The shadow of power
I already pointed that out.You need to capitalize your 'I's, and maybe work on your sentence fluency...
I already pointed that out.You need to capitalize your 'I's, and maybe work on your sentence fluency...
Thank you. I didn't care either.
Sorry but it is irritating when somone does not spend the time to read your post correctly and when you have a short temper these things tend to make you angry as for my grammer, the reason it is not perfect is that i have no desire to try to type on this stupid i phone longer than is requiredPlease stop insulting people for the mere accident of not reading what you said. Many people have been guilty of this error, I would bet even you have at some point, and it is uncalled for. Second, yes he has bad spelling, so does my brother, this does not mean you need point it out. He recognizes it, and may be working on it, but everyone else has been ignoring it for a reason. If you insist on pointing it out, then should I point out your grammatical errors? Your second sentence makes almost no sense, you did not capitalize I repeatedly, need I go on? And yes, I can go on.
I said it because it was worth saying, even if I didn't care about it, and because I didn't have anything better to do at that precise moment. And I did think about it, I thought about it for a good fifteen seconds, which is more time then I waste on a lot of other things. However, I've said what I wanted to say, and now Max wishes for us to calm down. So I shall assure him that as I write this I am perfectly calm, and that this can be stopped, as it is off topic and something else has been brought up. Good luck in construction Emperor Max!Cruallassar Then why did you say anything? Yea, next time think about it...
Gotta say Jared, you are the only elf that I have mild respect for.Yes, killing unsuspecting people is a badge of veritable honor.
I was not speaking about the people of Vyrneth. I spoke of me. You can trash talk all you want, I commend you for it. But when someone comes knocking you best back it up. If your fights with any of the factions you've surrendered to are an example, you have no justification to bring that trash talking here. And that justification is not met in attacking people that are defenseless.
Now shut your mouth and think. Not many get a second chance. Don't piss yours away.
We'll settle our score later, but not in this pointless post.
-ahem- Now that the rant is out of the way, onto the topic at hand. I am growing more fond of this empire: with a few strong fighters and calm heads, it could become something great.
Alright guys I need to ask you all a few things:
A name
Name of the empire. We have been using "The elven empire" as a reference now long enough. I ask you all to come up with creative names for this grant empire. It will be most favourable to have a name with meaning.
These 3 point you got to watch closely as you look/or make up a name.
1. A good looking name. (The name sounds nice and looks good in general.)
2. The name is written in Elvish. (Ofcource there needs to be a translation to english.)
3. The name has a meaning to it.) (Don't mistake this for the translation.)
For example I shall use my own faction name that covers all 3 points:
1. (note the ö and é which make the name remarkable.)
2. (It's translated to: Elven city)
3. (It means: City of the Star Trees)
A list of parners, allies and helpers
We need to start making a clear list of people going into the empire. Don't think: 'Oh that guy probably knows I am in so I don't have to state anything'. Please just put it in so I can add you guys to the list.
1e state wat you are: player, faction.
2e state your role: Factional partner, Factional ally, Solo participant, Solo helper.
Races: All races are accepted aslong as they fit into the aspect of wat kind of empire we seek to create.
Vampires: The ones who only feed on animals.
(race and vampirism is still not fully clear tho so do expect that it can possible change in the future.)
Last question: Can we have a green light of all the faction partners to start the empires construction?
We are getting close to compleeting our palace and I see other factions working fast to compleet their projects aswel. Please let me know something A.S.A.P.
PsUSER=2343]jla129[/USER] Could I have an awser on my previous question please? Your awser is of great value in these developments...
Sorry samsung smart phone they are all the same to meSkylord_Conor21 An iPhone would automatically capitalize your 'I's.
Alright guys I need to ask you all a few things:
A name
Name of the empire. We have been using "The elven empire" as a reference now long enough. I ask you all to come up with creative names for this grant empire. It will be most favourable to have a name with meaning.
These 3 point you got to watch closely as you look/or make up a name.
