate of Regalia

TLDR: Riftan and Estlin chose the wrong way to handle the situation, but there are extenuating circumstances stemming from the comments/actions of Kurt and Hudson that need to be considered when looking at what happened at their wedding.

@Iyyiushi @GRIST_ @AlienDark12 @sonofthestars @SneakyLinguine @KrakenLord01 @Annie_Short @canaaa @NebulaePrimo @OtherCelates @Reliquary Knights @Viridian Knights
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A Call for Reflection
In the Eyes of the Everwatcher may Justice be Held.


In response to the recent claims put forth by the Reliquary Order, Viridian Order, and Regalian Celacy, I request that we refrain from hastily dictating how this matter should be addressed. Each of us holds our own convictions regarding appropriate forms of punishment, and our opinions have potentially shaped biases or even hatred toward the implicated parties.

On behalf of the Unionist Faith, I advocate for a pause in the dissemination of publications, urging instead an inward approach that involves conducting a thorough and impartial investigation. Given the involvement of the Reliquary Order, Viridian Order, and Celacy, it is crucial that we refrain from premature judgments and trust in all our abilities to create a proper and just punishment in the eyes of the Empire and the Everwatcher.

We know the facts presented thus far and I refuse to excuse the actions of Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov and Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov, formerly known as von Kepler, who resorted to violence within the temple. Their titles should not serve as absolution; upon taking their vows within their Order, they committed to upholding the Codes mandated by the Emperor and the Regalian State. While their titles should be taken into account, all of the Everwatcher's followers are deemed as just that, hence their titles will not change my judgment as a Celate.

Justifying their violent actions based on words spoken within the sacred halls of the All Beacon Temple is untenable. The temple is a sanctuary where words should only be uttered in truth, and even if offensive, resorting to violence should never be the initial response. The notion of defending one's honor through violence is concerning. The removal of Lord-Protector Kurt zu Vietenhauser and Miss Hudson Tyne from the temple should have sufficed, and Miss Tyne's position within the house should be removed.

It is essential not to overlook the fact that both Lady and Lord-Protector Mekrov are members of the Lothar Order, having undergone rigorous training and conditioning. Their abrupt turn to violence following spoken proclamations, even if inappropriate, cannot be excused by the use of excessive force.

Violence within the grounds of the All Beacon Temple must never be condoned or rationalized. It is the Reliquary's duty to intervene, and given the gravity of this transgression and the individuals involved, the Viridian Order's presence is justified as well.

In my capacity as a Celate, I provide counsel to the people in our city, I express gratitude for Lady-Celate Liliana du Poncaire's representation of the Celacy in advocating for retribution, and I note that retaliating violence with violence achieves nothing, especially with the very halls of the Temple and the eyes of our Gods being witness to the unfolding.

However, as a Celate, I lack the authority to dictate judgments within the Knightly Orders established by the Emperor to address injustices. While I can offer my perspective on the matter through the lens of faith, my influence is limited. Hence, I ask that the Celacy be involved but refrain from exceeding the bounds of our position. We are here to counsel but our involvement with the matter should not view them as their respected titles, but as followers of the faith and nothing more.

Countess-Celate Tuija Vikström
Countess of Oxenfurd

Celate of the Dogmatic Faith
Another publication was added to the rest.

A note to the citizens of the Regalian Isle,

It pains me to have to mention this, but other notices have forced my hand, and so I write this against my better judgment in hopes of reminding people of the laws of this land.

Since the vote on the then Ithanian Ambassador's proposal by the Noble Assembly on June 17, 309 AC., insults are no longer a codified part of our Regalian law, and the religious laws regarding marriage have been watered down and weakened.
Thus, the Lord and Lady Protectors Riftan and Estlin had no reason to use violence, especially on holy ground such as the Archtemple of our capital, and shall be prosecuted for their actions regardless of what spiritual position they held at the time.

The following is a personal verdict, independent of the ongoing investigation, but if a citizen, especially one who represents the Empire, as we Knights do, cannot keep calm in the face of such disrespect, then I find it difficult to defend such a thing, and find it very unreal to blame it in part on the Best Man or the Maid of Honor. After all, the groom and bride chose them themselves and raised them to such a position. Of course, their insolence to such an extent is also indefensible, but a removal of the premise should follow instead of using violence and shedding blood on sacred ground.... Not to mention that I find it very strange to be armed to the teeth and ready to strike and shoot people during a wedding, but I digress.

However, as long as no specific case of a first strike by the Best Man or Maid of Honor has been reported and verified, this can and should be classified as the crime that it is. There is no self-defense against words with a sword, for I am sure that the Everwatcher or a corresponding deity has given us all the power of free will and blessed us with minds capable of rational thought. The hows and whys of actions by the nobility and their servants that do not violate Regalian law or similar codified rules of this Empire I leave to the gossip press of the imperial and noble courts, as we should be beyond politics and instead focus on our mission and the crimes committed to it and our beloved Empire.

Lord Protector Lynmard Lomstedt
Baron of House Gwentyr
Faitharm of the Reliquary Order