The Children Of The Hunt


Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA


"Leave your worries and pains behind. Allow the forest to set your soul free."


Established in the Spring of 308 AC by Madame Josephine Typhonus, the Children of the Hunt is a guild for the hunters of Nobility and Common Blood alike. Stemming from her desire to gather those who are inclined to hunt the beautiful creatures that the Archipelago has to offer as well as a desire to meet like-minded people, she has presented an open invitation to those who have similar desires as hers. Along with the actual hunting aspect of the guild, it is also a social group of sorts to enjoy nature walks, picnicking, and a place for those hunters of nobility and commoners alike to share their stories of the game they have taken down.


The Masters of the Hunt:
The present heads of the guild and often the leader of the hunts. This position is held by Madame Josephine Typhonus and Madame Odette Peirgarten.

The Advisory Council:
A small group of trusted hunters, often hand-picked by the Masters of the Hunt to advise the Masters proper as well as assisting with the planning of future events and get-togethers.

The Children of the Hunt:
The bulk of the members of the guild. These members have proved themselves to be seasoned hunters and resourceful. They have been on at least one successful hunt.

The Newbloods:
The newcomers and those who are wishing to learn the ways of the Hunt.
Character Name:
Character Application:
Hunting Points and Weapon of Choice:
Nobility or Commoner?:

IC Letter to Madame Typhonus:
IGN: KeptYouWaiting
Character Name: Dominel Siksund
Character Application: Here
Hunting Points and Weapon of Choice: 10 Hunting points. Uses whatever she can get her hands on, but experiments with elemental sorcery.
Race: Velheim Ailor
Nobility or Commoner?: Commoner
Discord?: Oboro#5013
IC Letter to Madame Typhonus:
Madame Typhonus,
The Hunt is something dear to me and my people. It has been a way of our lives for ages past, and it continues to hold such significance today. Since I left home, the Hunt has left my life, but I miss it. I miss the thrill, the honor of the land's bounty. As House Typhonus has already extended a gracious hand to me, I would be delighted to join you in your venture. I look forward to the day where we hunt at each others' sides, not as Madame and Servant, but as sisters bound in the Hunt.
Gods be with you,
Dominel Ljdka Siksund
IGN: Nightlight12
Character Name: Clause Adelart
Character Application: Walnuts are the best
Hunting Points and Weapon of Choice: 20 hunting points.Longsword
Race: Anglian Ailor
Nobility or Commoner?: Commoner

Discord?: U have it
IC Letter to Madame Typhonus:
To Madame Typhonus

I do believe we have met a brief moment a few weeks ago, you told me that you are a hunter and so was i, after seeing this post i am interested in joining. As they say, a pack of wolves has the best odds of catching its prey it they were to hunt together. I have had my share of hunts, for i have been doing it since i was a young child in Gallovia. Do consider to accept me to your guild.

-Clause Adelart

IGN: MippyMoo
Character Name: Alexei Khudovekovovich
Character Application: Bip!
Hunting Points and Weapon of Choice: +20 Hunting Knowledge, Bow/Axe
Race: Vladno Ailor
Nobility or Commoner? Commoner
Discord? MippyMoo#2195
To Madame Typhonus,

I am sorry for my Common. It is not very good.

As a hunter, I want to join a group that I can hunt with. I have apply for weapon permit in the past, but did not get answers. Maybe this will help. And I have not talked to many people, so this is a chance to. I have hunted animal and undead many times, and my skill is high.

I would be glad if I am accepted,
Alexei Khudovekovovich
Алексей Кудовэковович
IGN: Surrealizm
Character Name: Muzhu Keel-Yaotl
Character Application: Bop
Hunting Points and Weapon of Choice:
+10 Hunting Knowledge and an arcol recurve now
Race: Keel-Allar
Nobility or Commoner: In between
Discord: Surrealizm#0745

Madame Typhonus,
Hopefully this letter finds you in good health, my name is Muzhu Keel-Yaotl and I would be interested in joining you in your guild. Reason for my applying is I would like to join others in the hunt. I am also a skilled fisherman with a vessel should you ever decide to go over seas.

Tol-Chroq of Digmaan Yaotl
Muzhu Keel-Yaotl
