The Crown City Sawbones | Medical Charter


Technologic Witch Doctor
Staff member
Jul 20, 2014
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Monday June 29th, 308AC.

In the wake of one of Regalia's most frightening crises to date, and the subsequent reformation of the Government, it was deemed by Lord Chancellor Dietrich von Drachenburg that a new formalized Medical Charter would be necessary for the efficient and organized medical care of Regalia. For too long had the State's Hospitals been under the hand of constantly-competing and unregulated private firms, leading to the slow and eventual decline of interest in the traditional Medical and Alchemy sectors, and the rise of unregistered Arcane users.

It is therefore that upon the eve of June 29th 308AC, the acclaimed and fondly remembered Crown City Sawbones was elevated from the ashes of a tentative, post-crisis Regalia, with the aid of various past Medical Charter heads and some of the Archipelago's most talented surgeons and alchemists, to tend to its people once more.

The charter aims not to compete with the private, independent businesses of Regalia--but to manage the city's State-owned Clinics; to ensure that only the very best and free care is provided within their walls; to hold their peers to the State's regulations and ensure wrong-doers are held responsible for their misconduct; and to protect the people from miasma, vile conditions, miasma, and Alchemical threats.



The Charter Rights granted to the Crown City Sawbones as of 7/24/308 are as follows:​
The right to operate the public clinics as Chapter Houses within the City of Regalia.
The right to treat, heal, and provide medical assistance to the public.
The right to detain individuals deemed to be sick, contagious, insane, or a medical threat.
The right to hire Occult Persona approved by the government.
The right to use Occult Abilities for the purposes of healing.
The right to declare the quarantine of an area for pestilence, contraband, and disease control.
The right to handle, confiscate, and use alchemical contraband.
The right to experiment with otherwise illegal substances in designated laboratories.
The right to experiment upon particularly treasonous criminals and prisoners of the State.
The right to declare individuals clinically insane given overwhelming evidence.
The right to wear concealing masks within places of disease.
The right to inspect businesses for health violations and report on their findings.
The right to declare various Alchemical ingredients and concoctions contraband to the Regalian State.
The right to enforce the practices of medicine and alchemy on the Crown Isle.
The right to issue and suspend Medical Licenses and to maintain a record of all holders on the Crown Isle.
The right to carry out medical missions outside of the Crown Isle to handle localized breakouts of miasma.



The Overseer, while also acting as the Head Surgeon, is the overarching authority of the charter. They manage all non-everyday actions of those under them, overseeing or at the very least approving of any larger-scale operations the Head Alchemist or Arcanist may be plotting.
Held by Lord Jocelyn von Duerr

Head Alchemist:
The Head Alchemist is the resident alchemical authority of the charter, tasked with the management of all things alchemy and alchemist. They are responsible for dictating the rules on contraband and for managing State-owned alchemy labs.
Held by Lady Nadina von Duerr

Head Arcanist:
The Head Arcanist is tasked with the management of arcane healing and related magical abilities. They are to ensure that it isn't used lightly and without purpose, manage the charter's sorcery users, as well as weighing in on charter matters relating to the Arcane.
Held by Ser Cyrillian Avalorn

More ranks may be added as the charter grows.


"To apply for a position in the Crown City Sawbones, send in an letter listing your relevant qualifications to the Overseer."

IGN: Username
IC Name: Character name
Character App: Must be Under-Review or Approved
Letter: IC Letter


Last edited by a moderator:
IGN: sleepyisveryslep
IC Name: Lily Janssen
Char app: The Doc herself
Dear Overseer von Duerr,
It pleases me greatly to hear of this venture and would love to join. We have already talked about my qualifications, and I am willing to discuss them with you in further detail.
Doctor Lily Janssen
Doctor of House Fristadvlom​
IGN: KrakenLord01
IC Name: Relveth Vinthracia
Character App:

For Overseer and Surgeon General von Duerr,

Following our meeting and my registration, I've realized that there may be only so many opportunities for me to work in Regalia proper, and I was more than excited to see this appear once more as a charter. As an old member of the Sawbones in the days before, I would love to appear back on board and help make a difference in Regalia.

Best wishes,
Relveth Vinthracia
IGN: SaltyLikeTheSea
IC Name: Daedra Elfessi
Character App: Here
Dear Overseer and Surgeon General von Duerr,

I am writing to you as I would like to apply. I have been a medic for over twenty years back home, with and without using magic, and I'm currently employed to be a medic for house Kreiburg. I would ask for your permission to be given the rights and licence to work so I may serve the noble family I work for properly.

Thank you for your consideration
Daedra Elfessi
07/02/20 - Thread has been updated with aesthetics and some additional information!~
IGN: Cisva
IC Name: Illyana Meital
Character App:
"To the Overseer,
I am looking for a new charter to work for, as I have recently arrived in Regalia, with the intention to serve the Kreiburg family and others. I have over forty years of experience in the medical field, a mix of alchemy and medical practice, perhaps I could be of use.
I'm sorry, for I do not know any names, I only know the address." There would be her name attached on the bottom, and a general area to have a letter returned to if necessary.
IGN: ThePear
IC name: Jack Velcantine
Character App:
To Lord Jocelyn von Duerr
I hope this letter finds you well
I am Jack Velcantine, you may recall meeting me
I wish to join the Crown City Sawbones Medical Charter. I am quite experienced in the art of medical work and I hope to use my skill to aid the people of Regalia. You may know that I have nearly 15 Years of medical experience and I wish to put that to use. I hope you consider me in your charter.