Since it is going to be an empire, There will have to be either an emperor, empress or both at the high seats. I am currently not surtant if these positions are actualy to be taken with the meaning to have the highest command. If these seats are taken... The power of the emperor and empress will be equil to the power of the High Counsil.

(the High Counsil is a gathering of all the faction leaders that are part of the empire.) (Note! these are not allied faction leaders but actual factions being part of the empire itself.)
I am not sure how much time I will have left for minecraft, when school starts... ;( But I am always trying to be as active as possible. I also am an architect. I help design and build the cities structures. I also gather alot of stuff for my people. If they are in need of anything, I go get it for them. If we have an enemy. I always try to settle things down with them peacefully (if this is possible). I usualy amaze people with wat I make and do.
If the people wish to see 'me' at the high-throne, then I personaly would like to remain equily as powerfull as any of the high counsil members. I'll be the reprisentative of the empire. But when it comes to making major dicisions... The final dicision lies with the counsil.
(Or atleast thats how I would imagine it to be) Feel free to back me up with ideas and surgestions if you have a creative idea you wish everyone to hear.
Also regarding the officers... It would be cool to have an officer at the head of each district within the capitol city. (people are free to choose within which district they like to live. Theres no rich/poor district system)
All the members from a district report their issues, surgestions and requests to the local officer. This officer will surport his district wishes and bring this to the Common Counsil. (a gathering of officers from all factions) Here the wishes will be evaluated and if aproval is needed from the High Counsil, then a request will be send to them for higher evaluation. Again feel free to surgest any creative ideas you may have...
(there will be aditional officer positions available aswel, aside from the districts.)
Shayin Thank you for your surport. Its greatly apresiated. Still need to make that list tho...
Silent_ruler There will be room for such and similar community constructions...
There will be capabilities to open stores, banks and other services. Even the possibility for trade ships to be docked at the harbor! There will be surficient opertunaties to all kinds of things. To apply for a service we will need the empire running first. But you can always give a headsup if your interested to establish a buisness within our city.

(looking forward to that meeting sir Silent
