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The Crown City Herald - Issue One


bigge mistake
Dec 5, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds

The Crown City Herald -- Issue 1: 25th October 305AC -- 1 Regal

As Funded By House Bigge
Trials And Tribulations!
Greetings from The Crown City Herald. In our first ever issue we wish to introduce ourselves formally! Accessible to all, The Crown City Herald holds the responsibility of being Regalia's number one provider of News and Information. Pure and true, the C.C.H wishes for all the share the knowledge that is so often sheltered from many. The guild shall hold no bias, and not be a source of advertisement and propaganda like the papers of the Regalian Gazette. With updates from every aspect of Regalian life: Politics, Law and Order, Events and much more!

Trial of Hengest Harhold and Kaya Sorenvik:

There were highs and lows of the trial that took place this past day! Though both of the accused were set free, were there more violations than first thought? Yes! The wife of Hengest Harhold, Vivienne Harhold neé d'Eluise has been revealed to be a crook herself, perhaps? One Lady from the crowd of upset faces spoke loudly, claiming that the Ithanian had attacked her in her anger! Perhaps it is a case of "Like Wife, Like Husband", as Hengest Harhold stood trial for abuse of power! A controversial couple, no doubt…

Nadina Haaven to join the Assmebly?:
Unfortunately for all the nature-lovers out there, Miss Haaven was refused entry to the City Assembly, which is currently comprised of the Nobility and the Sanchella. Though the woman, rather remarkable in her field, held her ground, she was sadly let down by the noble that she chose to represent her! Yes, Christopher of House Black was first to pitch the idea to the Assembly, but was met with sorrowful responses: Perhaps a lesson in persuasion is in order for Count Black?

Updates on The Devout Few:

While most of the gang still roams free, much to the dismay of Lord Commander Harhold, The Crown City Herald have been made aware that one member of the gang was acquired at the Wodenstaff's recent masquerade! There have been no comments from the Nordmark, who were successful in the capture. This all comes in light of Nathaniel Bigge's recent rescue from the grasps of the Devout Few. We spoke to Baron Bigge on his rescue and the capture of the member: "I am pleased with the progress that is being made by the Nordmark Capital Levies.", Bigge spoke, "I am disheartened that the Regalian Guard have not done more to crack down on these Slum Gangs - with recent trials and many other issues, perhaps it is time for a leadership change within the Guard?"


Contact Audrey d'Ortannaise, Chief Editor, for more information.

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Olivia glanced at the paper, disappointed to know Bigge had been rescued so quickly but surprised to read nothing about any real torture or punishment. She would have thought with such a bigge mouth his tongue -- or at least a finger -- would have been taken. Pursuing her lips and shaking her head she walked on by, nothing else in the paper really catching her attention as she didn't have the time or patience to shift through fake news.
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Father ran his finger along the text. He had grown increasingly amused at the amount of papers emerging within the city. He particularly took interest on the matter concerning the Devout Few. A mild bout of giggling emerged from his wired grin as he read the quote from the Baron Bigge. "A change in leadership should be in order, you can't write better satire then this. What are they going to do? Take my candy which I have gifted to the babies? How horrible, their wailing will never cease and my hand will be forced to smother the whole litter with pillows. A great many pillows indeed, hehehe." With that he folded the parchment in half, resting it beside the other paper he had acquired the other day.
A smirking Leutz peasant does the mental calculation of how profitable it would be to re-sell the extremely cheap tabloid as toilet paper
As per usual, Nadina Haaven was in the process of perusing the city's newspaper stand in search of the day's hottest gossip. Though as her tired gaze sieved through the jumbled words of the parchments, a familiar--perhaps too familiar--name caught her eye. Blinking twice, she plucked the tabloid between tensed fingers and nervously read on.

"Well, it's pleasant to hear that at least someone thought I wasn't a fool." She muttered to no-one in particular, namely because silence would not have been conducive to a good forum response. She spent a passing thought to the Count Black who had been on the receiving end of the tentative backlash, before rolling up the snow-dappled newspaper with pursed lips.

After seizing a few moments of equal parts contemplation and relief, she turned to her nearby husband and nudged him with the rolled up tabloid. "Look honey, I'm in the news."
Edmund read the paper, before remarking: "Shit, there's a competition now,"