The Day Of The Week Art Challenge [[ Active! ]]


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*wants to make a joke about insanity, but loses it
Jul 8, 2012
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Week-Long Art Challenge

Thank you, ladies and gents, for deciding upon peeking into this thread. Or rather I should say this is a challenge. I hope you bear with me for an introduction:

This challenge is to help you gain the mindset of an artist who turned what they loved doing into a career. Whether it be comic arts, cartoons, portraits or animated works, they all have one thing in common: creative interpretation.
In a studio of other storytellers and artisans, every day you'll be presented with a story, or a theme. By the end of the day, you must have something to present to your peers.

Some people will create exactly as what they were presented with...while others will go beyond that story/theme to create something similar, but with more than what the original idea had been.
For those of you wanting to take your art further as a career, you are sure to encounter a lot of what I have in this challenge. It is time consuming. Deadlines exist. You will be frustrated. You will be excited. And you will be creative. I would prefer that we get more creative than the other thing. Thus...

Your challenge is the Week-Long Art challenge. Starting from Sunday, March 1st and ending on the Saturday of March 7th. Each day of the week will have a different theme that you must finish by the end of that day.

Keep in mind that there are rules, else this would not be a challenge. So let's scuttle on down to it!

  1. Your name will be added to a roster on the first post of this thread to show your bravery for taking on (and completing) the challenge, so Sign-Up's are required! Your works of that day will also be added next to your name.
  2. Either Traditional or Digital works allowed. You are free to colour, or not to colour.
  3. Style restriction enforced. Check mini-picture to see the body proportions you are allowed to use: . Anything below Style 1 is not permitted. Anything beyond Style 3, realistic or semi-cartoon, anime-ish, is permitted.
  4. Pictures must be re-sized below the dimensions of 800 x 1000 . You are free to do either waist camera shots or full body camera shots.
  5. Addition to Style Restriction! sweet_ness_icon0004_by_gasara-d5pw6qt.gif The style you start in MUST be the same style you end in!
  6. I hope you have some free time, because you have Mandatory Deadlines! The theme of the day MUST be done by the end of that same day! Anyone who misses the deadline can still submit their work, but you will receive a X at the corner of said work.
  7. You are allowed to use the same character, or a different character for each day.
  8. It is the unspoken norm that your works will remain within safe boundaries. Should there be anything risque about your work, I will slash your name from the roster. (This rule doesn't apply to Saturday)
  9. You have the freedom of interpretation. Don't be afraid to get creative and to take the theme you've been given and make it your own!
  10. Submit your completed works on this thread, but please be sure to tag @Gabriel so to add your work next to your roster name on the first post.
  11. Lastly, have fun! You're free to go ahead of everyone else, but I would prefer you challenge yourself .
And that's all the rules! I'll hope you'll be prepared for what's to come!


These are your days! Mhmm! These are your themes and, if you so choose to, you may add a bit of story about your interpretation of the theme for peers to read! I don't know, add some pizzazz to your work! emoji06_by_emoji_icon-d6kv9hm.gif The keys to doing so is being dynamic with your poses and expressions.

Every day will be a new challenge, so be ready! Be sure to check these descriptions every day!

