Technology And Full Automatisation?


Oct 15, 2013
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Lazurite lair
so me and @nightmoon42 were haveing a small discussion, small becouse we mostly agreed with eachother, but i want to know the opinion of others.

Technology/full automatizion. good or bad?
my opinion on it is: Techonlogy can be good but humanity simpley chooses to use it for the wrong things, or for the right things with the wrong reasons.
as for Automatization, it is the worse thing that could happen to evryone unless the economy changes first, when whe automate everything people lose there jobs. no jobs= no mony. no mony= no one buy's. no one buy's= company's go banrupt and everything would stop producing.
Luddites assemble! If we do not destroy Mr. Carrington's new fangled automated weaving machine it will put us all out of work!

This is the method you propose to follow in terms of automation and you know, more power to you as when was the last time that an increase in automation lead to an industrial revolution that broke humanity out of the Malthusian trap and lead to huge social and economic advances in the average person's now far longer life and was 100% kickass for everyone on Earth that has existed past the pointed where it fully kicked in. Oh wait. The...

Here is a cool graph of the standard of living through human history (Note the ridiculous jump when significant industrial automation first begins)

i'm talking about complete automatization as in 100% not just parts of teh production chain. i agree that the automatization is a good thing, but with how teh economy currently works we can't automate everything. and with everything i realy mean everything
If everything was automated life would be a utopia. Working would be rare, hunger would be stopped, the majority of war as well because of the abundance of resources because of increased efficiency. And overall just be a very good thing.

However it is not possible to automate everything, especially with only our current technological level. So clearly we can only feasibly talk about partial automation that has merely been increased from it's previous levels. I do admit that a bit of turmoil when there is a large jump in automation will occur however in the long run in is a very good thing. Sadly when we think about things quickly it is sometimes easy (And not that bad) to look at the short term result of for example your own job being automated. You wont see how in fifteen or twenty years everyone will be better off. You only see right know you are worse off and so are against it. So I recommend that you look over this a bit more and hopefully we can both agree that while in the short term it may look bad, the long term affect of industrialization is a good thing.
Currently, automation displaces manual labourers (and increasingly middle white collar workers too) for the benefit of the company owner. While new technologies might mean more productivity and less wage expenses for the CEO, automation ultimately means that workers lose their jobs and find that their living standards fall. Ironically, newer and more automotive efficient technologies actually lower the standard of living for the average person as most of the technological benefit is enjoyed by the shareholders rather than workers.

The fruits of technological development need to be shared by everybody. This might mean that government regulation is needed for CEOs to provide workers shorter hours, but a higher salary for those fewer hours - since the majority of the production is now being handled by robots.