Archived Swords Vs Axes

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High Lord of the Order of Eclipse
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
I've played MassiveCraft for awhile now and it's had MCMMO for longer than I have been around. My observations on PvP weapons is that Axes are the preferred weapon by far. I ask "Why is this?". Well it turns out that Axes do bonus damage to armor, making long fights destructive on the wallet when dealing with god armor. Axes also have the opportunity for critical hit chances, as well as the opportunity for great Force hits that is mainly useful for mobs, but can be used for its KnockBack2 capability. Overall, the damage capabilities of the Axe are undeniable as an effective and devastating weapon in the right hands.

Now let's turn our view to te melee capabilities of Swords. You can block, yes, but doing so is hardly effective in Minecraft settings as both players seem to simply swing away wildly until someone spills their inventory (I like to call it guts :] ) and dies. While swords don't do bonus damage to armor, they do have the ability to do bleed damage. I'm not sure if this stacks, but I am pretty sure that the damage can be lessened by armor level. So in god armor, this almost negates the usefulness of bleed or bleed+ from serrated strikes. Another notation that I have for swords is that while both weapons can have sharp5, only swords can have fire enchants and knock back, unless of course the axe has it manually placed by staff or a mod. The counter attack of swords is not that useful in my opinion, as the axe-wielding enemy is bound to be swinging wildly at you without pause, and a small chance to return 30% of his own damage of one of his stikes is hardly comparable to the massive criticals that spam your chat.

I feel that Axes are easily overpowering to Swords in equal combat. It seems as though if you simply made bleed effects do more damage (a full heart per tick or more) and/or the bleed effects bypass armor. (With the logic that bleeding out has really nothing to do with armor. You're bleeding and it's going to happen.) Perhaps there could be a small chance for a sword strike to bypass armor and/or crit? As fighting with a sword would allow for more accurate strikes than a big heavy axe. Several people who I've spoken to agree that it would be a plausible notion for the possibility of a sword critical strike (of very low chance - equal to 5% or so) that could be placed upon a chink in the armor (bypassing armor level).

What are you guys' thoughts on this? Don't forget to vote on the poll!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So the majority of people who took the time to view my post and vote or comment believe that axes have an obvious advantage over swords. So what are te steps required to make this change?
So the majority of people who took the time to view my post and vote or comment believe that axes have an obvious advantage over swords. So what are te steps required to make this change?
I have suggested options to configure bleed damage and armor ignore for bleed on the mcmmo github. This will probably take a few months if it is going to be implemented.

A quick and easy fix would be to nerf axe crit or removing it altogether by changing the values in the config files.
So the majority of people who took the time to view my post and vote or comment believe that axes have an obvious advantage over swords. So what are te steps required to make this change?
Thank you for your feedback and idea. While I cannot promise a change based on this, I can however say that we well look into this feedback and make changes as needed in the future.
There are multiple approaches that could fix this:

1: Increase counter chance again to a reasonable level so that axe spammers have to learn to use bows/swords/unarmed again.


2: Give swords small amounts of true damage (like 1-2 damage) which bypasses all protection. This could be done via expensive traits.


3: Buff Bleeding a LOT


4: Nerf axe stats (and cap them ffs).
There are multiple approaches that could fix this:

1: Increase counter chance again to a reasonable level so that axe spammers have to learn to use bows/swords/unarmed again.


2: Give swords small amounts of true damage (like 1-2 damage) which bypasses all protection. This could be done via expensive traits.


3: Buff Bleeding a LOT


4: Nerf axe stats (and cap them ffs).
I had actually thought of mentioning true damage. I had only seen that in League of Legends and I wasnt sure if anyone else had. All of these options seem good but I'm not sure which one seems the most effective. I would say buffing bleed and adding a small amount of true damage.
What if axes reduced your armour or dodge chances? They are slow and heavy, and require two hands. It would be hard to move swiftly while carrying an axe.
It is like a trade off, reduced armour/dodge for the axes op damage. Axe people can kill easily, but can also die easily. Seems about fair.
As long as it doesn't leave axe players completely defenseless.
I have suggested options to configure bleed damage and armor ignore for bleed on the mcmmo github. This will probably take a few months if it is going to be implemented.
It seems like a developer for mcmmo has looked at my suggestion of adding configs for armor ignore and bleed damage.
The suggestion has been labeled as planned for implementation so hopefully this will be available in a not too distant future.
@JeanLucMontou @Cayorion
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