Now...let's get creative!
  • Sleepy Sunday zzz_by_emoji_kun-d5hryf9.gif
Let's start this challenge with something easy! Sundays are the laziest days for most people. So draw your character sleeping or relaxing on a peaceful day! No one spends a lazy day the same, so don't hold back at letting your character as lazy as they can be!
  • Madness Monday kaomoji_emoji_set___stressed_out_by_cute_materials-d5zjfb4.gif
What kind of madness you ask? That's for you to decide! Is your character in trouble? Or did they lose their mind? Draw your character going MAD! Let them flip tables or throw some barrels! ...Laugh maniacally???
  • Toddler Tuesday free_kaomoji_four__by_kawaiiposts-d65dvzf.gif
This had to be here, and admit it, you were a once an innocent (mischievous?) kid, and what's more is that character was once a kid. Challenge yourself in drawing them between either the ages of 3-6 years old! Embrace your inner child and let them do the same!
  • Weakness Wednesday tumblr_m9gcke9CKA1qzckow.gif
Does your character care what people say about them? Does it hurt them? Or not? No one person is completely perfect. There will always be flaws in us that people can eventually exploit. Draw your character in their moment of absolute weakness. (Make this easy on yourself and maybe choose one from your Character Introduction?)
  • Torture Thursday tumblr_m9gcuoBe0o1qzckow.gif
Time to throw some angst at you! Are you the torturer, or the tortured? Draw your character in the midst of a torture. Is this mentally? Physically? Or maybe...both? Put them at the mercy of something they fear. And don't be afraid to get emotional on this one.
  • Freedom Friday / Aloha Friday emoji06_by_emoji_icon-d6kv9hm.gif
SURPRISE! You're almost done! You've got two themes to work with here, but you can only choose one! Or...are you on a roll? Say...enough to do two themes in one day? You're mad!
Or just awesome! Themes:
    • Freedom Friday: Your character has been liberated from a heavy burden! Give them a moment to bask in that peace of mind! What is this burden, you ask? Don't ask me! Ask your character!
    • Aloha Friday: A common, popular practice in Hawaii where every Friday, you're free to dress in a Hawaiian shirt, whether at home or at work. Or everywhere you go! Give your character a moment to dabble in the fashions of Hawaii!
  • Sensual Saturday emoji32_by_emoji_icon-d6kvbzw.gif
And now let's end this week with a bang! Hah! Haha....ha...get it? Draw your character until you think they're attractive! Alluring to the eye.
....And yes, at least keep it safe!

Sign-Up Participants
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What's the subject of the challenge?
I'll do it! I will be gone for the middle of this week though so if anything happens then or you wanna talk to me, you won't be able to.
Uhh when giving more information I'm sure I can get a sketch in dayly.
What's the subject of the challenge?

I'll have them all posted before Friday, to ensure you're all prepared. The gist of this challenge is to put yourself in the shoes of comic artists and animators, to whom art isn't just a thing they do, but it's what they do for a living. Should anyone try for a career in the arts of the future, this challenge should be an experience.

I'll do it! I will be gone for the middle of this week though so if anything happens then or you wanna talk to me, you won't be able to.

There is a mandatory due date. This means you have to have each challenge done by the end of the day it was assigned. If you will not be able to do this every day while the challenge is active, you should not join.

Will this involve drawing people?

If not I'm in

You will be drawing people. Inanimate objects with faces slapped onto them will unfortunately not be acceptable. That is the style restriction.

I believe this means you draw what ur told

You will be drawing what you're told, BUT you have the freedom of interpretation, meaning despite what the theme says, get creative with your work, but stay true to the theme of the day.

Uhh when giving more information I'm sure I can get a sketch in dayly.

All information will be posted throughout the week. All information will be up by or before Friday. Challenge will start on Sunday.
I'll have them all posted before Friday, to ensure you're all prepared. The gist of this challenge is to put yourself in the shoes of comic artists and animators, to whom art isn't just a thing they do, but it's what they do for a living. Should anyone try for a career in the arts of the future, this challenge should be an experience.

There is a mandatory due date. This means you have to have each challenge done by the end of the day it was assigned. If you will not be able to do this every day while the challenge is active, you should not join.

You will be drawing people. Inanimate objects with faces slapped onto them will unfortunately not be acceptable. That is the style restriction.

You will be drawing what you're told, BUT you have the freedom of interpretation, meaning despite what the theme says, get creative with your work, but stay true to the theme of the day.

All information will be posted throughout the week. All information will be up by or before Friday. Challenge will start on Sunday.

Ok thank you..

I cant draw people to save my life so I'm out...

Sign ups are on friday. Gives you a chance to decide if you're free to do the challenge or not.
I may do it, even though its during my finals week...

