The Crows | Ravenstad House Guard


Man of the People
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score







D'Kréien vum Groussherzog, colloquially referred to as the Ravenstad House Guard or simply "Crows" in passing, is a division of personal protectors in service to the Ravenstad Noble family. The force consisted of the Ravenstad Honour Guard soldiers and Brissiaud nationals up until 257 AC when Richarr I Ravenstad formalised the House Guard into a separate entity, focussed specifically on domestic safety and protection for Ravenstad family and business in the Crown Isle. Richarr I originally named them D'Kréien vum Grousshär when they served the Revainate of the Hinterlands, referring to them as Crows due to their lower stature in relation to the Brissiaud Honor Guard and Ravenstad Retainers. Their title became D'Kréien vum Kinnek following Percival's ascension to the throne of Brissiaud, however since the Hinterlands is now only recognised as a Great Duchy, their title exists as D'Kréien vum Groussherzog, "The Crows of the Great Duke."



The Ravenstad House Guard has a set of responsibilities it must fulfil as a collective entity however it is not uncommon for Ravenstad Guards to find themselves delegated different tasks and positions throughout a week. Orders include but are not limited to:

  • Patrolling the premises of Beurg Eleng, the Ravenstad Castle in the Crown Isle.
  • Standing guard at any Ravenstad business holding.
  • Escorting Ravenstad family members in Regalia or at events.
  • Standing guard at any Ravenstad events.
  • To obey the rank and file of the Crows.

  • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armour of any kind.
  • Rights to wear a chain-mail skirt/hip-guard, no further armour.
  • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade
  • The right to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression
  • The right to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles
  • The right to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities



Général de Garde (Commandant)
Gerold Ravenstad (@YLMadness)

Officiers Supérieurs (Captains)

Avynn Ignace (@CRASHIR)
Erwald Ravenstad (@Battlebrawn)

Officiers (Officers)
Himeldir Heilen (@KingBrooke)
Johann Wulf (@xref74)

D'Kréien (Crows)
Iain Daly (@Ampers07)
Leon Deceres (@Scribbe)
Lance Ljord (@SubscriptShark)
Eldewis Heilen (@katieisNOTdecent)
Bjorn Storfjell (@MrAwesome11221)
Joshua Boyd (@ThirtyOneBravo)
Darius Silevon (@Optimalfriskies)

Brandt Norrvakt (@Patsie)
Nicolas Rubens (@FlemishSupremacy)
Roose (@Tru_Koshku)


I expect activity and availability from the Crows. In return, you will get consistent and enjoyable events, opportunities to develop your character and develop relationships with House Ravenstad. Along with such, if you have served well there can be further progression both up the ranks and beyond the ranks. I would cite @RedSentinel 's character as a shining example of that, who in two/three months of RP was adopted into the Ravenstad cadet line and became a high-ranking officer within the Crows.
All in all, best of luck applying.


Recruitment is OPEN.


@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?:
Character's Combat School?:
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?)
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity)
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?)
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.)
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?:

Last edited:
February 11th, 2018 Update
  • Percival Ravenstad is the new Général de Garde and has taken full command of the House Guard.
    • With this, a lot will change. Mostly in regards to appearance, duties, activities, and events.
  • Recruitment is now OPEN.
  • Iain Daly is a new D'Kréien. @Ampers07
  • Himeldir Heilen is a new D'Kréien. @KingBrooke
  • Leon Deceres is a new D'Kréien. @Scribbe
  • Alexander Norwood is a new D'Kréien. @LunarRaptor
Next Guard Activity
Guard Sparring/Training/Meet and Greet set for Monday, February 12th, 2018 at 3pm EST.

Also: Happy Birthday @Tiber_
Character Name?: Alec Dondario
Character's Combat School?: Bloodcast
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Imperial Guard, Ombre, Rosendahl.
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) Three years on massive :D, my weekly activity is every day for about three, four hours.
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) Noble roleplay and combat roleplay, I'm really good with both and managing.
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) Big groups, not good with groups my ADHD mind get's overwhelmed luckily it's only groups of like fifteen so it's usually pretty good.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.) None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord: You have both! :D
@Tiber_ @Mooffins

Hello, @DeltaInsomnia!

I'm glad you've shown more interest towards re-joining the Crows. Given you previously joining and Vulmar's relationship with Alec I accept you back in. Welcome home, brother Crow.


To the past Imperial Guard Alec Dondario,

I trust you with your blade and the red-cape of the Bloodcasts has always been a welcome sight in the Crows. Serve well and honourably like you did with his Imperial Holiness and you will rise high Dondario.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad.
Character Name?: Marko Benedikt Lutz.
Character's Combat School?: School of Drixon.
Nobility Experience?: heh.
Activity?: My activity is a lot less than what it used to be, but I'm pretty regular.
Roleplay strength?: I like to think I'm good at political RP, aside from that I think I'm a confident CRPer as cringey as it can be to say it.
Roleplay weakness?: I'd say my schedule is the most pressing weakness for my roleplay, I've been spending a lot of evenings working out of home.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yep.

