Archived Tf2 Style Premium System

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
This idea will be shot down faster then a plump turkey on thanksgiving day, but here it goes...

I have in recent months become quite fond of a game known as Team Fortress 2. Information on why this game is so great is all over the internet, so I will spare you the details. However, one thing that is great in the premium system. It is split into two categories: Free to Play and Pay to Play. I will be referring to these as F2P and P2P throughout the remainder of this thread.

This system is full of balance, as it gives some very nice and useful perks to the P2P, but keeps the F2P on an equal playing field in terms of actual gameplay. These perks are:
  • Expanded inventory space.
  • Ability to send gifts.
  • Unlocking more items more frequently.
  • Ability to unlock cosmetic items.
  • Expanded crafting.
  • Expanded trading.
Already, so see some parallels to Massivecraft's premium system. However, there are some differences.

So, how does becoming premium work in TF2? Well, there are three ways to become premium in TF2. One is to buy any item of any price in the game's Mann Co. Store. Another way is for someone to purchase you the Upgrade to Premium Package. The final way is to purchase a copy of the game in retail stores.

How does this relate to Massive, you may be wondering. Well, what if Massivecraft adopted this system for its premium package? There could be a sort of store on Massivecraft's website. This store could offer a variety of purchasable. This would allow people to purchase the premium abilities they would want. There could be things like emotes and hats, the ability to buy specific voting items (for those hats you can't seem to get), backpack expansions, certain emotes, etc.

I am aware that this would still conflict with the EULA. However, I fell that it could get the server more money in the long run, as the lower prices would entice more premium buyers, and give a more equal playing field to non-premium members.

Possibly, more premium features could exist, while some may need to be removed to balance this out.
  • NPC trading could be enabled.
  • Ability to give their features to other players, even if they aren't premium themselves.
  • Ability to give inventory items to other players, even in they are offline with a /give (player) # of item.
  • Higher chance of reviving better voting items.
  • Remove taking less damage for premiums.
  • Change pacifist around to make it more fair.
The major thing about this style would be that the benefits purchased would never go away. They would remain attached to your account.

Some examples of things that could be purchased are:
  • Extra backpack slots (Max 5) (99¢ each)
  • Voting items (10-99¢ depending on the rarity of the item)
  • Emotes (10¢ each)
  • Pets (99¢ each)
These are just example prices, not suggested prices.

Leave your feedback below. I read every comment. Anything you would like to have purchasable on the store? Have a Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We considered this months ago and decided it was not feasible.
Personally the TF2 prem is not worth paying X amount of money to be able to spend more money
Another forseable problem with this is that the TF2 prem system you only have to pay once and after that you never have to input money to remain premium ever again.
And actually @Party_Penguin27 i've made a profit of a little over 80 through in game trading in TF2 so it can be worth it.