1. A good looking name. (The name sounds nice and looks good in general.)
2. The name is written in Elvish. (Ofcource there needs to be a translation to english.)
3. The name has a meaning to it.) (Don't mistake this for the translation.)
For example I shall use my own faction name that covers all 3 points:
1. (note the ö and é which make the name remarkable.)
2. (It's translated to: Elven city)
3. (It means: City of the Star Trees)
A list of parners, allies and helpers
We need to start making a clear list of people going into the empire. Don't think: 'Oh that guy probably knows I am in so I don't have to state anything'. Please just put it in so I can add you guys to the list.
1e state wat you are: player, faction.
2e state your role: Factional partner, Factional ally, Solo participant, Solo helper.
Races: All races are accepted aslong as they fit into the aspect of wat kind of empire we seek to create.
Vampires: The ones who only feed on animals.
(race and vampirism is still not fully clear tho so do expect that it can possible change in the future.)
Last question: Can we have a green light of all the faction partners to start the empires construction?
We are getting close to compleeting our palace and I see other factions working fast to compleet their projects aswel. Please let me know something A.S.A.P.
PsUSER=2343]jla129[/USER] Could I have an awser on my previous question please? Your awser is of great value in these developments...
Hello people of massivecraft.
For a while do I and my people wish to make an elven empire. And this is starting to become more real with the passing days. We originaly planned the capitol to be build in Daendroc, but since this world is old and has lost most of its beauty, I decided to take the empire to this new world. And we just happen to have found the perfect spot for itheres a small image of the area we claimed to get the empire build at.
View attachment 9674
This vally will be used to house the grant capitol city of elves. There will be both high-elven as wood-elven architecture. Also we are going to build this empire in our own image. We intend not to repeat the mistakes our forefathers did before us. And so we will offer sanctuary to races such as: Tigran, Maiar and Yanar. We will try to build a peacefull relation with both human and dwarven factions. As will we attemt to keep the peace with all the remaining races that exist.
The way the grant capitol is going to look like... Well i am going to be inviting the best of the best architects to come up with designs for this city. Here is some artwork which i found on google which resembles many parts of the city as we like to create it:
View attachment 9675View attachment 9676View attachment 9677View attachment 9678View attachment 9679View attachment 9680View attachment 9681View attachment 9682 These pictures will serve as inspiration to wat we are looking for.
Joining the empire: We prefer the empire to rather be one well ordered mega faction rather to be splinters of allys bound in an Alliance. There will be sacifices. Everyone will have to surender something to assist this grant project. Feel free to place a comment in this topic if your interested into joining. More info on the joining process will come later on.
Working towards the construction:
Obviously we need to make a start somewhere. And I and my close friends of Victalia have agreed to raise it together. We both will first assist echother in the completion of our grant family homes.
After the palace of Victalia is compleet. and the Great house of Callerban is restored. Then we will merge our faction together and begin this monsterous large city.
(we will be the main factions to start this project. The more people join the better. All will be given a place amongst the counsil )
Also on the rp aspect I and i believe Rose aswel are still working hard to improve our roleplay characters as we are. I am going to do alot of writing to get a good detailed story line of my own past written. With a little luck and effort we might just be able to begin one of the greatest of projects on massivecraft. (ok not biggest since the staff makes worlds)
Anyways thanku for reading. Which us good luck and leave a comment on wat you think of this whole elven empire idea.
Ps: if you have any surgestions or creative ideas to add. Feel free to post your mind(figurely speaking...)
Awsome surgestion Cruallassar. Il add the faction to the list. Thank you for your notification.
I will let you build a city and what not; when you start spreading your "influence" is when the war will start.
I'm available for hire If any help is needed in the warEmperor_max
I will let you build a city and what not; when you start spreading your "influence" is when the war will start.
I'm available for hire If any help is needed in the war, as you know I have max stats and endless resources of weapons and armour, I'd be a great asset to which ever side pays the most
Agreed.Nothing bad meant towards you, but any side paying you to help would be a bad idea in my opinion, as this would be an RP war.
Nothing bad meant towards you, but any side paying you to help would be a bad idea in my opinion, as this would be an RP war.