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The Brass Scale - Denouncement Of The Black Regiment


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
A notice within the Allar District would be seen along the posting of the Embassy, available for any passing the busy street. Adjustments / modifications to the postage by outsiders would not be possible, as the announcement would be protected by Jogro guards.


As of now,
The Brass Scale - of Hadarian Trade and Shipments, formally deny's giving any form of service to the Black Guard affiliate. They are no longer permitted within the borders of the shop or any unit's the shop has to offer, in an effort to support the Alchemia's decision to make a change.

Their Xenophobic actions have caused a deterring decline in finances for the Hadarian Trade store, thus to protect ourselves, and our customers, we are wholesomely refusing the service of Blackguards. Not that they would come to our store anyways, thus this denouncement is also a symbolic message of support for the Alchemia Order.

This decision has been based upon the most recent actions of the Black Regiment. These actions include:
  • Starting conflict within the Allar district against our ally's, the Wardens and Hammers, directly outside the hatchery, putting both Allar citizen and hatchling in danger.
  • Raiding the Alchemia, with the demand to see a Haaven. Damages of property are inluded.
  • Xenophobic views and comments to the Allar public.
  • Attacking and wounding the House Guards of our business partners without viable reason.
  • Firing upon a Vigilant with unproven accusations.
Yezzoliss would waddle past the paper on his way to the Embassy. The Es-Allar would make eye contact with the small gecko-like clocktick next to him. In unison they'd both say, "What do you know? Another one!"
With a laugh the Nafsar clad Es-Allar would lift the clocktick atop his head and move to waddle into the Embassy with a upbeat hum.
Anna squinted as she jumped around metally with glee.
"Serves them right! Gah... Poor Alban.. if only he stayed on the right side."
"Follow the leader," Johanna Haaven simply stated as she raised her reading glasses to rest snugly on the bridge of her nose, stepping off then.
Silyoran Haaven would be using her now free time to wander about the allar distract, coming upon the notice she read it over, and tilted her head. "More big words. Another denouncement thing? Looks like grandma did something!"
Aston Domincy
Aston sat at his desk, shuffling through papers. Within a few hours later, he was brought the post. With another simple sigh, Aston shook his head, tearing the paper in half slowly.
"Do these people not understand that these public denunciations are filling the boards? Just write a letter to the government for Sprit's Sake. How can the chapter fix their mistakes if people are publicly refusing service to them."