@Mooffins @Tiber_
Hello, @Belgrade!

Easy enough to be said, approved for the House Guard.


Mr. Lutz,

It's good to have a Leutzman apply for the Crows. We welcome you with open arms.

Spirit's Blessings
Percival Ravenstad, Paladin of the Viridian Order
Character Name?: Goncalo de Rie.
Character's Combat School?: School of Bloodcast.
Nobility Experience?: Former de Santigo/D'Souza.
Activity?: Recently I've been lacking due to my efforts in school and sports, but overall my activity is pretty healthy.
Roleplay strength?: I've been told by a few that I'm a good CRP'er, but I'd like to say my knowledge of the lore probably is my best strength.
Roleplay weakness?: When it comes down to it I'm not that reliable in terms of event's and other things considering sports/school.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: I'm clean.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Of course.
Hello, @DivineBoxer!

You've been accepted as a House Guard. Welcome aboard. (Please also send me your Skype name in PM)


Mr. de Rie,

Congratulations, you've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. May you serve well.

Spirit's Blessings,
Percival Ravenstad, Paladin of the Viridian Order
February 13th, 2018 Update
Next Guard Activity
Guard Sparring/Training set for Saturday, February 17th, 2018 at 3pm EST.
Character Name?: Gideon Andre Hackett
Character's Combat School?: Champion Drixon
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Previous Crow Officer
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) Roughly a year and a half
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) Character Development
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) Combat RP
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.) N/A
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: YES
Hello, @RedSentinel!

Due to past employment in the guard, you've been re-accepted. Note however, you will not be afforded the surname Krier as you were before.


Mr. Hackett,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard once more. Serve as loyally as I'm told you served my late son.

Percival Ravenstad, Paladin of the Viridian Order
February 19th, 2018 Update
  • Marko Wulf has been removed as a Ravenstad Guard.
  • Brandt Norrvakt has been promoted to Officer.
  • Arthur Meilliux is a new D'Kréien.
  • Eleng has been returned to House Ravenstad, meaning it will be the new center for all Crow-related events.
    • Eleng Village houses have begun to be rented by @Tiber_ as incentive for promotions. Outstanding guards will be entitled to receive these houses, fully paid for by House Ravenstad.
  • Marty makes cool art.
@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?: Antoin Durand
Character's Combat School?: Champion Turall
Nobility Experience?: No IC experience, but I've played 2 noble characters before, which is close, I guess.
Activity?: I was active all of last summer, something like 5 days a week, but I dropped it when school started. I'm starting up again a bit slower, expecting more like 3 days a week.
Roleplay strength?: CRP, character development
Roleplay weakness?: quick reactions to changes in social situations, recent events/distant history (I'm reading up on it though)
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes, both, though I strongly prefer Discord.

Hello, @OnyxXIII

Due to our conversation and the expedient creation of your character, I accept this invitation to the Guard.


Mr. Durand,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and I am glad to see Leutzmen within our ranks.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands.
Character Name?: Abbar

Character's Combat School?: Warrior-School of Breer

Nobility Experience?: nill

Activity?: on and off for two years/roughly 30 min. A week, never online on Sundays

Roleplay strength?: conversing

Roleplay weakness?: combat, which I intend to fix by looking at good examples from fellow guards

Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: none

Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: I haz discord.
Character Name?: Abbar

Character's Combat School?: Warrior-School of Breer

Nobility Experience?: nill

Activity?: on and off for two years/roughly 30 min. A week, never online on Sundays

Roleplay strength?: conversing

Roleplay weakness?: combat, which I intend to fix by looking at good examples from fellow guards

Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: none

Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: I haz discord.
whoops @Tiber_ @Mooffins
@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?: Bjorn Storfjell
Character's Combat School?: School of Skagger
Nobility Experience?: None
Activity?: I've played on Massivecraft for maybe 6 months now. I'm sometimes on a lot, and there can also be long instances of me not coming on at all.
Roleplay strength?: I'm not really completely sure what my strengths are in roleplay. I guess I'm good at conversing, or maybe just following orders and doing tasks.
Roleplay weakness?: I'm kind of new to roleplay, especially roleplay like Massivecraft's. I'm not usually really descriptive in what my character does. I'm not the best at combat roleplay either.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: One of my other characters has been jailed twice, but otherwise, I haven't been muted, jailed, or banned.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yep, I have a discord.

Hello, @MrAwesome11221!

Due to our conversation and the expedient creation of your character, I accept this invitation to the Guard. Add my discord, Tibertastic#3845.


Mr. Storfjell,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and I am glad to see a Velheimer within our ranks.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands.
Last edited:
@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?: Abbar
Character's Combat School?: Warrior - School of Breer
Nobility Experience?: nill.
Activity?: roughly 30 minutes a week/about two years
Roleplay strength?: Social interactions.
Roleplay weakness?: Combat RP (though I plan on practicing)
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: none
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: I can use discord.