I may have to post a challenge a day early, but I can draw my cute little troll creatures.
Hey all! I hope you all are ready for an exciting upcoming week because sign-ups are now open!

To sign up, simply fill this out and send it to @Gabriel via PM! Not doing so will not get you a spot in the front post roster.

Forum Name:
Favorite Artist:
Style: (cartoon, anime, realistic)
I'm Doing: (Traditional , Digital)
Favorite Animated Movie:

Be sure to check if you're on the roster in a couple hours after signing up! Good luck, fellow creators !
Day Theme Challenges have been added! Be sure to check them out and prepare yourselves to start on Sunday! Be sure to post the same theme on the same day! Even if you live in another time zone, I (kinda) know what day you're on.
Oo Gabriellll? Is it okay if some of things are done digitally and traditionally?
And is it fine if they're a bit messy >.<?
I mighttt try to fit stuff in! It just might be done quickly and stuff y'know.
Oo Gabriellll? Is it okay if some of things are done digitally and traditionally?
And is it fine if they're a bit messy >.<
I mighttt try to fit stuff in! It just might be done quickly and stuff y'know.

Both are acceptable, you're free to use either traditional or digital on any day. :) Messy is fine, I tend to do it too. And this challenge will make for good practice! Same as you, I intend to do some traditionals with digitals as well! x3

Forum Name: Finn_Ish
Favorite Artist: {I especially adore their AH Kings AU! Love it so much.}
Semi-Realistic? Maybe a little anime-y. But I like to think my style is semi-realistic, though some people probably view it as anime or cartoony.

I'm Doing:
Digital & Traditional
Favorite Animated Movie:
Is it okay if I get back to this one? Have to think about this one some more ;;.

Forum Name: Teddie000
Favorite Artist: Aaaa. It's tough to decide buuut... I really like this person's art
Style: Semi-cartoonish ???
I'm Doing: If possible, both?? If not, I'd do digital.
Favorite Animated Movie: IDK. I like Prince of Egypt but alsoooo Big Hero 6???
Forum Name: Ryciera
Favorite Artist: I have a lot, but Madame Grotesque has been a long-time favorite of mine.
Style: (semi) Realistic (I only feel comfortable with realistic, but I'm not too skilled. So playing it a bit safe)
I'm Doing: Traditional
Favorite Animated Movie: Princess Mononoke
Forum Name: Feyona
Favorite Artist: Not really any favorites since there's so many styles tbh.
Style: Going to be trying different styles over the next few monthes to try and get a different feel for my art, so cartoon, anime, realistic, something different every time.
I'm Doing: Both
Favorite Animated Movie: I don't really have a favorite here, either.
Forum Name: Feyona
Favorite Artist: Not really any favorites since there's so many styles tbh.
Style: Going to be trying different styles over the next few monthes to try and get a different feel for my art, so cartoon, anime, realistic, something different every time.
I'm Doing: Both
Favorite Animated Movie: I don't really have a favorite here, either.

Ehmmm, I might have to refer you to this:


The style you start with has to be the same style for the whole week. You cannot change it once you start, that's the challening part. ;)

Aside from that, I've added everyone to the roster! Please be sure you read the rules and check the theme of the day daily! Do your best! It's only as fun or as difficult as you make it to be. Good luck! emoji32_by_emoji_icon-d6kvbzw.gif
Forum Name: diamonddog2476
Favorite Artist: I don't know, I like a lot of different styles and such, buuuuuut I'd have to say this fabulous lady.
Style: Hrm. Mix between anime and realistic, since I don't exactly know where to place my style. ^^;
Favorite Animated Movie: My Neighbor Totoro, Sgt. Frog, and Big Hero 6 since I really have no favorite. ;>
Sign-ups are closed! None will be accepted after this post. Check the roster to see who's doing the challenge! :D Thanks for joining everyone!
Due to Persona Irl Issues coming up, I'll Have to withdraw as I can't think straight.