Hello, @FireViper27!

I'm going to give you a chance. Add my discord, Tibertastic#3845.


Mr. Abbar,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands.
@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?: Joshua Boyd
Character's Combat School?: Stealthmark- Darkmark
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Joshua has none in game, I've got a bit but nothing too solid.
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) Roughly three years. I tend to be decently active, at the least a hour or two every other day.
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) I think I'm a fair person who looks and reacts to situations justly.
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) I'm not too big on crowds, though it's something I'm working on.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.) Nope
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yep, but to be honest I have no idea how to use discord. Have it, not properly used it though.

Hello, @ThirtyOneBravo!

Following the previous conversation, I accept you into the guard. I will contact you at my earliest convenience.


Mr. Boyd,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands.
@Tiber_ @Mooffins
Character Name?: Avynn Ignace
Character's Combat School?: Skagger
Nobility Experience?: Vauclain and Wodenstaff
Activity?: Any day of the week most weeks, on weekdays after school 4pm EST and all day on weekends
Roleplay strength?: Involving people into situations and providing role-play for others
Roleplay weakness?: Getting distracted easily
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Nope
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yup, would PM

Hello, @CRASHIR!

Following the relationship between Erwald and Vulmar with Avynn, I accept you into the guard. I will contact you at my earliest convenience.


To Avynn,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions. I'm glad to see some fire in the North within our ranks, don't cause too much trouble though Avilda.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands.
Character Name?: Asgeir Nordhagen
Character's Combat School?: School of Skagger
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Once worked for House Celyreos as a different Character.
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) Almost every day after school around 4 GMT.
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) CRP and inviting people into Roleplay.
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) Like most, crowd RP.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.) Nope
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes

Hello, @DragonKnight14

Following our previous conversation, I accept you into the guard. I will contact you at my earliest convenience.


To Asgeir,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions. We've plenty of Skaggers in our ranks and I hope Brandt showed you what was what as I had to leave early.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands
Character Name?: Ramzeh
Character's Combat School?: The school's are being voided, So I hear?

Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Yup I sure do.
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) almost 4 years.
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) Combat rp.
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) I'm not sure.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: (Self-explanatory.) Nope.
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yeah. I have both.
@AntiquePicker they were reworked, I don't think they're all voided. You don't need a combat school anymore but it gives a huge boost to your combat abilities

Hello, @AntiquePicker!

Following our previous conversation, I accept you into the guard. I will contact you at my earliest convenience. Add my discord, Tibertastic#3845.


To Ramzeh,

You've been accepted into the Ravenstad House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands
March 15th, 2018 Update
  • Gerold Ravenstad is the new Général de Garde and has taken full command of the House Guard.
    • With this, there might be reform of the guard to cater for other events other than house-guard duties. Stay tuned.
  • Recruitment is now OPEN.
  • Nicolas Rubens is a new Officer.
  • Asgeir Nordhagen is a new D'Kréien.
  • Ramzeh is a new D'Kréien.
Promote me I'll fight Gerold square to go like. @Tiber_
Character Name?: Sigrid Sterke-enn
Character's Combat School?: School of Skagger
Nobility Experience?: I've never guarded them but this character has been friends with them etc.
Activity?: Pretty much play every day so i'm able to be a guard when needed.
Roleplay strength?: I want to say Crp but i'll just go with normal.
Roleplay weakness?: I don't really have one pop into my head straight away but i'm sure I have one.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?:
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
Character Name?: Sigrid Sterke-enn
Character's Combat School?: School of Skagger
Nobility Experience?: I've never guarded them but this character has been friends with them etc.
Activity?: Pretty much play every day so i'm able to be a guard when needed.
Roleplay strength?: I want to say Crp but i'll just go with normal.
Roleplay weakness?: I don't really have one pop into my head straight away but i'm sure I have one.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?:
Able to use Skype and/or Discord?: Yes
You should make a char app Art.

Hello, @ArtisticPlanet!

I'm so sorry, I've been away on some sort of break. I forgot to respond to this. If you are still interested then I'd warrant an interview with Vulmar Ravenstad. I will contact you at my earliest convenience. Add my discord, Tibertastic#3845.


To Sigrid,

It seems the show of force you witnessed has made you think about joining my merry band of Crows. We shall speak on this Sigrid, and if you do join the ranks you will be in the finest House Guard. Serve as loyally and attend our training sessions and I am glad to see more Skaggers within our ranks.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands
April 12th, 2018 Update:
  • Reform of the Guard.
  • Removal of Inactive Members.
  • Incorporating a new missions system.
  • Avynn Ignace is a new Officer Supérieurs.
  • Himeldir Heilen is a new Officer.
  • Darius Silevon is a new D'Kréien.
Next Guard Activity:
  • Joint Training with the d'Vaud Vindicators set for Tonight, April 12th, 2018 at 7pm EST!